Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : The saint of the other shore has no love, which one of your eyes sees me doing my b

I wish Rongfa will stand up to the ground, control the nine madness and fire, and shake the emptiness of all directions!

The branches and leaves of the **** of hibiscus stretched out, the celestial glory was billions, and the power of yin and yang flowed, shaking the nine heavens and ten earth!

The two forces confronted each other on the ancient star, and the power that escaped directly caused the entire star to burst!

"Chu Madman, see the power of my Zhu Rong Faxiang!!"

Huo Tong let out a long roar, manipulating Zhu Rong Faxiang to attack the Madman Chu, and in every gesture, there was the power of burning all over the world, like the ancient **** of fire reappearing in the dust.

The madman Chu did not retreat, and the power of Yin and Yang in the sacred tree of Fusang gushed out.

Bang, bang! !

The first collision between the power of yin and yang and Zhu Rong's method directly caused the ancient star at the feet of the two to break into two halves!

The shock of the terrifying power set off an extremely violent wind in the starry sky.

Many people retreated after seeing this.

"It's worthy of being the Nine Maid Sacred Fire and the Fusang Sacred Tree. This power really should not be underestimated."

"So strong!"

Many people in the crowd were extremely surprised when they saw this scene.

At this time, a black vortex emerged in the starry sky.

In the whirlpool, an extremely powerful force of reincarnation revealed a lot of people's attention.

I saw two figures walking out of the whirlpool.

These two people, with the power of Yin Qi and reincarnation in their bodies, looked like electricity, swept across the starry sky, and finally landed on the Madman Chu who was fighting the fire boy.

"He is Madman Chu, this breath is indeed quite good."

One of them said, with a hint of wonder in his eyes.

"It's them, the descendants of the city kings of the Yin Cao Difu, and the descendants of Emperor Song!"

Someone recognizes people.

There are ten veins in the Yin Cao Jifu, and most of the descendants of these ten veins are now experienced in the starry sky arena.

Among them, the descendants of Yan Luo and the descendants of King Qin Guang are well-known evildoers.

Although the descendant of the city king and the descendant of Emperor Song are not as good as the two, they are also the top arrogant talents, and coupled with the unpredictable and unpredictable methods of the underworld, they are comparable to the evildoers to some extent.

Just behind the two descendants of the underworld appeared.

In the other place, an extremely powerful breath erupted, and that breath was like a shining mighty sky.

In the starry sky, a woman dressed in white with a gleaming skin and jade-like skin stepped into the sky.

And the mighty heavenly power that filled the starry sky was revealed from her.

"It's the evildoer of Tiandaozong second only to Tiandaozi, Earth and Heaven!!"

The eight Taoists of Tiandaozong are quite famous, and among them, Tiandaozi is the strongest, and his reputation in the starry sky arena can even compare with the existence of Xianting Shaoyu!

After the earth and heaven Daozi came, his beautiful eyes were as ice as he looked at Madman Chu, "Heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, and the sun and the moon are heaven and earth. I am the eight Daozi of the Heavenly Dao Sect, and the last six are all dead in your hands. Madman Chu, you and I Tian Dao Sect Even if you drain all the waters from all over the world, you can’t eliminate it!!"

boom! !

In the starry sky, billowing devilish energy rose to the sky.

Several powerful Tianjiao came again, and they were all monks of the magic way.

There are monks from Chi You who wore black armor and surging fighting spirit, there were monks who were gloomy, like ecstatic messengers, and there were monks who were cultivating corpses who manipulated thousands of zombies...

Several devil Tianjiao came, and each one was the best among Tianjiao.

"Tsk tusk, I heard that not long ago, people from the Heavenly Dao Sect, the Demon Dao, and the Underworld died in the hands of Madman Chu. Are they here to seek revenge?"

"It's possible."

"Tsk tsk, interesting, if this is a fight, it will be a big scene."

Many people are looking forward to it with the attitude that watching the excitement is not too big.

at this time.

In the depths of the starry sky, there are bright red and enchanting flowers blooming, paved a flower channel in the starry sky!

These flowers are coquettish, blood-red, and still have a hint of yin air.

This is something that doesn't exist in the sun...the other shore flower!

The descendant of the city king, the descendant of the Song Emperor, saw this beautiful flower road on the other side, and couldn't help being surprised, "Why did she come?"

At the end of the Flower Road on the other side, a girl who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old came slowly.

This young girl was wearing a black robes with a pattern of other flowers embroidered on it, which made her look like she was fused with the surrounding flowers.

The girl's eyes were blood red and her face was delicate, but she didn't have any expressions. She looked like a delicate doll without any emotions.

But the pressure escaping from her made all the Tianjiao present feel depressed, and at this point, no one dared to treat her as an ordinary girl.

"Sage of the other shore, flowers have no love!"

The city king pronounced the name, his tone full of fear.

The Saintess from the other shore is not well-known in the starry sky arena. Compared with those enchanting evildoers, it can even be said to be silent.

But this person is in the underworld, but no one knows.

This is definitely a terrifying evildoer!

Even if the best Tianjiao Realm in their subordinate mansion faced each other, there was not much chance of winning.

The young girl Hua Wuai came to the sky above the ancient star and looked at the Madman Chu who was fighting. It was like a blood jewel, and a strange color flashed in her eyes without any emotions. "This is the emptiness that I have never seen before. Did someone attract me to come here? His body, the power of Fengdu, and the fluctuation of the breath of the reincarnation celestial body."

"But these are very weak, this is... clone."

Hua Wuai judged Madman Chu's state at a glance, with surprise on her expressionless little face.

A clone has such terrifying strength, what about the deity?

I'm afraid that even if she makes a shot, she won't have much chance of winning.

For the first time she saw Tianjiao who was stronger than her.

What made her even more concerned was the kind of breath that was closely connected to the underworld in Madman Chu.

Especially the emptiness of fate made her extremely curious.

The appearance of Saint Flower from the other side attracted the attention of many people, especially the breath of the other party, which gave them a very terrifying feeling.

But immediately, everyone ignored them and continued to pay attention to the battle between Madman Chu and Fire Boy.

The battle between these two sides is in full swing.

The impact of the hibiscus sacred tree and the Nine Maid sacred fire continued to erupt, and countless lines collided and shattered in the void.

The burst of Dao pattern fragments caused some stars in the surrounding starry sky to burst directly.

"Jiumei Shenhuo, I wish Rong burn the world!!"

The fire boy gave a long whistle, urging the Jiu Mei Divine Fire to the extreme.

The sacred fire of Zhu Rongfa's phase skyrocketed, and with one blow, the sacred fire seemed to burn the world to ashes!

With this force, the sacred hibiscus tree actually burned some branches.

Although it was innocent, the hibiscus sacred tree was damaged for the first time.

"Chu madman, although Fusang is strong, it is also a wood attribute. Among the five elements, Huo Kemu!!"

"Your will eventually be burned to ashes by my sacred fire!"

Huo Tong sneered, looking like he was holding the winning ticket.

Madman Chu didn't care, "You are quite proud of burning a few branches and leaves."

"I see how strong you can be!"

The fire boy urged Shenhuo, intending to perform his ultimate move again!

Can win, this battle, can win!

At this time, the fire boy is extremely excited!

Can be in the next instant.

An even more terrifying meaning of Yin and Yang came out of Chu Madman.

The meaning of yin and yang is somewhat different from that of Fusang.

These two yin and yang forces superimposed on each other to form a black and white Tai Chi picture covering the sky!

"Which eye do you see that I am doing my best?"

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