Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : The 7th real immortal, you are the king, and you are worthy?

boom! !

The incomparably terrifying spirit of the gods and demons descended from the sky, assaulting the enchantment like a flood!

I saw several bold figures falling from the dark cloud vortex.

These people, each of them carried an extremely powerful spirit of the gods and demons, they were obviously the gods and demons in the line of the gods and demons!

"It's Yanyun them!!"

Ming Yifeng, Lin Qiu and others looked happy.

The arrival of several gods and demons in the same line of Tianjiao also made the eyes of many Tianjiao secretly observed.

"It is clear that it is a trap aimed at the line of gods and demons. Unexpectedly, they dare to plunge into it."

"Heh, the line of the acquired gods and demons is full of love and righteousness."


Among the gods and demons who came, Yanyun was the head.

He looked at the enchantment with a gloomy expression, "Huh, the mountain ghost line has repeatedly targeted my **** and devil line. Today, I must make a break."

He shot together with several other gods and monks.

The spirit of the gods and demons around suddenly intensified, rushing against the rune barrier.

And under the impact of this kind of power, this enchantment gradually began to disintegrate, and would collapse at any time.

at this time.

In the void not far away, countless lines appeared, merging with the majestic celestial essence, and gathered to form a large black mountain, violently suppressing several people!

"It's the practice method of the mountain ghost!"

"This kind of power is not good, let's resist it together!"

Yanyun and the several gods and demons beside him shot together, each performing magical powers and magic, smashing the black mountain to pieces!

However, under the impact of two forces, Yan Yun and others were blasted back hundreds of feet.

They looked at the sky above the barrier with solemn expressions.

A figure walked out of the void.

This man was wearing a black robes with long and sharp eyebrows. Looking at the people in the mist, a scornful color appeared at the corners of his mouth. "Are you the only ones here?"

"Mountain ghost **** child!"

Yan Yun and the others stared at each other with anger in their eyes.

This person is the **** son of the mountain ghost line.

"In the line of the acquired gods and demons, apart from Absolute No God, there are only a few who are somewhat capable. If I remember correctly, you are Yanyun, Yueshan, and Howling Wind."

Shangui Shenzi said lightly.

"You know everything about my gods and demons."

Yanyun snorted coldly.

"Since I have to deal with you, I have to do some intelligence work."

The mountain ghost **** child swept around and said indifferently: "Why, has Absolute Wushen not come?"

"We are enough to deal with you!"

"I don't know how high the sky is."

Yan Yun didn't say much, his figure flashed, turning into a black smoke and disappearing into the void in an instant.

When he reappeared, he had already reached the sky above the mountain ghost **** child, and between raising his hands, the surging spirit of the gods and demons had burst out, and rushed towards the opponent!

The mountain ghost **** child stood still, gently raised his hand, the majestic immortal essence and the spirit of the gods and demons bombarded together!

boom! !

With a loud noise, the mountain ghost **** son was as stable as Mount Tai, and the smoke cloud was knocked into the air again.

"This kind of immortal power, the seventh real immortal!!"

Yan Yun couldn't help her pupils shrinking slightly.

You know, the other party's evildoer, the cultivation base is just wandering in the second and third ranks of true immortals.

However, the mountain ghost **** child, at this time, his cultivation base had reached the seventh stage of the true immortal!

This is enough for the rest of the Tianjiao and even the evildoers to look beyond the dust!

"It's fairly insightful."

The **** son of the mountain ghost stood proudly, his eyes stunned.

Tianjiao all around could not help in an uproar.

"Seventh-Rank Real Immortal! The cultivation base of the Mountain Ghost God Child has improved so quickly, it is a bit scary."

"It seems that the Tiandao Tower and his party have made him advance by leaps and bounds."

"I heard that he also awakened a top-notch **** **** and demon body attribute, coupled with the cultivation base of the seventh real immortal, tusk, this is comparable!"

"It's worthy of being a **** son of Xian Ting, it's really extraordinary."

