Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Enter the Emperor Star, King Jinlin, you take it away

In the ancient star of Heaven and Shang.

Madman Chu's deity naturally noticed the abnormal movement of Emperor Ziwei star, "Emperor Ziwei star, it seems that there will be many Tianjiao rushing there this time."

"Friend Chu Daoist, the Sanqing Daomen needs me to go back and preside over the overall situation, so I have to rush to Ziwei Emperor Star first."

Ye Zhu arched his hands towards the madman of Chu.

Sanqing Daomen not all followed Ye Zhu's side.

Now that the Ziwei Emperor Star is on, all the major forces are moving to this Emperor Star, and the Sanqing Dao Sect is no exception.

Tianjiao, many disciples of Taoism, are all going.

And Ye Zhu, as their big brother, naturally wanted to go back and lead them.

"Well, Daoyou Ye is careful all the way, if we are destined, we will see you at Emperor Ziwei.

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

After Ye Zhu left, Lin Qiu, Ming Yifeng and other acquired gods and demons also planned to leave.

"The Ziwei Emperor Star is here, the monks of the gods and demons will never stand still, king, we will go first to find your way."

Ming Yifeng said respectfully.

After being beaten by the madman of Chu, he was convinced of the opponent, and there was no disrespect anymore.

The previous rebelliousness was just because he hadn't seen Madman Chu's strength and didn't approve of the opponent. After getting his approval, he respected Madman Chu more than anyone else.

"Well, well, pay attention to yourself."

Madman Chu didn't want to stay, he also had to make preparations, and took Cao Yun and others from the academy to Emperor Star.

After all, he is also the chief of the college.

"The clone is quite close to Ziwei Emperor Star, so you can let him go first."

Madman Chu thought to himself.


The Emperor Ziwei star opened, and all the forces moved after hearing the wind, and all the great arrogances and even the enchanting men rushed to it.

Madman Chu's clone and Fuyin are relatively close to Ziwei Emperor, so naturally he wouldn't miss this chance easily.

Madman Chu led Fu Yin to perform space transport techniques one after another, jumping between the stars, and soon came to the sky above Ziwei Emperor.

The light of Ziweixing has been reduced a lot, but countless mysterious Dao patterns are still flowing on the surface of the stars.

This star is very big, and the Dikui star is many times bigger than the Tiangang star.

Compared with this Ziwei Emperor star, the surrounding stars are like gravel, which is not worth mentioning.

"Let's go."

The Madman Chu took Fu Yin, turned into a streamer, and flew towards a continent in the Ziwei Emperor star. He quickly penetrated countless lines and reached the ground.

Abundant aura, mysterious fluctuations...

The cultivation environment of Emperor Ziwei is much better than other places. Not to mention, the cultivation environment here alone is enough to give birth to many opportunities.

"Should it be said that it is indeed the Ziwei Emperor who is known as the lord of the stars?"

The madman Chu gave a chuckle, and immortal consciousness surged out, covering thousands of miles.

Under the powerful search ability of his fairy knowledge, he found that there were indeed a few opportunities nearby.

"Let's go."

Madman Chu took Fuyin to a waterfall.

This waterfall is extremely huge, as if pouring out from nine heavens, the water is rustling, making a sensation for thousands of miles!

And in the current, there are even more aquatic monsters lurking.

The chance here is a blue fairy crystal in the waterfall.

The fairy crystal contains extremely strong water attribute fluctuations. It is suspended in the waterfall, withstands the impact of the current, and the fairy radiance is flowing, and it is very beautiful. The sound of the waves can be heard inside, as if in the fist-sized fairy The crystal contains a vast expanse of the sea.

This thing is the purpose of the madman Chu.

"The water attribute energy contained in this fairy crystal may be useful to this clone of me."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

This clone of him was made from Fusang Shenmu.

Hibiscus belongs to wood. Among the five elements, water and mu are the principle of mutual coexistence.

This fairy crystal may nourish his body of Fusang and enable him to exert the stronger strength of his deity.

Thinking of this, his Xian Yuan turned into a big hand and grabbed it towards Xian Jing.

But at this moment, a column of water rose into the sky in the lake below the waterfall, smashing his Xianyuan!

"Dare to covet the treasures here, you are bold!!"

A cold shout sounded.

I saw a ferocious monster beast with a fish head staring at Madman Chu, with a demon-like aura, approaching the realm of true immortality.

With his appearance, horrible aquatic monsters rushed out of the lake, staring at Madman Chu with cold eyes, endless monsters roaring through the world.

"Human, you are arguing against us!"

"Hmph, this fairy crystal is the treasure of King Jinlin, do you want to covet it too?"

King Jinlin is the most powerful monster in this lake and the ruler here.

This fairy crystal had already been regarded by him as something in his pocket.

"A group of little demons, dare to be presumptuous?"

Madman Chu didn't take the blocking of these aquatic monsters seriously, and between raising his hands, the magical powers of the two celestial bodies exploded.

Black and white are intertwined in the air, directly turning into a huge yin and yang picture of two yi!

The yin and yang picture circulates in the air, suppressed!

Bang, bang, bang!

Under the impact of this yin and yang force, a monster beast was either shattered into pieces or smashed into the bottom of the water.

"So powerful, this is a human talent!!"

"Damn, this guy is so powerful!"

Many monsters were terrified, and their originally hideous features looked even more frightening.


at this time.

The whole lake shook suddenly.

I saw a huge water column rising into the sky, and in the water column, there was golden light shining.

In the golden light, a golden carp flew out into the sky, turning into a mighty man in a golden armor, his eyes glowing like electricity, and a powerful demon gas filled the world.

His cultivation level has reached the realm of a second-grade real immortal!

Even Fu Yin, who had gained the power of Fusang and the Netherworld Fire, felt a burst of pressure.

"Oh, it seems that you are what they call the King of Jinlin."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Human, this treasure is mine, so you dare to covet it and die!"

King Jinlin said in a cold voice, raised his hand and slammed a palm towards the Madman Chu, the majestic demon gas turned into golden palm prints, suppressed!

Madman Chu didn't retreat, and the yin and yang diagram of the two instruments operated, directly blocking the palm, and said lightly: "Oh, you said this treasure belongs to you, so you took it?"


Upon hearing this, King Jinlin's expression changed, and there was nothing to say.

Because he couldn't take this fairy crystal at all.

"Sure enough, there are treasure bans around this fairy With your strength, you can't take it at all. If you can't take it, how can you say it?"

Madman Chu stood by the armrest, "Leave now, you can save your life!"

"You, delusion!"

King Jinlin is extremely unwilling, this fairy crystal has been coveted for many years, how can he easily hand over others?

Seeing a golden spear appeared in his hand, the demon spirit broke out, and he wanted to fight Madman Chu again.


When Madman Chu raised his hand, countless monsters and gods gathered around him.

Qiongqi, gluttonous, 梼杌, Kuiniu...

At this moment, the world seems to be transformed into a paradise of beasts!

And Madman Chu is the supreme king of monster beasts who rules countless monsters!

"How can it be?!"

King Jinlin was dumbfounded and his face was shocked!

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