Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : Li Fei’s despair, you can’t hurt this person

"Li Concubine, give you one last chance and go back with me, otherwise, I will let my father lead the soldiers and beat the Jiuli Clan!!"

Liu Feng said coldly.


Concubine Li bit her silver teeth straight, with an unwilling look on her face.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Liu Feng made an instant shot, a palm blasted out, and black runes appeared on his body.

These runes have a strange and gloomy feeling.

When Concubine Li reacted, the palm of her hand had already whizzed to her front, and she yelled, "Despicable!!"

She also slapped a palm, but under the hasty, she still suffered a big loss. She was knocked back by a palm dozens of feet, and her face was slightly pale.

After being forced to retreat, a purple magic pattern appeared on Concubine Li's body, which actually made her breath rise.

Madman Chu watched in the void, and couldn't help but sigh softly.

Quartz, Fuyin was also very surprised.

"The way these people fight is a bit peculiar."

"Yes, it seems, some kind of rune technique."

Madman Chu nodded slightly, "You guessed right, this is indeed some kind of rune method, especially the woman, which is carved deep in the bloodline and passed on from generation to generation!"

This kind of rune is very rare.

It can be passed on from generation to generation, which is definitely a very powerful way to ensure the longevity of the family.

Da Luo Jinxian can't do it.

Only with the existence of Hedao Realm, can runes be inscribed in the blood and passed on from generation to generation.

"Chi You is the existence of Hedao realm. It seems that Li Fei, and even the entire Jiuli tribe, may have Chi You's blood."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

He once saw similar methods in the line of Chi You, the magical path, but the other side's methods were cultivated, not relying on blood inheritance.

"Chi You's magic pattern, an enviable talent."

Liu Feng looked at the purple magic pattern on Concubine Li's body, with a touch of envy in his eyes, but was replaced by an icy color.

"Even if you have Chi You's magic pattern, you are still not my opponent!"

He shot again, palm after palm, and beside him, the other young people were driving the monsters, forming a circle, completely surrounding Li Fei.

They watched this battle with amusement in their eyes.

"Although Concubine Li's strength is not bad, it is still a little bit behind the young master."


"It seems that Concubine Li cannot escape the palm of the young master today."

"The young master is thinking about this Concubine Li. Now that he has obtained a will of the fairy world and is about to participate in the battle of the world son, how can he be able to bear it."

The battle continued, and Li Fei was losing ground.

boom! !

Concubine Li hit her palm, vomiting blood and flew upside down.

But she still didn't plan to give up resistance, she was still extremely tenacious.

High in the sky.

Fuyin saw this scene and said, "Master, do you want to make a move?"

She knew that Madman Chu was looking for Chi You's inheritance, and this Jiuli tribe was obviously related to this inheritance. If Li Fei were rescued, it might be helpful.

"Don't worry, I see Concubine Li, there is still room for resistance."

Madman Chu smiled lightly.

When Fuyin heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he immediately understood what Madman Chu meant.

The current Concubine Li is not desperate enough.

Only when she is the most desperate and helpless can she help her to reap the greatest gratitude.

The son, has the face and temperament of a banal immortal, but he is... home with a black belly!

Thinking that he had been rescued by Madman Chu several times, Fuyin's expression suddenly became a little weird.

Wouldn't you be accepted as a follower by the other party in this way?

Otherwise, why would I be so devoted to the other party now? ?

boom! !

The treacherous runes and Dao patterns are intertwined in the void, as if a gust of wind swept out, covering Concubine Li, and soon, there were bloodstains on her delicate body.

"Jiu Li Shen Xiao!"

Li Feijiao screamed, and the devilish energy on her body whizzed out, impacting the rune and Dao patterns in all directions.

Although this blow disintegrated Liu Feng's offensive, her own devilish energy was almost exhausted, and the magic patterns on her body gradually dimmed.

"It's over, it's beyond my expectation that you can do this."

"But it's a pity that you are only the first real immortal, and I am the third real immortal. The gap between you and me is separated by two mountains!"

Nine products of true immortals, one product and one heavy mountain!

Wanting to fight to a smaller level is as difficult as a mortal trying to climb a mountain of ten thousand feet!

What's more, Concubine Li and him are two grades apart, two mountains!

"Now, follow me obediently!"

Liu Feng raised his hand and urged Xian Yuan to turn into a black, big hand covering the sky and the sun and grabbed it towards Concubine Li!

Is everything over?

There was a deep despair in Li Fei's heart.

Thinking of the situation she might face next, she even planned to commit suicide.

Chi You is here, who will help me?

Concubine Li was so desperate that she began to pray to Chi You, whom her family has believed in for generations.

And at this time.

A white dress appeared before her eyes.

As soon as the white clothes moved, the dark Xianyuan hand suddenly disappeared!

This white robe didn't know when it appeared or where it came from, but at this moment it lightened Concubine Li's heart and made her see the dawn in despair!

Great God Chi You, has he manifested?

Concubine Li was puzzled and surprised.

And Liu Feng looked at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, with an icy look in his eyes, "Who are you, dare to intervene in the affairs of my monster tribe."

He directly moved out of the name of his tribe, trying to frighten the madman Chu.

After all, the Yunmei tribe is also a big and famous power on this continent. Among the clan, there is even Daluo.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is, you can't hurt this person!"

Madman Chu said with a high spirit.

The face of the banished immortal, the words proudly, guard Li Fei strongly!

Concubine Li, who had just prayed on the side, couldn't help but trembled as she looked at Madman Chu.

"kill him!"

Liu Feng said coldly to the others.

This person suddenly appeared, and his strength was unknown. He wanted to let the subordinates around him try it out first.

"Boy, dare to ruin our young master's good deeds, you will die!"

"Hmph, dare to provoke our demons, you don't want to die!"

Several monks rode on the monster beasts and rushed towards Madman Chu.

"Heaven does evil, especially it can survive, if you do evil, you can't live!"

Madman Chu faintly raised his hand.

In an instant, the surging demonic energy whizzed out, turning into a huge sword shadow, "Devil is destroyed for nine days!!"

One of the twenty-four methods of kendo!


Sword Qi swept away I saw that a few monsters were swept away in an instant, and the fairy body burst!

When Liu Feng saw this, his pupils shrank suddenly, "This is devilish energy, are you also from Jiuli?!"

Madman Chu killed all his subordinates with a single sword, and this strength made him feel a little bit inside, and then he slapped a palm at Madman Chu with all his strength!

Runes and Dao patterns are intertwined, turning into gusts of wind!

"The Devil Slayers Nine Heavens!"

Madman Chu continued to sweep out a sword, the horrible magical sword aura swept away, breaking the wind, and directly blasting Liu Feng to vomit blood!

"No, this person is too strong, I am not an opponent!"

Liu Feng was terrified, then turned into a streamer, turned and swept away.

When Madman Chu saw this, he seemed to want to catch up, but he glanced at Concubine Li, as if he was worried about her injury, and turned back.

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