Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : Tianjiao fights, this kind of breath is him!

The behemoth of the starry sky struck, intending to swallow the source of the earth spirit star.

Naturally, the Tianjiao realmists present would not just sit back and watch, and they took action one after another, and various powerful immortal laws erupted and erupted towards the star behemoth!

That extremely powerful force directly shattered the stars.

Although this behemoth in the sky was powerful, it was not an opponent at all under the joint hands of the celestial arrogant worlds, and was quickly killed.

In the starry sky, beast blood floated, and a large amount of star energy escaped from the body of the star behemoth.

The star core was exposed in the starry sky, filled with a faint fairy radiance.

This star core is also a good treasure.

Its value is no worse than a golden fairy.

Many Tianjiao watched it fiercely and wanted to take it as their own.

at this time.

The prohibition in Earth Spirit Star finally disappeared.

When many Tianjiao people saw this, they rushed over, looking at the star source condensed from countless Dao patterns, with a fiery color in their eyes.

"This thing is definitely mine!"

A Tianjiao laughed out his five fingers and grabbed it towards Xingyuan.

"Hmph, because you want Xingyuan too, it's a foolish dream!"

An indifferent voice sounded.

Then, the sky sank and a huge palm fell from the sky.

There seemed to be a continent in that palm.

The terrifying pressure directly shattered the void, making this Tianjiao too late to react, and was directly bombarded into a cloud of blood.

"What a powerful force."

"As expected to be the descendant of Emperor Yu!"

You Tianjiao couldn't help but secretly marvel when he saw that it was Emperor Yu's successor.

Some monks who wanted to fish in troubled waters also took a breath, and didn't dare to act rashly.

Even if you want to fish in troubled waters, you have to have strength.

"Haha, the power of Emperor Yu? How about let me see it?!"

Xiao Gonggong laughed.

He raised his hand to urge countless Dao Marks, turning them into a tide that swallowed the sky and the earth.

And when the descendants of Emperor Yu saw this, he was not surprised, and he blasted out!

The two forces were turbulent, and most of the spirit stars shook.

If it weren't for the rules guarding the arena in the Earth Spirit Star, with this power, it would be enough to destroy most of the Earth Spirit Star.

"As expected to be the descendant of Emperor Yu, the strength is really different."

Xiao Gonggong laughed, but his eyes also showed solemnity.

At this time, someone shot the Yu Emperor's successor again.

That was Zhuo Donglai and You Ying.

The two combined to make a joint action, and there were completely different powers that erupted from them.

One strand is masculine to rigid, and the other strand is feminine to soft.

Under the mingling of yin and yang, even the descendants of Emperor Yu couldn't help being directly retreated.

"This power is...Liangyi Immortal Body?!"

The descendant of Emperor Yu said with some uncertainty.

"No, it's not a real Liangyi immortal body. Since it's not a real supreme immortal body, why should I be afraid?!"

The descendants of Emperor Yu once again sacrificed the bronze tripod.

This giant cauldron rose up against the wind and turned into a huge scale, blasting out like a mountain.

When Zhuo Dong came, the two You Ying were directly blasted back.

"If I didn't guess wrong, this should be one of Emperor Yu's nine tripods."

Xiao Gonggong said in surprise.

Emperor Yu's casting of Jiuding is almost a household story in this human race.

"I just don't know if one of your Nine State Tripods can match my water **** mark?!"

Xiao Gonggong took out the **** seal of one party.

There are countless Dao patterns circulating on this big seal, and there is a vague sound of sea tide.

The extremely rich water attribute fluctuations pervade this world.

"The mere mark of the **** of water, how can you compete with me, the most humane treasure?!"

The descendant of Emperor Yu sneered.

"Indeed, if it is a complete Jiuzhou Ding, my water **** seal is indeed not your opponent, but you are only one of the Jiu Ding now."

Xiao Gonggong said lightly.

He urged the mark of the water god, and the boundless power of the water erupted towards the Kyushu Ding.

not far away.

Many Tianjiao are watching the battle.

"Daozi, do you think, who will be the winner in this battle?"

A young man asked lightly.

And the one he called Qiantian Daozi was also a Tianjiao Jiezi of similar age.

"Daozi Ritian, what do you think?"

Gan Tian Daozi didn't answer, but looked at another handsome young man holding a white jade fan next to him.

These three people are actually three of the eight Taoists of the Heavenly Dao Sect, Qiantian Daozi, Yuetian Daozi, and Ritian Daozi.

The heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, the sun and the moon are heaven and earth!

This is the eight Taoists of Tiandaozong, and also the eight top Tianjiao.

Among them, Kuntian Daozi had already died in the hands of Madman Chu, and the other seven Daozi also entered the starry sky arena looking for opportunities.

Qiantian, Yuetian, and Ritian were attracted by the fluctuations of the spirit star this time.

"The strength of Emperor Yu's successor is the strongest, and the strength of Xiao Gonggong is not weaker than any of the three of us, but what is even more interesting is Zhuo Donglai and the magical monk You Ying. Together, the two can It should not be underestimated to exert the power of Liangyi Immortal Body."

Daozi Ritian shook the fan in his hand and said lightly.

"We will wait and see the changes temporarily, and wait for the right time to take the star source."

"Well, with the strength of the three of us, if we join forces, even the enchanting world can be a battle!"

The three Qiantiandaozi seemed very confident.

Boom, boom!

The void is turbulent one after another.

Every collision between the Water God Seal and the Jiuzhou Ding is extremely strong and shocking.

With each impact, the surrounding mountains and rivers were exploded in the void, and space cracks spread like spider webs, covering the world.

Even if it was just a few escaping powers, it was enough to easily kill most celestial beings.

"You Ying, I'll help you!!"

A long howl sounded.

I saw a black figure rushing into the battle.

The man's demon energy was surging, and he was wrapped in an overbearing aura. This was a monk of the demon way Chiyou.

And as the demon monk intervened in the battle, some of the other Tianjiao couldn't sit still, and gradually joined the battle, robbing the star source.

The melee was going on over Earth Spirit Star.

But secretly, a pair of cold eyes stared at the battle.

Like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, waiting for a fatal blow.

"Fight, fight, the more intense the fight, the better."

"After you fight almost, I will use Huaxianpo to solve you completely. The chance here is mine."

The master with cold eyes murmured. UU reading

This person is Wu Tian, ​​who had been cut off by the madman of Chu in the past by nearly 90% of his cultivation base!

He also focused on the opportunity here.

And I plan to wait for everyone to fight and lose both sides, use the poison that has been prepared long ago, to poison everyone here, and then monopolize this place.

Just when Wu Tian was making wishful thinking.

The clouds in the sky surging in the distance, the light soaring into the sky, an incomparably huge breath covered the entire battlefield in an instant.

All the monks felt this powerful aura and were shocked.

Especially some suckers with weak points of cultivation can't help shaking under this coercion.

"Such a breath, it's him!!"

Wu Tian's pupils shrank while hiding in the dark, and a lingering nightmare appeared in his mind!

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