Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Have you seen a real **** and devil body? 1 dressed in white, lingering...

In the elegant room, surging coercion swept across the world, as if the ancient gods and demons awakened!

The monks who sensed this breath changed their expressions and looked at Na Yajian in horror. Even Fire Boy and Huang Yuyi were no exception.

"This breath is so powerful!!"

"Who is in that room?!"

"Wait, isn't that the Yajian bidding with Huang Yuyi and Huo Tong? How dare he intervene in the matter of the mountain ghost **** child now?"

In the eyes of everyone, Na Yajian didn't compete with Huo Tong and the others, he must be afraid of the other side's power.

But now it seems that it is not necessarily anymore.

Such a terrifying coercion, this is definitely an evildoer, how could it easily be afraid of Huo Tong and Huang Yuyi.

"This voice is..."

Unlike the shock of other people, Huang Yuyi is more...horrified! !

She was too familiar with this voice.

During this time, like a nightmare, it has been haunting her heart.


The door of the room opened.

A white figure walked out slowly.

White clothes, black hair, a handsome face like a fairy, and a celestial body that can compete with the sun and the moon!

"Sure enough it is him!!"

When Huang Yuyi saw the other party, his scalp almost exploded, and his beautiful face was filled with horror.

"go away!!"

Without a word, Huo Tong quickly left the auction while pulling Huang Yuyi.

Without hesitation at all.

"Is Madman Chu's power already so terrifying? A realm of the Fire Department, a Divine Phoenix enchanting evildoer, and fled in desperation."

When someone noticed this scene, they couldn't help feeling secretly.

It was only with emotion that everyone was shocked the moment they saw Madman Chu appear.

"Madman Chu!"

Shangui Shenzi looked at Madman Chu who suddenly appeared, his eyes were a bit solemn.

Although he has not officially contacted this evildoer, he still has heard of the other party's name.

Especially, the opponent is still a chaos **** and monster!

"It's him."

After seeing Madman Chu, the three Lin Qiu glanced at each other, and then there was hope in their eyes.

"Is he the innate chaos **** and demon body?"

"The existence that adults value most."

The three of them thought to themselves, looking at Madman Chu, they were extremely curious.

And the Madman Chu, who was watched by everyone, looked indifferent, looking at the mountain ghost **** child in the sky, and said lightly: "These three people, I will protect you, you, leave."

That light and windy appearance did not seem to take the mountain ghost **** child to heart.

And seeing this, the mountain ghost **** child also raised his eyebrows, and sneered: "It is said that Chu madmen are arrogant and unpretentious. When I saw it today, I did live up to the name of a madman, but you wanted me to leave with just one sentence. Don’t you think it’s too whimsical?!"

After the words fell, a gloomy and terrifying aura erupted from the mountain ghost **** child, crushing towards the Madman Chu!

Ordinary Tianjiao might have already shivered under this power.

But Kuangren Chu didn't care about this coercion. To him, it was like a breeze blowing on his face. It was nothing at all.

"With your clone, you want to be presumptuous in front of me. This is a whimsical thing!"

Madman Chu said indifferently, stepping out of the air and coming to the front of the immortal weapon restriction.

Hearing his words, everyone was shocked.

Especially the three of Lin Qiu's expressions changed, and their faces were incredible.

They fought with the mountain ghost **** child for so long, but they didn't expect that this was actually a clone of the other party? !

How strong is that mountain ghost **** child?

Thinking of this, their scalp numb.

"Is this the horror of top evildoers?"

Someone said with emotion secretly.

Even the evildoers are divided into strengths and weaknesses. The top evildoers all have strengths that ordinary people can't imagine.

Compared with other Tianjiao, they have greater hopes to hit Hedao!

If it is said that the hope of other evildoers against Hedao is 1%, then the top evildoers are 10% or more!

"Mad Chu, your eyesight is really good."

The mountain ghost was also very surprised, the other party could see his own reality at a glance.

But then, I saw the other party reaching out to grab the restraint under the fairy cloth.

"Hmph, stupid, how easy is this prohibition to break."

A mountain ghost monk coldly snorted.

But the next scene suddenly made him stare.

I saw Madman Chu stretched out his hand to grab the restraint, and there was an incomparably terrifying spirit of gods and demons circulating in his hand.

The collision between the prohibition and the spirit of the gods and demons was shocking!

Accompanied by roars and roars, this restriction was torn a huge hole by the madman of Chu with five fingers. The whole process was effortless and extremely easy!

"His body of gods and demons is so terrifying?!!!"

The mountain ghost monk swallowed his saliva, his face full of horror.

After the madman Chu entered the restriction, he looked at the mountain ghost **** child, "You still have time to leave now."

"Mad Chu, I would like to learn about your strength!"

Shangui Shenzi's eyes condensed, and he urged the Xian Yuan in his body to the extreme, "Mountain Ghost Art, ten directions in Heishan Town!"

Dao Wen Xian Yuan made a sensation in the void, and a sacred mountain rolled out.

"Have you seen a real **** and monster?"

Madman Chu said lightly without retreating.

The white palm of the jade-like palm was lifted, and there were thousands of immortals surging above it, countless lines flowing in it, and the terrifying spirit of gods and demons poured out like a flood!

This spirit of gods and demons intertwined in the void, surging with the meaning of life and death!

The white meaning of life and the black air of death merged into a picture of life and death covering the sky, crushing out mightily!

With a sudden explosion, the life and death picture and the black mountain blasted together!

With just one blow, the surrounding space is directly shattered!

The body of the Shangui Shenzi was shrouded in the life and death chart, and under the impact of the spirit of the gods and demons, it collapsed and collapsed!

With just one move, his clone disappeared completely!

"What a madman Chu, I have taken note of today's matter!"

With the death of the mountain ghost **** child, he stared at Madman Chu and said in a cold tone.

Madman Chu didn't care.

He has so many enemies, there is no difference between one more mountain ghost and one less mountain ghost.

Then, his gaze swept over the other mountain ghost monks, who were so scared on the spot that they turned around and wanted to flee.

But the remnants of the meaning of life and death circulating around The image of life and death that has not been completely dissipated immediately crushed them into blood mist and exploded in the air!

"This is the strength of Madman Chu, really terrifying."

"It's not as good as seeing it after hearing it."

"It's no wonder that Huang Yuyi and Huo Tong were scared away when they saw the other person. If I have hatred with such a person, I have to run instead."

The many Tianjiao monks all around were amazed, and some of them showed fear in their eyes.

And the Lin Qiu trio behind Chu Madman were already dull.

In their eyes, the mountain ghost and **** child, who was difficult to defeat, couldn't even take a single move in front of the Madman Chu.

"Is this the real chaos **** and monster?!"

The three of Lin Qiu looked at Madman Chu's back, and they only felt that the back of the other party was extraordinarily tall and charming!

That white dress will linger in their hearts.

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