Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Can I really win the battle against the sacred tree of Fusang?

The golden red phoenix fire fell from the sky, and the Madman Chu appeared strong!

"Why are you here?"

Huo Tong, Huang Yuyi couldn't help being surprised.

After encountering Madman Chu one after another, even if they were slow, they should have noticed something.

"You are following us. You have been with us since the ancient star of Heaven and Merchant left."

Huo Tong said in a deep voice.

"Yes, I have to thank you for collecting so many sacred fires."

Madman Chu chuckles.

"That's the case. It seems that you learned about the role of Shenhuo Tu from nowhere, and have been using us to find Shenhuo."

Huo Tong's face was not very good-looking, he regarded Huang Yuyi as a tool man.

But Madman Chu used them as tool men.

Although he was dissatisfied, Huo Tong then smiled, "Madman Chu, your idea is very good. It is a pity that you have overlooked one thing, that is my strength after transformation. This time, I will not be like it again. Fleeing like before, I will be here, dignifiedly defeating you, and let you see how powerful the Nine Maid Divine Fire is!!"

The transformed Huoboy felt that he was stronger than ever before, and with the Huang Yuyi around him, he suddenly felt confident.

He felt that he might be able to defeat Madman Chu!

Even if it is not possible, self-protection should be more than enough.

"Oh, it seems that this nine-maid sacred fire has given you a lot of confidence."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle, then raised his hand, and the golden red phoenix fire roared out and burned towards the fire boy.

"Your phoenix fire has no effect on me!"

The fire boy roared, and the gorgeous Nine-Mashy Divine Fire on his body rushed out, smashing the golden red phoenix fire to pieces, actually using the fire to overcome the fire!

The madman Chu's sword aura condensed, and the Huang Huo cut out into a sword.

"Shen Huo Jue, Nine-Mashen God Fire Seal!"

The fire boy gave a long roar, and in the Zhu Rong Shenhuo Jue, only the Nine Moss God Fire could activate the powerful ultimate move!

The seal and the sword crashed!

I saw the void burst, and boundless flames swept out.

Huang Huo is actually inferior!

The colorful Divine Fire Seal rolled out towards the Madman Chu.

"It seems that the phoenix fire that is only used by the clone is indeed not the opponent of the nine-magic divine fire."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle, not surprising.

Huang Huo was just one of his many methods, and did not deliberately strengthen cultivation.

In addition, this is just a clone, which is no better than the fire boy who specializes in flames, which is also expected.

In the next instant, the power of Fusang in his body broke out!

The towering hibiscus tree rolls hundreds of millions of celestial glory, unparalleled yin and yang power flow, crushing the sacred fire print that comes from across the sky!

"Mad Chu, suffer to death!!"

On the other side, Huang Yuyi let out a long roar, and moved towards Madman Chu's attack.

Originally, she wanted to wait until Madman Chu and Huo Tong were both defeated and then shot, but after thinking about it carefully, she knew it was impossible.

Madman Chu's strength was astonishing, and she was deeply impressed. It was estimated that Huo Tong wanted to lose-lose with the opponent, and it was probably a bit hanged, and Huo Tong would not sit back and watch her.

In addition, she felt extremely resentful towards Madman Chu, and immediately decided to take action.

The endless phoenix fire roared out.

Huang Yuyi refined several kinds of divine fire, and the power of its phoenix fire was so powerful that it should not be underestimated.

"Your opponent is me!"

A cold shout sounded.

Then, I saw a black and glamorous figure blocking the front of Madman Chu, and the lines on his body were flowing, and there was actually a second hibiscus sacred tree reflected!

The power of Fusang collides with Huanghuo!

Huang Yuyi actually took a few steps backwards, his face looked at the icy figure in front of him with surprise, "It's you!!"

The person here is not someone else, but Fuyin!

It's just that the Fuyin at this time is very different from before. The aura on his body is much stronger, and he has also mastered the full power of Fusang, which is totally different!


Fuyin looked at Huang Yuyi with a cold look in his eyes, "I will settle the previous account with you today!"

"Just relying on your cultivating power?"

"and this!"

A gray flame rushed out of Fuyin's body, and the flame was extremely cold, as if pouring out from the nether, it was heart palpitating.

"Netherworld Fire!"

A strange color flickered in Huang Yuyi's eyes, "I didn't expect you to refine this sacred fire so quickly, should you say that you really are the spirit of Yin Fusang?"

Yin hibiscus, the thing under the sky to the yin.

Nether strange fire, to yin divine fire.

The spirit of the most yin that is transformed by the thing of the most yin, refining the fire of the most yin, will do more with less!

"Since you sent this sacred fire to me, then I'm not welcome."

Huang Yuyi intends to kill Fu Yin and then **** the sacred fire from her.

"Let me see your Phoenix Fire!"

Behind Fu Yin was blessed by the sacred tree of Fusang, and there was a strange fire burning on his body, facing the Huang Yuyi!

And on the other side.

Huo Tong looked at Chu Kuangren with a surprised look at Fuyin, "The complete Fusang power, presumably this is what you did."

He was sure that Fuyin had never mastered the power of Fusang before this, but after meeting Madman Chu, the other party successfully mastered this power. In addition, Madman Chu also had the full power of Fusang. Let him think of something.

Immediately, the longer he was against Chu Kuangren, the more he discovered the unfathomable depth of the man in front of him.

For no reason, his original self-confidence was a little discouraged.

Can he really defeat the man in front of him?

"No, no!"

"Be timid before fighting, this is a taboo!"

Huo Tong's eyes condensed, and Dao Xin was stabilized, and then he urged the Jiu Mei Divine Fire, and the various ultimate moves in the Zhu Rong Shen Huo Jue were issued strongly.

In the face of these attacks, Madman Chu stood still, behind him, the sacred tree of Fusang bloomed with celestial glory, the power of yin and yang flowed, shattering the sacred fire one by one!

"Is your strength the only thing like this? It's disappointing!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Huh, of course it's more than that! Madman Chu, see, I wish the ultimate meaning of Rongshen Huo Jue, Jiumai Shenhuo Zhu Rongxiang!!"

Huo Tong knows that Madman Chu is powerful and does not hide his clumsiness.

I saw a large number of Nine-Mashy Divine Fire on his body rising into the sky, and he won countless Dao patterns, intertwined in the void, forming an ancient Fire God's image!

Good luck!

Huo Tong manipulates Zhu Rong's Faxiang, and the surging infinite power is surging in the void, and the surrounding space is constantly broken!

Fire waves rise to the sky, shaking the stars!

Under the impact of fire waves, some stars shattered and turned into ashes!

There are many monks in the starry sky who are practicing, and when they noticed this terrible fluctuation, they rushed to one after another.

"This kind of powerful flame wave, in the entire starry sky arena, can be displayed on a handful."

"The splendid flame, and this breath, is it the fire of the Nine Maidens?"

"Nine-magic sacred fire, isn’t this the highest level of Zhu Rong’s sacred fire art in the rumors? Someone in the Fire Department of Xian Ting actually did it?"

Many people rushed to the ancient star, and when they saw the huge fire **** and the ancient towering hibiscus tree, they were all amazed.

"It's Madman Chu, and that young man... is somewhat similar to Huo Tong, but isn't he eleven or twelve years old?"

"It seems that he has successfully repaired his body defects, and he has also repaired the Nine Maid Sacred Fire!"

Everyone watched the battle attentively.

Whether it is the hibiscus sacred tree or the nine-magic sacred fire, this is an extremely rare power.

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