Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: :God has the virtue of good life, the scholars of the school world are quartz

King Jinlin looked at the countless monsters and beasts in front of him, only feeling incredible.

A human race actually simulates the charm of the monster beast so beautifully and beautifully, and it is not only one head and two ends, but hundreds, thousands, thousands!

Among them, there are even some ancient beasts, divine beasts.

This is really incredible.

Ten thousand demon gods, ten thousand monsters map!

The terrifying monsters and beasts have turned into a torrent of monsters. The horror of its power is earth-shattering!

In an instant, the void burst into pieces!

King Jinlin only felt that under the impact of this force, his whole person was almost wiped out, flying upside down and hitting the bottom of the lake!

And the power of Ten Thousand Demon Diagrams did not weaken because of this.

That terrifying divine might, with an irresistible power, directly impacted on the fairy crystal in the waterfall.

boom! !

After a roar, the restrictions around the fairy crystal shattered one after another!

But the most important circle of restrictions still exists.

It's no wonder that with the strength of Jinlin Great King True Immortal Grade II, this immortal crystal has not been able to be taken, the restriction of this immortal crystal is indeed powerful.

Not only that, when the Madman Chu’s attack shook the ban, the ban burst shot out a blue brilliance, and the surrounding aura boiled, injected into the blue brilliance, as if turned into an endless tsunami, toward the Madman Chu Sweeping away, a spray splashed, breaking a piece of void.

This immortal crystal ban was actually intended to counterattack the Madman Chu!

"Heh, a restriction, can you still shake the sky?"

The madman of Chu gave a chuckle, and the power of Yin and Yang rose to the sky, converged and circulated in the void, and then turned into a mighty light of good fortune!

It is the second magical power of Liangyi Immortal Body, the magic light of Liangyi good fortune! !

The divine light swept out, pierced through the blue light, and slammed into the prohibition of the fairy crystal.

With a click, stop breaking!

The azure brilliance also completely dissipated.

The madman of Chu Xianyuan gushed out, turned into a big hand, grabbed the Xianjing, and threw it into the universe space in his sleeve.

"Let's go."

Madman Chu said lightly.

The other monsters in the lake shivered when they saw this scene, and they didn't dare to say anything.

And shortly after Madman Chu left, another figure came.

The Monster Race present was frightened by the Madman Chu before, and when he saw someone coming, his face immediately paled, and his eyes showed horror.

But when they saw the incoming person clearly, they breathed a sigh of relief.

This is a woman.

A woman with a delicate face in white clothes holding a white jade bottle of mutton fat in her hand.

This woman looked delicate and tender, and there was a peaceful breath between her eyebrows. There were two words on her whole body, harmless.

"Hmph, it's another human race. Is this really anyone you can come here?"

"Get out of here!"

A demon race was annoyed, and wanted to vent the suffocation suffered by Madman Chu just now, and slapped the white-clothed woman on the spot.

The white-clothed woman stood still, letting the other party call.

Only in the next instant, the golden Buddha light appeared.

The majestic demon energy quickly melted like snow meeting the scorching sun, and was completely purified under this Buddha light.

The Yaozu's pupils shrank suddenly, and his face was full of shock.

How can this happen? !

But before he had time to think about it, this monster race was shrouded in the light of Buddha, and was wiped out on the spot, and there was no scum left.


Deathly silence!

All the monster races watched this scene blankly, only thinking that today was too magical.

The human races nowadays, one looks more harmless than one, but why, one is more abnormal than the other! !

A handsome man in white clothes was gone, and now another woman in white clothes who looked like a bodhisattva came.

What kind of blood mold they have poured out!

"Amitabha, everyone, who did you see just now?"

The white-clothed woman hesitated for a while, and seemed to feel that she was a bit general, and said, "That is an impressive person. If you meet, you will not forget it."

A demon race said: "Is the person you mentioned wearing white clothes, good at using the power of yin and yang, and able to transform countless monsters and gods?"

"Monster beast, it looks like it is him."

The white-clothed woman knew that Madman Chu had the form of ten thousand demons, and she had seen it before. Apart from Madman Chu, she had never seen anyone use this method.

"Which direction did he go?"

"Go over there."

The monster clan pointed to the direction where the madman Chu was leaving and said.

"I see, thanks a lot."

The woman in white nodded slightly and gave a few gestures of salute.

Then, a golden figure suddenly appeared on the lake. It was a dying carp.

When the white-clothed woman saw this, a strange color flashed in her eyes, "This carp has some true dragon blood in its body, and it has good talents. It doesn't matter, God has a good life, so please save your life."

As soon as she waved her hand, King Jinlin's body suddenly turned into a golden light and was put into the white jade bottle of mutton fat.

Then, she continued to look for Madman Chu.

"Chu Madman, are you the kind of exterminating Buddha? Let me witness it."


At this time, Madman Chu took Fuyin to search this continent for a while, but he didn't encounter any big chances.

He simply found a place and planned to refine the water fairy crystals he had obtained before.

And Fuyin protects the law for him.

Half a month passed.

Fuyin, who was protecting the madman of Chu, seemed to sense something and looked into the distance.

There were waves of energy fluctuations, as if someone was fighting.

Moreover, that energy wave is rapidly approaching towards Fuyin.

"who is it?"

Fuyin was quite surprised, immortal knowledge surged.

I only saw a beautiful woman in white being chased by two monsters.

The strength of this female cultivator was not bad, she was in the realm of the Ninth-Rank Celestial Immortal, but the monster that hunted down her was even stronger, and she was not far from the true immortal.

This man and two monsters, one fleeing, the other chasing, swept towards Fuyin and the direction of Madman Chu's retreat.

"Do you want to make a move?"

Fuyin hesitated.

She is not a nosy person, but if she doesn't care, this monster will inevitably disturb Madman Chu's retreat.

Thinking of this, her figure flashed, came to the sky above these two monsters, and said indifferently: "Get out!"

The power of Fusang erupted, and the two monsters turned pale in fright on the spot, and immediately turned and fled.

"My dear, where did the evildoer actually master the power of Fusang."

"too frightening."

The two monsters murmured as they fled.

The white-clothed woman who was rescued by Fuyin was relieved and said gratefully: "In the next hundred schools of quartz, UU reading Thank you for your help."

Originally Fuyin planned to send the woman in white also away.

But after hearing her words, his eyebrows frowned, "Are you from Baijia Academy?"


After speaking, Quartz's face turned pale, and he vomited a mouthful of blood. It seemed that he was injured by a monster beast during the flight.

"This is a healing medicine. You can take it first."

Fuyin took out a pill.

If the other party is really a member of Hundred Colleges, then she wouldn't be able to sit back and watch.

After all, Madman Chu is still the chief of the academy.

"Thank you."

Quartz took over the medicine.

Then, just in case, she did not rashly bring the quartz back to the retreat of Madman Chu, but found a secluded place nearby and temporarily settled it down.

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