Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : To meet Absolute God, you only have to defeat me

Purple microstar, in a mountain range.

The madman of Chu was refining various treasures, and at this moment, a place with five colors of brilliance rose to the sky, and the splendid five elements flowed.

A man in white walked out of the cave, surrounded by the light of the five elements between his behavior.

It is like mastering the five elements.

This person is not someone else, but a clone of Chu Madman.

At this time, his clone had already refined all the Five Elements Treasures obtained by Heavenly Daozi, Xiaotianjun and others in the Heavenly Dao Pagoda.

Now, the strength of this clone is even stronger.

It is conservatively estimated that this clone has at least the most enchanting combat power.

"Lan Yu and the deity are still in retreat. Although there are restrictions and guards, I will continue to retreat here just in case."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

In Ziwei Star, all enchanting evildoers, Tianjiao are looking for opportunities to strengthen themselves.

During this period of time, Madman Chu, although he was protecting the Dharma of the deity and others, he learned about the information from all directions during the circulation of the immortal knowledge. For example, Ye Zhu has obtained the inheritance of an ancient sword repairer, and his combat power has skyrocketed. Yuan Feng of the ape clan obtained a piece of divine iron left by the ape ancestor and part of the ape ancestor inheritance...

The descendant of the underworld Yama has obtained the inheritance of a certain ancient underworld power, controls a certain treasure, and can use the power of cause and effect.

In the magic way, an evildoer obtained a magic sword, found part of the inheritance of the former swordsman, and became the new star of the magic way.

Such information is too numerous to list.

Among them, there are two that are most interesting to Mad Chu.

One is about Yin Honghua.

The other party also came to Ziwei Star. Someone saw her appearing on a certain continent of Ziwei Star. It seemed that she had been inherited by a certain ancient power, and her combat power became extremely terrifying.

That great power seems to have something to do with Dragon Palace.

Madman Chu secretly remembered that he planned to look for the other party again later.

Except for Yin Honghua's matter.

There is one more thing that makes Chu Madren quite concerned.

That is the line of gods and demons.

It is said that a large number of monks from the line of gods and demons have come to Ziwei Star recently.

"There is such a movement in the line of the acquired gods and demons. It seems that the coronation ceremony of the gods and demons is about to begin."

"And as the king of gods and demons appointed by them, I am absolutely godless, so I should be approaching me soon."

Madman Chu secretly pondered.

Just when he was thinking this way, suddenly, as if he had sensed something, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he looked at the mountains not far away.

At the end of the mountain range, a black figure came suddenly.

This is a young man with swords and eyebrows. He walked in the direction of Madman Chu. With every step he took, a wisp of domineering spirit of the gods and demons escaped from his body, directly breaking the surrounding mountains into pieces. Nothingness is terrifying.

When he arrived in front of Madman Chu, the spirit of the gods and demons had already converged into a vast ocean, vast and shuddering.

The Madman Chu stood still, with billions of celestial glory rising from his body, and the mysterious power of the five elements flowed out like a colorful ocean!

The two ‘Wang Yang’s directly collided with each other with a bang. After the bang, the ground under their feet split directly, forming a grand canyon of thousands of miles.

Madman Chu and the man stood on both sides of the canyon, their eyes colliding.

One is calm and indifferent, the other is domineering!

boom! !

The power of the spirit of the gods and the devil and the power of the five elements skyrocketed again, biting wildly in the void like two giant beasts, and gorgeous Dao patterns continued to emerge in the sky.

It's not just the earth.

Even the sky was divided into two halves.

Half nothing, half colorful.

The terrifying power attracted the attention of many Tianjiao around, and they rushed over.

They watched this scene with horror in their eyes.

"It's a terrifying collision. Just breath has such power. If these two people fight, how terrifying would it be?!"

"Who is that person? He can stand up against the madman Chu!"

Countless Tianjiao talked about it.

And some people recognized the person, and their faces were extremely dignified.

"There is no god."

Madman Chu looked at the black-clothed youth opposite, and said with a certain tone.

The opponent is the line of the acquired gods and demons, and still possesses this level of power of the gods and demons, only the rumored super evil evildoer is absolutely godless.


The corner of Jue Wushen's mouth was slightly raised, looking at Madman Chu, he said lightly: "Is this your clone, or the deity?"

He had heard of some things about Madman Chu and knew that the other party had a powerful clone.

Even he can see the reality of the other party.


Madman Chu said lightly, and he didn't mean to conceal it.

Hearing this, Absolute Wushen's pupils shrank slightly. He originally thought that if he could compete with him to such a degree, there was a high probability that it should be the deity.

Unexpectedly, it was just a clone.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then said: "You are qualified to be the king of gods and demons!"

"Qualified to be the king of gods and demons, then, can you be your king?"

Madman Chu asked calmly.

"At the coronation ceremony, defeat me, and all the gods and demons, including me, will respect you as king!"

"Really? That's not such a difficult thing."

"Oh, it is as arrogant as the rumors are."

Jue Wushen chuckled lightly, but he didn't feel much disgust, because in his opinion, Madman Chu was so arrogant with this strength.


As if he received some news, his eyebrows frowned, and then he said lightly: "I will come to you again. Next, I will deal with some things first."

"Yes, mountain ghost **** child?"

Madman Chu's heart moved.

He also heard that the **** son of the mountain ghost awakened the gods and demons, and heard that the other party seemed to be taking actions against the gods and demons.

"The coronation ceremony of the gods and demons is not allowed to be disturbed by anyone. You only need to recharge and defeat me in the coronation ceremony. As for the other, I will deal with it!"

Jue Wushen said lightly, then turned and left.

It came to earth-shattering, and went vigorously.

When Madman Chu saw this, he couldn't help but chuckle, "Being a follower is enough."

He looked into the distance, his eyes faint.

Mountain ghost **** child...

It's Xian Ting again.

Whether it is Kunlun Xian Ting or Dong Huang Xian Ting, they are all behind the demise of the emperor.

During this time, what Xian Ting did and did made him extremely unhappy.

"East Emperor Nine Songs, Kunlun Six Royals, heh, it seems that I have to play in the future."


And in another place.

On the purple star.

On a mountain peak, countless mysterious runes surround, forming an eerie rune enchantment.

In the barrier, there are more than a dozen cultivators of the line of acquired gods and demons, trapped among them, struggling to resist the various killer moves that the barrier comes with.

Bang, bang!

The enchantment light flashed a rune of light flashed out.

Lin Qiu, Ming Yifeng resisted.

And behind them, several gods and devils cultivators were exhausted and could no longer hold on.

This enchantment is too powerful.

Even if the evildoer is trapped in it, it will be very difficult.

"Damn mountain ghost **** child!"

Ming Yifeng cursed secretly, his face extremely gloomy.

They are trapped here, it is naturally the ghost of the mountain ghost **** child.

boom! !

At this moment, above the sky, dark clouds gather!

A breath of horrible gods and demons descended from the sky, crashing into the barrier madly!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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