Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : I have a Dao Heart, and I can see through the gods and Buddhas, the final test

"Xianyuan alone has such power, how strong is his strength?!"

Buddhism Tianjiao looked at Chu Madman with an incredible color in his eyes.

Madman Chu also ignored other people's surprises, and walked towards the statue at the end of the grotto.

When he stepped into the scope of the demon test, scenes of scenes turned out in front of his eyes, and countless treacherous things roared towards him.

As if to pull people into the endless darkness.

"This is the magic test?"

Madman Chu whispered, and then waved his sleeves, and countless treacherous things in front of him collapsed.

The treacherous things that these magic test powers turned into had no effect on him at all.

He walked towards the statue.

As you get closer to the statue, the power of the magic test is getting stronger and stronger, and the higher the demand for Dao Xin.

He saw countless scary monsters, his relatives dying tragically in front of him, and the death of the empire he had created...

Mo Kao is using various fantasies to try to destroy his Dao Heart.

Just in the face of these, Madman Chu is still motionless, walking briskly, with a strong Taoist heart and nothing to break!

In the eyes of the monks outside, the madman Chu's performance is more relaxed than Buddha Huijue, and it is amazing.

"What a powerful Dao Xin."

"As expected of Madman Chu."

"He is almost within a hundred steps of the relic."

Within a hundred steps of the statue, in addition to the strengthening of the power of the magic test, it is necessary to pass through the world of Sanskrit, even the Buddha Huijue cannot be completely unaffected.

What surprised everyone was that after the Madman Chu stepped into the 100-step range of the statue, his steps did not slow down a bit.

Du Shi Fanyin echoed in his ears, shocking his mind, trying to sink him into a boundless illusion.

But all of this is useless to the Madman Chu.

Soon, he caught up with the Buddha Huijue.

"How could his Dao Mind be so strong that even the Buddha Huijue relied on Bodhicitta to persist. He actually relied on his own power to walk to the statue!"

Buddhism Tianjiao couldn't help but tremble.

In his opinion, Chu Kuang's human Taoism was more shocking than his cultivation.

His Taoism is comparable to Buddhism and Bodhicitta! !

Maybe even stronger!

At the end of the grotto, within ten steps of the relic.

When I got here, even if the Buddha Huijue had the help of bodhicitta, every step he took, he experienced difficulties.


He noticed the sound of footsteps behind him.

I saw Madman Chu directly passed him, walking towards the relic without hurries.

"He is... Madman Chu?!"

Huijue's pupils shrank slightly.

Only when you are in this situation can you know how terrifying the magic test here is!

But Madman Chu turned a blind eye to these!

This kind of Taoism is beyond his reach!

"How did he resist the gods and Buddhas all over the sky?!"

Huijue murmured.

The invisible magic test power enveloped the surroundings, and the Du Shi Sanskrit sound echoed.

Vaguely, countless murals around the grotto seemed to be alive, filled with infinite power, staring at Madman Chu with cold eyes.

Among them, there are the four Buddhist monks, eight dragons, eighteen arhats, eight hundred bhikkhunis...

Countless gods and Buddhas walked out of the mural after crossing the long river of time and came to Chu Madman.

"Bold Chu Madman! How dare to provoke me!"

At this time, the four Buddhist King Kong glared at the Madman Chu, and the sound of majesty echoed in the void.

If it were an ordinary monk, he would have been so scared by this questioning sound.

But Madman Chu didn't care at all, and said indifferently, "Is this all-sky **** and buddha transformed now? Interesting."


"I am waiting for Buddhism King Kong, eighteen arhats, and eight heavenly dragons. How dare you say that I am waiting for an illusion?! Ridiculous!"

"Funatic, don't kneel down when you see me and other Buddhist gods!"

King Kong glared, Bodhisattva lowered his eyebrows, and Luo Han asked coldly.

Countless gods and Buddhas are all staring at Madman Chu at this moment, the boundless pressure seems to crush the world!

Even the evildoer, under such pressure, I am afraid that I will kneel on the spot!


At this moment, he heard a chuckle.

Madman Chu stood with his hands in his hands, white clothes like snow, facing the questioning and angry eyes of the gods and Buddhas, the clouds were calm and calm.

The gods and Buddhas are more angry, and the pressure is more terrifying!

But at this time, Madman Chu had an unparalleled sense of detachment coming out of his body!

"I won't kneel to the sky or knock to the ground. The heavens and the earth can't make me surrender, so you want to make me kneel?!"

"What about Gods and Buddhas?!"

"Whoever blocks my way, I will block and kill the gods, the Buddha block and destroy the Buddha, the devil block and eliminate the demons!!"

"The heavens, ghosts and gods, the ten places of Buddhas and demons, all want to make way for me!!"

The madman Chu's voice resounded and echoed in the entire phantom world.

Its momentum is so strong that even the gods and Buddhas in the sky are shocked.

Immediately afterwards, Madman Chu stepped forward.

The supreme Taoist heart blooms with brilliance, wherever the brilliance comes, the gods and Buddhas die! !

I have a heart of supreme Taoism, illuminate the gods and Buddhas!

"What a fanatic!"

"What a madman who can't tolerate it!!"

The gods and Buddhas fixedly looked at Madman Chu, until the moment they died, their eyes were still shocked.

It's just that Madman Chu didn't care.

He continued to walk forward. In the end, Du Shi Fan Yin and Mo Kao couldn't stop him.

He came to the statue.

In front of the statue, there is a futon.

Madman Chu felt that around the relic, there were a series of prohibitions surrounding it, even if it was a true immortal, it was difficult to destroy a single bit.

Only the futon, without restriction, is placed on the ground, without any stains.

"Oh, is this inviting me to sit down?"

Madman Chu smiled faintly, then didn't refuse, and just sat on it.

In an instant, I saw the boundless light of the Buddha.

A sense of solemnity and sacredness permeates the entire grotto.

I saw a faint smile on the corner of the statue's mouth in the boundless light of the Buddha.


When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help being shocked.

"How is this going?!"

"This statue is transformed by a ray of immortal consciousness of the power of Buddhism here. He is the ultimate test!"

You Tianjiao wanted to understand everything.

In the previous magic test, it was already extremely difficult to cross the world.

So, how difficult is this final test? !

Everyone can't imagine it.

"I have seen fellow Taoists."

The statue was transformed into a monk holding a relic and nodded slightly towards the madman in Chu.

Madman Chu nodded when he heard the words, "I have seen Buddhist friends."

"The Daoist came here, it should be for this relic."


"Able to pass the test of the magic test and the Sanskrit sound of the Taoist friends are strong in the heart of Taoism, and the little monk admires it."

"What is the test left by Buddhist friends?"

"I can't talk about trials, I just want to talk about Buddhism with fellow daoists."

The monk smiled faintly.

On the Buddha, this was the last test left by the monk to the madman of Chu.

Only with the approval of this monk can he get the relic.

In the distance, the monks couldn't help being amazed.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Talking about Buddhism? Chu madmen are not Buddhist monks, what Buddhism are they talking about?"

"That's right, this Buddhist power has made it clear that he doesn't want to give the relic to Madman Chu, but wants to give it to Huijue."

"That is, I didn't expect this Buddhist power to be so eccentric."

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