Nine products of true immortals, one product and one heavy mountain.

Even if the mountain ghost **** child does not have a chaotic **** and demon body, relying on the cultivation base of this true immortal seventh rank, he is enough to disdain the younger generation.

What's more, he also has a top-notch chaos **** and demon body.

It can be said that the strength of the mountain ghost **** child at this time is very close to the enchanting evildoer of the world.

"Even if it's a true immortal 7th product, we can't retire this battle!"

Yanyun, Yueshan, and Lin Feng looked at the Ming Yifeng trapped in the enchantment, and Lin Qiu and the others gave a look of determination in their eyes.

They were adopted as experimental materials by nothingness since they were young. They ate and lived together, grew up together, and felt like brothers and sisters.

Now, the mountain ghost **** child wants to kill their siblings, how can they easily retreat? !


The smoke cloud shot again. This time, his figure transformed into several black smoke, and each black smoke turned into a smoke cloud, a total of seven, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

The seven smoke clouds shot together, rushing towards the mountain ghost **** child.

"Oh, doppelganger art?"

The mountain ghost **** child can see that these seven clouds are not phantoms, each of them is genuine and possesses a powerful attack power.

This is an extremely clever avatar technique.

"But, no matter how clever the avatar technique is, your cultivation is far from enough!"

The mountain ghost **** child was awe-inspiring and blasted out with a punch!

The surging Xianyuan smashed each avatar, and even Yanyun's deity was directly blasted off.

"Howling, take it!"

Yanyun shouted.

Behind him, Rin Feng held a fairy sword, and the spirit of the gods and demons in his body continued to gush out like tides and injected into it.

The fairy sword trembles, and the Dao patterns are interwoven!

An extremely terrifying sword aura whizzed towards the mountain ghost **** child like a violent wind, even the smoke cloud was included.

However, when the sword gas arrived, the smoke cloud turned into a black smoke and dissipated.

This sword is extremely terrifying!

But Shangui Shenzi was disturbed by Yanyun's attack just now, and he didn't notice it for a while.

Seeing this, Tianjiao all around couldn't help but secretly surprised.

"Good tacit cooperation."

"One is responsible for containment, and the other is ready to make extreme moves, and if Yan Yun was a little careless just now, I am afraid that he will be involved with this ultimate move."

Shangui Shenzi faced the ultimate move without rushing.

When he was about to dodge, he suddenly found that his feet were suddenly empty, and two vortices appeared on the earth, causing his feet to sink in and be fixed in place.

Not far away, Yue Shan squeezed his hand, and there was a spirit of **** and devil surging in his body!

Obviously, Shangui Shenzi was trapped by him.

One interfered and contained, the other attacked, and the other was sleepy. The three had no discussion beforehand, but they made their own judgments at the moment of the battle.

Very tacit understanding.

"Good cooperation, but that's all!"

The mountain ghost **** son gave a long roar, and the immortal vitality on his body was pouring out like a torrent of water, pouring out, "Mountain Ghost Art, Ten Thousand Heavy Ghost Mountain!!"

In the void, countless Dao patterns are intertwined, and the dark mountains are bombarded by the storm!

The sky full of sword qi storm was smashed by this mountain, and the three people of Howling Wind, Yanyun, and Yueshan were also spit out blood by these countless mountains.

Their strength is not bad, UU reading www., but compared to the mountain ghost **** child, there is not a small gap.


Yanyun's faces were extremely ugly.

There is a deep sense of powerlessness inside.

"I can give you a chance now, surrender to me, make me king, and I can spare you not to die, how about?!"

Shangui Shenzi said proudly.

"Make you king? Are you worthy too?!"

At this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

In the next instant, the extremely domineering spirit of the gods and demons poured out from not far away, wherever they went, everything turned into nothingness!

Under the impact of this terrifying spirit of the gods and demons, the **** son of the mountain ghost couldn't help but regress dozens of feet.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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