Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : The qualifications to stand in front of me, 9 Li tribes, fresh and refined

Somewhere in the purple star.

In a mountain range, a monk with a dark spear in his hand was fighting with a monster.

That monster beast is a powerful ancient beast, and its race is the earth black bear, one of the ancient beasts. Every move can provoke the power of the earth.

More importantly, the strength of this fierce beast has reached the realm of true immortality.

After a fight, the spear sent out a terrifying and domineering spear power, wrapped in the surging demonic energy, and penetrated the black bear's heart!


The black bear fell to the ground with its body like a big mountain.

This monk with a spear in his hand gradually reduced the devilish energy, and this person was Shi Tianxuan, the first arrogant of the magic road, holding the smashing spear!

"The aura in this Ziwei star is abundant. It is unique to practice here. Even the monster beasts here are stronger than those outside."

Shi Tianxuan thought to himself.

In the past few days, he has been fighting with monsters in this mountain range while looking for opportunities.

As for the monsters here, he already had a lot of existences comparable to the top arrogances of the outside world, and the black bear that had just been beheaded in front of him was even comparable to the evildoers.

At this time, there was a movement not far away.

Shi Tianxuan looked around, only to see a figure rushing out, the person also carrying a devilish energy, only slightly embarrassed.

"You are Chi Yue of Chi You!"

Shi Tianxuan recognized the visitor.

"Finally found you, Shi Tianxuan!"

Chi Yue looked at Shi Tianxuan and his expression was overjoyed. During this time, he followed the secret method of mutual induction in the magic way and looked for Shi Tianxuan's figure. Today he finally found him.

"Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Shi Tianxuan, Madman Chu has already gotten a clue to Chi You's inheritance. It would be no good if he could get Chi You's inheritance."

Chi Yue said quickly.

When he came on this trip, he wanted Shi Tianxuan to stop Madman Chu.

"What? Tell me about the situation in detail."


Chi Yue was about to speak, but at this moment, he saw that countless lines on his body were intertwined.

In an instant, Xianhui dissipated, and a sword burst out!

"not good?!"

Shi Tianxuan seemed to sense something, and the figure quickly moved away.

And the next moment.

Chi Yue's face, who was still about to say something, suddenly became extremely frightened.

I saw in him, a hidden sword aura suddenly erupted.

At this moment, he finally understood what Madman Chu meant for the time being.

He is alive soon! !

Sword Qi soared into the sky, completely shredded Chi Yue's body, turned into a dazzling, shocking sword shadow, and cut it down in the air! !

This sword is overbearing!

As if the overlord descended, pushing everything horizontally!

It is the Supreme Pro of the Sword of Zhou! !

"God-killing tactics, breaking the sky!!"

Shi Tianxuan held the dark magic spear in his hand, and the surging demonic energy swept out, turning into a majestic spear power, as if to shatter everything in the world and the world! !

The gun power and the sword shadow collided with the sky, and the surrounding mountains burst into nothing!

The earth quaked, the sun and the moon were dark!

This blow shook even the continent where Shi Tianxuan was located, and countless powerful men released their immortal consciousness to investigate.

When I saw the spear of destruction and the sword of domineering, my expression changed.

"What a powerful breath."

"This kind of breath is definitely a goddess of the evildoer level!"

Broken mountains, billowing smoke...

The mountains and rivers after the impact were a mess.

In a shattered mountain range, Shi Tianxuan stood with a gun, his expression gloomy.

He was holding the gun, shaking slightly.

But there was no injury on his body.


From the remaining sword aura in the void, an indifferent voice came, "If you can take this sword, you are now qualified to stand in front of me."

That was the voice of Chu Madman.

Shi Tianxuan's expression was extremely gloomy when he heard this voice.

A cold magical light burst into his eyes, "Madman Chu, is this the battle book you gave me?"

"Don't exaggerate yourself, this sword just confirms whether you are qualified to stand in front of me, challenge? You are far from qualified."

After speaking the last sentence, Madman Chu's voice gradually disappeared.

Shi Tianxuan's face was gloomy as water, and the blue veins in the hand holding the gun were trembling slightly.

"Mad Chu, I will definitely defeat you completely!"

He took a deep breath and looked into the distance, "Is the place where Chi You passed on? I will find it out!"

He took out a piece of jade slip and ordered all the magical monks who came to Ziweixing to start paying attention to everything about Chi You.

the other side.

Madman Chu stood on the deck of a warship and opened his eyes slightly.

"Sword Qi, it's gone."

He never thought about making Chi live.

He left a sword aura in the opponent's body, and when one burst out, it was enough to kill him!

And during the attack of Jian Qi, it was when the opponent saw Shi Tianxuan.

The purpose was twofold, to kill Chi Yue, and by the way, to test Shi Tianxuan.

"Heh, Killing Spear, is it the inheritance of Luo Maw Demon Ancestor? It's really interesting."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

at this time.

The black iron plate in his hand trembled suddenly.

"Oh, there is a reaction."

Madman Chu looked at the iron piece in his hand and looked in the direction that the iron piece sensed, "Is there?"

He took Fuyin and Quartz quickly to Chi You's inheritance.

He came to a huge mountain range, and there was a densely populated place, similar to a tribe.

There are quite a few monks in this tribe, and these people are more or less...devilish!

The madman Chu's immortal knowledge circulated, covering this tribe.

Soon, he learned the name of this tribe, Jiuli tribe!

It is rumored that Chi You was born in the Jiuli family.

It seems that the Jiuli tribe is in his inheritance place, which is not unusual.

And Jiuli, more magic repair!

In addition to the Jiuli tribe, there are other tribes in this mountain range. These tribes are not weaker than the Jiuli tribe, and even stronger.

At this time, there was a sound of fighting in the mountains.

Crazy Chu's immortal knowledge moved, only to see a few young men with strange runes riding on monsters, chasing and killing a woman wearing silver ornaments and wearing a black dress.

The woman has a beautiful face and a graceful figure. The lavender eyes of UU Reading reveal a strange wild charm.

"Li Fei, don't resist, go back with me obediently!"

A young man riding a rhinoceros looked at Concubine Li and said flatly.

However, Concubine Li stared at the young people in front of her, without any intention of compromise, only unyielding.

"Hmph, Ming is stubborn, if you do this, you will only cause disaster to the Jiuli tribe!"

The young man said coldly.

Hearing this, Concubine Li showed a look of anger on her face, "Liu Feng! Despicable and shameless, threaten me with my people."

"So what? I can tell you clearly, I have become a Jiezi now, and soon, I will leave Ziwei Star and participate in the Jiezi dispute. Before I leave, I must get you, but I regret it in my heart. , Let my state of mind reach a perfect and transparent state."

Liu Feng said coldly.

The Madman Chu who was observing secretly froze for a moment, "Does this robbing girl have to speak so fresh and refined now?"

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