Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Mountain ghost **** son Zhan absolutely no god, Da Si Ming goddess, Dongjun **** so

"Make you king? Are you worthy too?!"

The indifferent voice rang out, accompanied by the overbearing spirit of gods and demons.

Under this power, the mountain ghost **** child was knocked out nearly a hundred meters away.

When everyone saw this, their pupils shrank slightly, and then they looked not far away.

I saw a black figure stepping forward proudly, with an unparalleled violent aura in every move!

The surrounding mountains and rivers are shaking, the wind and clouds are surging, the sun and the moon are eclipsed!

As if the ancient gods and demons came to the world in anger!

"It's Godless Brother!!"

The smoke cloud, howling wind, and the crowd of acquired gods and demon cultivators trapped in the enchantment couldn't help but rejoice.

And Shangui Shenzi also burst into light in his eyes, with a smile on his face, "Absolutely no god, one of my most anticipated opponents, you are finally here!!"

The people here are absolutely no gods in the line of the acquired gods and demons!

And his arrival also shocked many arrogances present.

"Absolutely Godless, one of the greatest evildoers in the starry sky arena, he finally appeared!"

"Ha, it seems that there will be a wonderful battle about to be staged."

"The strongest evildoer in the line of gods and demons, against the mountain ghosts and gods, these two are the most extreme evildoers. This battle is not a small one."

The eyes of all Tianjiao showed expectation.

Absolutely Wushen came with a strong presence of the spirit of the gods and demons, shocking the audience, only to see that he raised his hands, the spirit of the gods and demons condensed in the palm of his palm, and then turned into a big hand that covered the sky and pushed out!

The goal is exactly the barrier set by the mountain ghost **** child!

"If you want to save people, you have to ask me!"

The mountain ghost **** child sneered, stepped out, and came to the junction, the surging immortal yuan gushed out, and also turned into a great immortal hand!

But the moment the two forces collided, the void exploded fiercely, and the mountain ghost **** child actually flew upside down again!

Absolutely no god, like a broken bamboo, smashing that enchantment with one palm! !

Lin Qiu, Ming Yifeng and the others got out of their troubles, and brought the remaining gods and demons to Jue Wushen's back.

Everyone was in an uproar upon seeing this.

"It deserves to be the strongest evildoer in the line of gods and demons. This strength is indeed extraordinary."

"Good guy, his cultivation base is probably not weaker than the mountain ghost **** child."

"Seven real immortals!!"

Shangui Shenzi looked at Absolute Wushen, and his tone revealed a dignified color, "Your cultivation level has actually reached the Seventh Stage of True Immortal!"

The same as the Seventh-Rank True Immortal, but Absolute Wushen can blast him back with one palm!

Among them, it is not only because of the energy of the gods and demons, but also because the opponent is stronger than him at the seventh-rank realm, and even close to the eighth-rank infinitely!

"I heard that you have also awakened the gods and demons, display them, and let me see them."

Absolutely Wushen stood with his hand holding his hand, and said lightly.

"Heh, this is my hole card, how can it be easily revealed."

The mountain ghost **** child smiled faintly, and then, on his body, a fairy blast rushed up and turned into an extremely magnificent huge mountain in the air.

"Try it first, the practice of my mountain ghost line!"

"Mountain Ghost Art, Shifang Heishan Town!!"

The sacred mountain smashed down, covering the sky and the sun, and the huge shadow enveloped all the gods and monks present.

"You guys, step back behind me."

Absolutely Wushen said lightly.

Then, he stepped out one step, the spirit of the gods and demons whistled, "The nirvana means!"

With one finger pointing out, everything is gone!

All spirits of heaven and earth seem to die because of this finger!

The huge finger shadow blasted towards the sacred mountain that smashed down high in the sky, and the two forces slammed together, exploding directly all around.

The radius of thousands of miles is constantly broken and collapsed!

The continent under everyone's feet was even more shaken as never before.

Many Tianjiao saw the energy storm sweeping out, and their expressions changed slightly, and they all kept backing away.

"What a powerful force."

"It's really extraordinary to fight against the most enchanting evildoers."

"In this battle, it seems that Absolute No God is going to have a certain upper hand."

"That's not necessarily true, don't forget, the mountain ghost **** child now has a top-notch chaos **** and demon body, once it is displayed, the winning or losing is not yet known."

"Jue Wushen is the strongest evildoer in the line of gods and demons. His accomplishments in the line of gods and demons should be above the mountain ghosts and gods."

Everyone talked a lot.

And not far away, on a certain mountain peak.

There are two figures standing side by side, watching this battle with a look of inquiry in their eyes.

This is a man and a woman.

The man has handsome eyebrows, dressed in a white robe, tall and straight, with an extravagant appearance between his eyebrows.

The woman was tall, with black hair and shawl, a beautiful face, white skin, and red lips.

And her figure is extremely hot, and her curves are moving.

The black long skirt wrapped the straight jade legs and the fullness that is ready to come out, it can be described as thrilling.

"Goddess, what do you think of this battle?"

The man looked at the woman beside him and asked with a faint smile.

And that woman was a descendant of Da Si Ming, one of the nine songs of the Immortal Court of the Eastern Emperor, Da Si Ming Goddess.

"If the mountain ghost **** child doesn't use the chaos **** and demon body or the mountain ghost treasure, he will not be able to defeat the absolute **** in this battle."

The goddess said with red lips lightly.

The man nodded slightly, "Your opinion is the same as mine."

"It's just that, even if the mountain ghost **** child can win Absolute Godless, his greatest enemy is not an Absolute Godless."

Da Si Ming said the goddess intentionally.

"Mad Chu..."

The man chanted the name, his eyes gradually became serious.

The most famous of the gods and demons is not absolutely godless.

It's that Madman Chu who is known as a monster!

"Why, **** son Dongjun, you are also very jealous of this person?"

The great goddess smiled faintly.

"Oh, among the young generation, I am afraid that no one dares to say that he is not afraid of the Mad Chu, and I am no exception."

Divine Child Dongjun smiled faintly, and then there was a hint of pride in his eyes, "But jealousy returns to jealousy, if I let me fight with him, I won't be afraid!"

He didn't want to show his timidity in front of the goddess.

Because the other person is the one he likes.

Although the goddess has never responded to him, it is all right.

"is it?"

Da Si Ming smiled faintly, did not reply again, and continued to pay attention to the battle.

The battle between Jue Wu Shen and the Mountain Ghost God Child is already in full swing, and various powerful practices are used one after another, colliding together.

"Mountain Ghost Art, Wangui Mountain!"

Black mountains roared out.

Absolutely without stands proudly, the spirit of gods and demons rises into the sky, "The void is gone!"

The spirit of the gods and demons engulfed a domineering force of emptiness, directly destroying the space of thousands of miles, which also included the various cultivation methods urged by the gods of the mountain ghosts.

The power of this blow is extremely terrifying.

The **** son of the mountain ghost couldn't help retreating hundreds of feet, and the power of nothingness around him was still crushing him, seeming to crush him into mud!

If this continues, he will undoubtedly lose!

"Oh, absolutely no god, well-deserved reputation! You are now qualified to see my hole cards!"

The mountain ghost **** child smiled faintly.

In the next instant, a force that made all Tianjiao palpitations in the scene burst out from the body of the mountain ghost **** child!

That is, the spirit of the gods and demons!

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