Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Madman Chu’s little girl, think too much? Sword Barrier 9 Heavy

Madman Chu looked at the quartz in his arms, with a strange color in his eyes.

This woman gave him a peculiar feeling.

This woman is definitely not just the Ninth-Rank Celestial Immortal, but when the other party saw him, the kind of heartfelt joy was not pretended.

Moreover, how many people in this world are willing to lay down their lives to protect the Fa for another person?

"What happened when I was in retreat? Where did this woman come from? What is hidden in her body?"

Madman Chu whispered.

Immediately, he stopped thinking about it, waiting to converge with the deity, and observing the omniscient spirit of the deity, no matter what the secret is, it will be clear.

right now……

He looked at the monster races on the opposite side, with a cold look in his eyes, "Excuse me to retreat, but you are already enlightened?"

All the monster races shivered under the coercion of Madman Chu!

There is only one thought left in their minds.

That is, kicked to the iron plate!

"Fight with him!"


A group of demons rushed towards the Madman Chu, and tried their best, all kinds of demonic methods roared out!

But Madman Chu stood still.

Between raising your hands, the power of yin and yang flowed and transformed, forming a huge picture of yin and yang of the two instruments!

Countless demon energy collapsed under the crushing of the Yin and Yang map, and couldn't cause any harm to Madman Chu!

On the contrary, the yin and yang diagrams were crushed out, and the monster races burst open under this force!

Countless demons turned into powder!

After killing all the demon races with one move, he looked at the demon cow who was fighting Fuyin not far away, and lifted it up, the power of yin and yang flowed, turning into a brilliant light of yin and yang!

"not good!!"

The demon cow who was fighting sensed something, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he turned and looked in the direction of Madman Chu.

I saw a magic light of black and white intertwined bursting out!

Its brilliance shines in all directions, and its infinite power makes the demon cow feel a tingling scalp!

"This trick must be fully resisted!!"

The demon cow made a long roar, and the blood cancer became violent and spurred to the extreme, punching fiercely, and the demon spirit rolled, forming a huge black fist mark!

boom! !

After a loud noise, the void exploded!

The black fist mark was shattered by the divine light, and rushed towards the demon cow without any reduction!

The demon cow only felt an unprecedented pressure covering himself completely, and the black and white divine light flew over until it filled his vision...

The pain spreads throughout the body!

In the next instant, the demon cow completely lost consciousness!

From Fuyin's perspective, she only saw Madman Chu emitting a divine light, perceiving the attack of the demon cow, and then knocking the opponent into a cloud of blood!

Even if the demon cow had a battle with her, it would consume a lot of money.

But still being killed by the madman Chu in a second, this is too scary! !

Fuyin swallowed, looking at Madman Chu with horror on his face.

"More powerful!"

Compared to before the retreat, this clone now has a stronger strength after absorbing and refining the fairy crystal.



Fu Yin took a breath of air, and she suddenly remembered that Madman Chu in front of her was just a clone!

The clones are so terrible.

As the Madman Chu, what realm did he reach?

monster! !

Fuyin remembered that in this starry sky arena, many Tianjiao people called Madman Chu a monster!

Sure enough, it deserves its name! !

"Fuyin, where did this person come from?"

Madman Chu looked at Fuyin and asked.

What he asked was naturally the quartz in his arms.

"My son, this person said she is from the college..."

The Fuyin thing was said briefly.

Madman Chu showed a pensive expression after listening, how could the people from the academy appear here?

"Finally, wait until she wakes up to ask more questions."

Madman Chu urged a picture of life and death.

The life and death chart, reincarnation and death, immediately repaired most of the injuries on Quartz body, and the remaining relatively heavy injuries were also cured with medical techniques.

After a while, Quartz woke up.

After she saw Madman Chu, she was taken aback for a moment, and then a surprise appeared on her face, "Really the chief, I, am I not dreaming?!"

That look is no different from the idol that Xiao Mimei sees day and night.

Madman Chu has been observing the other's expression.

It's just that the joy and excitement of Quartz are all extremely real, and they come from the heart.

"Your name is Quartz? From the college?"

Madman Chu asked.

"Yes, Chief."

"Why have I never seen you in the academy?"

"Chief, I used to be just a small transparent academy without a name. With so many people in the academy, it's normal if you don't know me."

Quartz said, looking at Madman Chu, there was a look of worship in his eyes.

In her memory, she was a student of the academy, but her talent was not outstanding, and she was far from those of the academy.

The Madman of Chu is the chief of the academy, and he is outstanding.

She has been looking forward to the other party, and even in order to be able to chase the other side's back, she came to this starry sky arena alone, looking for opportunities, trying to become stronger.

On the way, she nearly survived many times before she grew to the present state.

The Madman Chu saw that Quartz didn't seem to be false, and there was a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

Is it really from the college?

Do you think too much?

There are countless students in the academy, but I don't know all of them. It's normal to miss a quartz.

"Since you are from the academy, follow me."

Madman Chu smiled lightly.

As the chief of the academy, he did not intend to abandon the quartz, and because of Fuyin's relief, the other party was able to give up his life to protect the law for him, showing a pure heart.

Step back ten thousand steps and say, even if there are any secrets hidden in Quartz, it is easy to observe by taking it with him.

After meeting with the deity, all doubts will be answered under the omniscient spirit.

"Really, really? Can I really follow the chief?!"

Quartz was extremely excited when he heard the news, only feeling that he was surrounded by a strong sense of happiness.

"People from the same academy, acting together, it's good to have a look after."

Madman Chu nodded slightly.

Then, he took the quartz, and the two Fuyin continued to travel among the stars of Ziwei Emperor.

On the way, apart from being very enthusiastic about Madman Chu, Quartz did not show anything strange, as if she was really just a fanatic girl who was addicted to Madman Chu.

"Seven sword barriers!"

On a clearing ground, Quartz gave a soft cry, and the sword aura on his body suddenly came out!

Sword Qi flies up intertwined with Dao pattern in the void, forming a seven-layer sword air barrier!

After a while, the sword energy dissipated.

"It's amazing. I have always used this sword barrier to only practice in the triple realm, but during this time, under the guidance of the chief, it has progressed to the seventh stage by leaps and bounds!"

Quartz looked at the fairy sword in his hand, his face full of wonder.

Madman Chu watched from the side with a strange color in his eyes.

The sword barrier of Quartz practice is divided into nine levels, which is one of the twenty-four methods of kendo, the top Da Luo method.

However, the other party only practices in the third level.

During this time, under his guidance, it reached the seventh stage!

He also took the opportunity to master a new twenty-four method of kendo.

In the process of coaching, he discovered an interesting thing. Although Quartz's talent is not outstanding, his comprehension is exceptionally good.

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