Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Buddha's wisdom, bodhicitta, presumptuous

Dikui star.

In a desert, here, there is a huge grotto.

There are caves in this grotto.

There are gorgeous murals, or Bodhisattva's low eyebrows, or King Kong's angry eyes, or Buddha's smile with flowers...

The murals are lifelike, as if there are real gods and Buddhas gathered here.

Here is the Ten Thousand Buddha Caves.

Here, countless monks watched the surrounding murals, and they couldn't help showing their awe.

Some people saw the various forms of sentient beings in the murals, some saw the past and the future in them, and some saw the glory and wealth...

What everyone sees is different, very mysterious.

At the end of these murals, there is a statue of a Buddha sitting cross-legged.

This statue looks like a real person, sitting with palms together, and in the palm of the palm is a golden irregular ‘stone’.

There was a faint Buddha light flowing on the ‘stone’, and the Dao patterns on it were intertwined, and there were vaguely bursts of Sanskrit sounds, which were the Buddhist relics!

Many Tianjiao monks approached the relic, either with a confused expression or a madness, as if caught in some kind of illusion. The closer they were to the Buddhist relic, the more serious.

This makes many people afraid to approach easily, extremely afraid.

"This relic is good, but this test of Buddhism's power is not a joke."

"If you want to get this relic, you have to go through the Mood of the Mood and the Sanskrit of the World, and it is just that, it is too difficult for the monks to face the most fearful things in their hearts.

Everyone looked at the relic and said with emotion.

The closest to the relic was a monk in a golden red robe.

This person is a goddess of Buddhism.

At this moment, he is only a hundred steps away from the relic, but only these hundred steps have made it difficult for him to move forward.

He was sweating profusely, as if fighting against some horrible existence!

In the end, he sat cross-legged on the ground, clasped his hands together, and began to recite the Buddhist scriptures, the light of the Buddha flowing around him, as if resisting something.

Upon seeing this, a Tianjiao shook his head and said, "Even Buddhism Tianjiao can't resist the devil test, let alone other people."

At this time, outside the grotto, several people walked in.

These people are also Tianjiao world children who have come to try to take relics.

And the one headed is a handsome monk in white.

He was wearing cloth shoes with a spring-like smile on his face.

It's just that when everyone saw him, their expressions changed slightly.

"It's him, Buddhism evildoer, Huijue Buddha!"

"He actually came to this Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave, interesting."

"I heard that this person was cherished by immortality. One of the eight great buddhas of Buddhism, Samantabhadra's heritage, strength, ordinary true immortals are not opponents."

Huijue came to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave and looked towards the end of the grotto. The statue holding the relic in his hand, said the Buddha's name, "Amitabha."

Immediately, he stepped forward and walked towards the statue.

He walked briskly, and the light of the Buddha circulated around him, as if the magical power that permeated the statue had no effect on him.

Everyone was surprised.

"It's really a Buddhist evildoer, it's really extraordinary."

"The Buddhism Tianjiao just now has nothing to compare with this Buddha Huijue."


Huijue had already come next to the Buddhism Tianjiao. He saw the other person sitting cross-legged on the ground, sweating profusely on his forehead. It’s a waste, so please forgive me for being rude."

With a wave of his sleeve, a light of Buddha enveloped the Buddha's Tianjiao and instantly sent it out of the scope of the magic test.

The Buddhism Tianjiao slowly opened his eyes, and there was a feeling of lingering fear in his eyes, "It's too difficult, if it weren't for the help of the Buddha, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to break free from the test."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel grateful when he looked at Fozi Huijue's eyes.

And Hui Jue continued to approach the statue.

His appearance attracted the attention of all Tianjiao present.

Everyone wants to see if the other party can really get this relic.


Huijue was already within fifty steps of the statue.

And here, the magic test that Huijue endured was even stronger.

Not only that, but there is a sound of Sanskrit all around.

This Sanskrit sound echoed, and it was shocking Huijue's mind, as if to strip off his consciousness.

Even Huijue couldn't help showing a solemn look under these double tests, and the Buddha light on his body urged to the extreme.

But after a dozen steps forward, he felt it was difficult for him to get close.

Just now.

A colorful light flashed from Huijue's body.

That light contains a Buddha nature.

Among them, a crystal-clear glass heart pattern is interwoven vaguely.

When the Buddha Tianjiao saw this, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "This is... Bodhicitta!!"

Buddhism has the fifth level of fruition, and Bodhicitta is the fourth level of fruition, and the bodhisattva can cultivate the power.

"In the rumors, Buddha Zihui felt that the inheritance of Samantabhadra, now it seems that it is true."

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain where the bodhichitta in Huijue comes from.

With the help of the Bodhi heart, Huijue felt that the effects of the magic test and the Sanskrit sound on him were greatly reduced.

He continued to walk towards the statue at the end of the grotto.

And just as Huijue was undergoing the test, several people entered the grotto.

The headed one, with white clothes and black hair, is as handsome as a real fairy.

Many people noticed the other party and took a breath of air on the spot, which was more shocking than Huijue's arrival.

"Yes, it's him! Madman Chu is here!!"


One after another, they looked at Madman Chu with shock.

Madman Chu, this name that was already close to silence, but recently resounded again, has attracted the attention of countless Tianjiao Realmists.

Now, the other party came to Ten Thousand Buddha Caves again.

Needless to say, the other party must have come for that relic.

After the madman Chu came to the grotto, he glanced at the murals around him and was amazed, "What a **** and Buddha!"

Then he noticed the relic at the end of the grotto.

That was the goal he came to this time.

And just when he was going to take it, a figure stood in front of him, and it was the Buddhist Tianjiao.

"Amitabha Buddha, the donor, my buddhist Buddha is undergoing the test, please don't disturb the donor."

This Buddhism Tianjiao put his hands together and said lightly.

The madman of Chu couldn't help but sneered, "Why, he is undergoing the test, so other people can't accept it? Although this is the inheritance of Buddhism, but here is also a starry sky arena. No matter what kind of Buddha you are."

After speaking, he stepped forward and walked towards the statue. UU reading

"Donor, please stay!"

That Buddhist Tianjiao wanted to stop it.

If it was someone else, he wasn't afraid that the other person would have any impact on Huijue.

However, the other party is a famous Chu Madman, which is different.

Who knows what the other party will do.

In order to ensure that Huijue can get the relic, he must stop the Madman Chu.


Just as the Buddhism Tianjiao stepped forward to stop him, Chu Kuangren's face became cold.

I saw his body shook, and a wave of immortal power poured out like a raging wave.

That Buddhism Tianjiao's complexion changed, and there was no resistance to it, and he was blasted off by this force on the spot.

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