Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Get 9 more state tripods, don’t discredit Emperor Yu, kneel down

On the Earth Spirit Star, in order to compete for the source of the star, the cultivators of Tianjiao from all sides took action together.

And just when everyone was fighting fiercely, an extremely huge breath suddenly broke out, like a violent wind passing through the border, sweeping the surrounding starry sky.

All the monks felt this breath, and they were all amazed.

Even Emperor Yu's descendant, such a top talented arrogant close to the evildoer, couldn't help showing solemnity.

"Such a breath, it's no small thing!"

And Zhuo Donglai, You Ying was gloomy.

Especially Zhuo Donglai, the anger in his eyes almost burst out, "This kind of breath is absolutely not wrong, it is definitely him!!"

On the Earth Spirit Star.

A figure slowly walked towards the star source from the end of the surface.

Dressed in white and black hair.

There was a beautiful woman with silver hair in silver armor.

It was Madman Chu and Lan Yu.

They found the source of the stars in this earth spirit, so they rushed, and at the same time exuded a breath to frighten the monks who wanted to fight for the source of stars.

This thing must be his.

"Earth Spirit Star Origin, capable of nurturing such a thing, so that it looks like a seventy-two star."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

These days, he hadn't found any precious chance treasures in the Earth Spirit Star, and now the source of the Earth Spirit Star could just be in his eyes.

"It's just that if you want to get this thing, you must first solve some minor troubles."

Madman Chu could feel that at this time there was a lot of immortal consciousness falling on his body, which contained a strong hostility.

There are a few of them, and their hostility is so strong that they can't wait to cut themselves a thousand times.

Even if he released his breath to frighten these monks, they still didn't plan to hand over the star source easily.

"That's good, these people may also have something valuable."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

Streams of light swept from the starry sky and came to the surface of Earth Spirit Star.

One by one, the young Jiezi Tianjiao stared at Madman Chu, with jealous, hostile, and curious eyes.

"It really is you, Madman Chu!!"

Zhuo Donglai gritted his teeth and said.

Madman Chu glanced at him and found that the other party's Yuanyang physique had been greatly improved, and it was faintly close to the rumored Supreme Immortal Body and Liangyi Immortal Body.

Not only that, but You Ying's physique was also much stronger.

"Oh, the breath of these two people actually has a sense of harmony between yin and yang."

There was a strange look on his face, and some yin and yang double cultivation methods suddenly appeared in his mind, and they complemented each other.

"The two of you are... a pair?"

Hearing what he said, You Ying was nothing.

Zhuo Donglai's expression became gloomy as soon as he brushed it, and an extremely cold and gloomy killing intent came out.

"Chu madman, today I want to pay back ten times the humiliation you gave me in the past!!"

After speaking, he urged the Yuanyang Immortal Body to the extreme, and a round of big sun skyrocketed from behind him, emitting a golden halo light, and hit the Madman Chu one after another.

But Madman Chu didn't care when he saw this.

Xianyuan circulated around him, turning into sword energy, isolating the golden Haoguang one by one.

"You are as always...weak."

Madman Chu shook his head and said.

"You Ying, make a joint move!!"

Zhuo Dong said to You Ying, and You Ying immediately cooperated.

Yuanyang Immortal Body, Yuan Yin Demon Body, two top-notch exalted immortal bodies are displayed at the same time, and the meaning of yin and yang sweeps across the world and shakes the surroundings.

A torrent of yin and yang, formed by the fusion of black and white, swept towards Madman Chu.

"Yin and Yang flow in parallel!!"

This trick is extremely powerful, even if the real fairy wants to deal with it, be cautious.

"Zhou's sword, tyranny!"

Chu Madman's sword fingers condensed, and endless tyrannical sword aura spewed out with the stroke of his sword fingers.

The yin and yang tricks collide tyrannical sword energy!

The power of Yin and Yang was shattered, and the tyrannical sword force crushed Zhuo Donglai and the two, sending them out.

"True immortal?! He has broken through to the realm of true immortal!"

"What a madman Chu!"

Some Tianjiao's eyes condensed and their faces were solemn.

Two years ago, Madman Chu was not a true immortal and had the power to kill true immortals. Now that he has broken through to the realm of true immortals, it is even more difficult to figure out how high his combat power is.

boom! !

At this moment, the sky was suddenly shrouded in a shadow.

I saw a bronze tripod smashed down from the sky, like a continent, filled with a vast aura.

"One of Emperor Yu's Nine Tripods!"

Madman Chu saw this bronze tripod and his eyes lit up, "It was an unexpected harvest."

Under the pressure of Kyushu Ding Hengkong, he still did not retreat.

He raised his hand and blasted out a punch, the violent fist front wrapped in countless Dao patterns, and the force of the thundering thunder blasted on the Kyushu Cauldron.

The Jiuzhou Ding, which looked like a continent, was blown out by this punch.

"Hmph, one is not enough, then another one!"

The descendant of Emperor Yu gave a cold snort and took out a Kyushu tripod again!

The two Kyushu tripods were filled with tyrannical coercion in the air, and the escape of a breath was enough to break the void.

"Two? That would be great."

Madman Chu laughed, and saw five cyan streamers flying out of him.

These five stream photons turned into five Kyushu tripods in the air! !

Five Kyushu tripods surround the two Kyushu tripods that are descended from Emperor Yu, and they resonate strongly with them!

Under this powerful resonance, the descendant of Emperor Yu from UU reading discovered that he could not control this Jiuzhou Ding! !

There was a feeling of disconnection between Kyushu Ding and him.

Madman Chu used five Kyushu tripods to directly anchor the other two Kyushu tripods! !

This kind of thing makes him unimaginable.

"Five Kyushu tripods!! How could he have five Kyushu tripods!!"

The descendants of Emperor Yu couldn't believe it and couldn't help screaming.

To know.

He calls himself Emperor Yu's successor because he has two Kyushu tripods, but now Madman Chu has taken out five Kyushu tripods in one go!

Isn't this beating him in the face of Emperor Yu's successor? !

Isn't Chu Madman more like him than he is the descendant of Emperor Yu? !

"Does this shock you already?"

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

The next moment.

Suddenly there were dragons' roars resounding across the world.

Nine golden dragon auras soared into the sky, each of which was huge and filled with a breath of incomparable dignity.

At this moment, the madman of Chu, surrounded by the aura of Nine Dragons, is like a noble king without a god.

"With you, you are also worthy to claim to be Emperor Yu's heir? Please don't discredit Emperor Yu."

The madman Chu said, stepping out, the flow of the emperor's true dragon turned and the coercion permeated. The two Jiuzhou tripods, which originally needed five Kyushu dings to settle down, turned out to be incomparable after feeling the breath of the madman Chu's emperor's true dragon. Be quiet and obediently obey his control.

Jiuzhou Ding, the treasure of humanity!

The emperor's true dragon is a noble thing condensed by human luck.

The Kyushu Ding will naturally get close to the person who carries the emperor's true dragon.

That is the real...Human Emperor! !

The madman of Chu had seven nine-state tripods on his head, and the emperor’s true dragon directly crushed the descendants of Yu, like the reappearance of the emperor. He gave a cold cry, "Kneel down!!"

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