Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : The mountain ghost **** child appeared, the same as the gods and demons, the madman

The Immortal Court of the Eastern Emperor ignored the rules on the ancient star of Heaven and Shang, and the mountain ghost wanted to kill on the ancient star!

This scene made many monks who regard the ancient star of Heaven and Merchant as a safe place look complicated.

The strong who make rules can ignore the rules!

The rules are for the strong, and they are fully displayed at this moment!

"Lin Qiu, today, the three of you will die, and no one can save you two!"

The mountain ghost monk headed loudly said, he took out a powerful golden immortal tool and threw it into the air, immediately surrounded by countless mysterious Dao patterns.

This is a fairy artifact used to ban the world!

Its effect is similar to the Luo Tianwang that Madman Chu encountered before.

After the surrounding void was sealed off, Lin Qiu and the others couldn't get out of their troubles. Looking at the mountain ghost monk and others, there was a look of determination in their eyes.

"Even if you die, I will take you to bury you!!"

Lin Qiu let out a low cry, and a powerful spirit of gods and demons erupted from his body, slapped frantically on the surrounding forbidden lines like a tide!

Holding a dark fairy sword in her hand, her figure flashed, and she slashed towards the mountain ghost monk headed!

Sword energy is like tide, mixed with mysterious Dao pattern, extremely powerful!

This sword has even touched the threshold of the evildoer.

The face of the mountain ghost monk headed slightly changed, and his figure retreated violently, but it was still swept by the sword energy, and blood stains appeared on his body.

"Damn, the strength of this woman is stronger than I thought!"

This mountain ghost monk repeatedly urged the immortal law, only to see ghostly ghosts rushing towards Lin Qiu, but they were continuously strangulated.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but be surprised.

"No, this monk of the mountain ghost set a ban, but in the end it turned into his own cage?"

"Tsk tsk, if this can't be beaten, why are they coming?"

"Mountain ghost line, so bad, stupid?"

After all, it was also one of the nine songs of Xianting, everyone thought how powerful the monks of the mountain ghost line were.

Unexpectedly, the development of things has become like this.


At this moment, there was a cold snort from the void.

A surging aura whizzed out from the room, easily shattering the sky full of sword aura of Lin Qiu!

"A bunch of trash."

An indifferent voice sounded.

In the next instant, a black figure walked out of the elegant room. He was dressed in black, and the whole body was flowing. When he appeared, there was an extremely cold atmosphere around him. Ghost night walks, it is heart palpitating.

"It's him, mountain ghost **** child!!"

Someone recognized the person, and suddenly gasped.

The mountain ghost **** child, this is definitely a powerful evildoer, and his reputation in the starry sky arena is no less than that of Xianting Shaoyu.

He actually came to the ancient star of Heaven and Shang? !

"I'm waiting for a bad job, and I ask the Son of God to forgive me."

The mountain ghost monk came in front of the mountain ghosts and gods, his face was ashamed.

"After you go back, you can get ten sticks yourself!"

Shangui Shenzi said indifferently.

Hearing this, the mountain ghost monk's face turned pale.

The stick referred to by the Shangui Shenzi is a punishment specially set up by the Eastern Emperor Xian Ting. The so-called stick is not an ordinary thing, but a special kind of immortal tool, which is extremely powerful.

Going down with ten sticks, even a true immortal like him would have lost half his life.

Having said that, he did not dare to resist and could only respond.

Then, the mountain ghost **** child looked at Lin Qiu and the others, and said indifferently: "It seems that I will have to act in the end."

Lin Qiu didn't say much, holding the fairy sword in his hand to cut it out, the spirit of the gods and demons surging like a flood, and whizzing towards the mountain ghost and **** child.

The mountain ghost **** child blasted out with a punch, and a wave of majestic immortality burst out of his body, sweeping out like a black storm, crushing the sword energy, and blasting Lin Qiu out.

"So strong!"

"The mountain ghost **** child is a monster, I am not his opponent!"

Lin Qiu said with a solemn expression.

"Lin Qiu, shoot together!"

The other two acquired gods and demons said in a deep voice. At the same time, the spirit of the gods and demons broke out.

Their spirits of gods and demons are completely different, as hot and domineering as flames, and as fierce as thunder and lightning.

"Fire is a **** and demon body, thunder is a **** and demon body, and water is a **** and demon body. It is amazing to be able to create an acquired **** and demon like you. The people behind you are amazing."

Shangui Shenzi said lightly.

Chaos gods and monsters are extremely scarce physiques, but now, some people have mass-produced acquired gods and monsters, which shows how terrifying the person's ability has reached.

It is very likely that it is one of the existences standing at the peak of this immortal world and even the universe.

However, the mountain ghost **** child is not afraid to offend the other party.

As a result, the East Emperor Immortal Court behind him was extraordinary, and it was also the most top existence in the world.

Secondly, this is a dispute between Tianjiao Realm Sons. Since these acquired gods and demons participated, they were killed, and the people behind them had nothing to say.


With Lin Qiu as the leader, the three acquired gods and demons also shot together, and the energy of the three gods and demons with different attributes vibrated in the void, constantly blasting out.

"Even if the three of you join forces, how can you get the son of God?"

Shan Gui Shenzi sneered.

He stood in the air with an arrogant expression, and between raising his hands, the black immortal essence swept in like a storm, smashing the air of the gods and demons!

Immediately after that, he stepped out one step, Xianyuan surged, and a black phantom of the gods appeared in the void!

"Mountain Ghost Art, Shifang Heishan Town!"

The mountain ghost **** child said indifferently, like a **** in charge of the mountains, raising his hand and blasting out, the sacred mountain behind him came out, gloomy!

boom! !

With an explosion, the three of Lin Qiu couldn't bear this force, and they were lifted out on the spot, vomiting blood one after another, their fairy bodies were broken, and their faces were pale as paper.

"With this kind of power, in the line of gods and demons, only the godless brother can beat the opponent."

"So strong, he deserves to be the **** son of Xian Ting, we can't compete at all."

The eyes of Lin Qiu and others couldn't help showing despair.

"Why do you want to target our gods and demons?"

Lin Qiu knew in her heart that she would die, but she still had doubts in her heart.

Their line of acquired gods and demons had just appeared in the world, and the East Emperor Xian Ting simply did not offend the river water. She did not understand why the other party had to target them repeatedly.

"You don't need to know this."

Shangui Shenzi didn't answer, but just raised his hand to gather Xianyuan, and he wanted to completely kill the three.

And Lin Qiu took a deep breath, and stood up with her Jiao body, UU read www. The spirit of the gods and demons in began to boil like boiling water, and the breath was actually rising steadily!

She is actually burning life! !

"Lin Autumn!"

The expressions of the other two gods and demons changed slightly, and then they looked at each other and started to burn life, ready to fight for their lives.

"Even if you work hard, it is difficult to change the fate of being killed by me!"

The mountain ghost and **** child Xianyuan urged, there were Dao patterns condensed in the void, and once again turned into a black mountain.

Its breath still overwhelmed the three of Lin Qiu!

And just as the ultimate conflict was about to break out, a sigh suddenly sounded between heaven and earth.

"Oh, it's okay for the monks who are in the same line of gods and demons to help you."

Sighing, within an elegant room.

Like an ancient **** and demon awakening, a terrifying coercion swept across the world like a storm, flooding the world and shaking the world! !

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