Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : Demon cow seeks revenge, Quartz sacrifices his life to protect the law, is actually

After Fuyin settled in the quartz, he immediately returned to the retreat of Madman Chu to continue to protect the law.

Here is the restriction set by her and Madman Chu, even if she leaves for a while, it doesn't matter. Seeing that the restriction has not been broken, she feels a little relieved.

It was three days later.

Suddenly an enchanting spirit swept over from a distance.

This evil spirit was very powerful, and it vaguely made Fu Yin feel the pressure.

I saw the mountains tremble, and a cyan demon cow rushed forward, wherever it went, smoke billowed!

And behind the demon cow, a few monsters followed.

Two of them were the monsters who chased and killed Quartz a few days ago and were later scared away by Fuyin.

Seeing this, Fuyin still doesn't know where, it's here to seek revenge.


Fuyin frowned slightly.

"Dare to hurt my people, outsider, you are looking for death!!"

The demon cow roared, and an extremely tyrannical demon spirit suddenly swept out and impacted Fuyin.

In Ziwei Emperor Star, there are also many powerful races.

They are a local ethnic group, and they call Fuyin and Chu Madman who came to explore the opportunities of Tianjiao realm as outsiders.

"It's you who are looking for death!"

Fu Yin stepped out, and the power of Fusang on his body exploded, turning into a golden red ancient tree in the void, the fairy radiance circulated, and the force of Yin and Yang shook all directions.

"This is the power of Fusang, and this breath, you are, Jiezi!"

The demon cow looked at Fuyin, his eyes lit up, and then he laughed, "It's great, as long as you seize the will of the fairy world from you, then I am also a world son. I will use your will to participate in this world. Fight for children, and then become the lord of the fairy world, dominate the fairy world!!"

In the race of Ziwei Emperor Star, they naturally heard about the Jiezi dispute, but they did not give birth to any Jiezi.

Because before that, Ziwei Emperor Star was in a closed state.

And now, the arrival of a group of Tianjiao Realmists has given the Tianjiao on the Ziwei Emperor a chance!

As long as they seize the will of the fairy world from the foreign world, they can get rid of the shackles on the purple star, participate in the battle of the world, and compete for the lord of the fairy world!

"If you want the will of the immortal world in me, you can give it a try."

Although Fuyin doesn't value the will of the immortal world in her body, because in her eyes, the future master of the immortal world is already destined to be Madman Chu!

Whether she has the will of the fairy world is the same.

But this does not mean that one's own will of the immortal world will easily hand over people!


The demon cow roared, and the demonic energy on his body burst out, sweeping towards Fuyin.

Behind Fuyin, the Fusang sacred tree has a large force of yin and yang.

The two forces collided, and the surrounding mountains were directly shattered!

The Madman Chu’s retreat has also been affected a bit, but there is no major problem with the restrictions set before.

Seeing this, Fuyin felt loose.

"Ha, you care about that place, is there anyone hiding there? Isn't it another realm?"

The demon cow laughed, and then let his subordinates rush towards the retreat of Madman Chu.

Fu Yin just wanted to stop, but was stopped by the demon cow.

"Your opponent is me!"

The strength of the demon cow is not bad, and the cultivation base has reached the realm of real immortality. It is also an out-and-out evildoer in this starry sky arena.

It is not a simple matter that Fuyin will want to solve the other party for a while.

But thinking that Madman Chu was still in retreat, even if it was just a clone, there was nothing to lose.

"The opponent must be resolved before the prohibition is broken!"

Fuyin looked at the demon cow with a terrifying killing intent in his eyes, blessed by the Fusang sacred tree, and a gray sacred fire appeared in his hand, it was the ghost of the strange fire!

God tree, strange fire!

Fuyin's two major methods are exhausted, and the evildoer's combat power is vividly displayed, and he rushes toward the demon cow!

"Sure enough!"


The demon cow let out a long roar, his eyes turned blood red, and the demon energy on his body skyrocketed.

This is exactly the magical power of this demon cow, blood raging!

Can improve combat power in a short time!

The two enchanting evildoers fought together, fought to the ground, and the mountains and rivers broke apart!

the other side.

A group of monster beasts rushed towards the retreat of Madman Chu, and one after another, they shot out with the intention of breaking the restriction.

But at this time, a figure rushed out, blocking the demons!

This person is the quartz that Fuyin saved a few days ago.

Quartz wielded a fairy sword in his hand, the sword aura soared, stopping the Yaozu.

"Oh, it was you?"

A monster looked at Quartz, slightly surprised, and then grinned, "Very well, I let you get a chance to save your life, but now, it happens to kill you here!"

Several groups of demon qi erupted, instantly repelling Quartz, and even wounded her.

But quartz still hasn't retreated.

"I will never let you come near here!"

Quartz said firmly.

She didn't know why Fuyin wanted to protect this place.

But she knew that there must be something important for supporting the cathode.

And Fuyin, as her savior, she absolutely must help the other side to keep here!

"Huh, just rely on you?"

The monster race opposite said disdainfully.

They urged the demonic energy in their bodies, and countless demonic abilities broke out and were extremely violent.

"Three Sword Barriers!"

Quartz gave a low cry, the fairy sword waved, and the sword energy was intertwined in the void, turning into three barriers!

Boom, boom, boom!

The demon qi blasted on the sword qi barrier, causing the barrier to continue to turbulence.

It just blocked a breathing time.

Then, the barrier was completely broken and turned into countless sword auras to disperse.

Quartz was hit by the evil spirit, and the whole person flew out, vomiting blood on the spot!


Fuyin's face changed, but because of the demon cow's obstruction, she couldn't support it. She was extremely annoyed, and urged her strength to the extreme, madly attacking the demon cow!

Outside the retreat.

Quartz was **** and dying.

But even so, she still held the fairy sword tightly, unwilling to retreat.

Vaguely, a faint light of Buddha appeared on her body.

The Buddha's light flashed away, but it made the monster race present shudder.

"This guy is kind of weird."

"Huh, no matter what she is weird, let's talk about it if we solve it!"

A group of demon races once again took action, and countless demon methods broke out, overwhelming the sky.

And the Buddha light in the quartz body seemed to be emitted, but then it seemed to sense something, shrinking like lightning, as if it had never appeared before.

Just when the quartz is about to fall.

In the retreat, a vast expanse of immortals roared out!

Under the impact of this immortal element, countless demon methods dissipated on the spot!

"what happened?"

"who is it?"

The faces of the demons changed slightly.

A sound of footsteps came from the retreat.

Numerous prohibitions dissipated automatically. U U Reading

A white figure walked out slowly, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, handsome as a fairy, breezy and charming.

As if walking out of the painting, a fairy who doesn't exist in the world.

"who are you?"

A demon clan gave a cold cry.

But the white robe on the other side did not answer, and the questioning monster clan's figure also turned into a blood mist and exploded in the next instant.

Madman Chu, get out!

He walked to the side of Quartz and looked at this strange woman, but willing to give up her life, with a touch of surprise in his eyes.

He could feel that there was a strange aura in this woman.

Quartz looked overjoyed after seeing Madman Chu, "It was... the chief..."

After the surprise, she fell directly into Chu Madman's arms because of her serious injuries.

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