Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : 100,000 Yin Mountain Realm, the treasure of mountain ghosts, proves the prestige of

"Damn it, this guy's cultivation base is above me! Plus his **** body is not weaker than me, if I rely on the **** body alone, I can't beat him!"

Shangui Shenzi looked at the Madman Chu who was turning around in life and death behind him, with a look of jealousy in his eyes.

But Ming Yifeng, Lin Qiu, Yanyun and others couldn't help showing awe.

"This is the king of gods and demons appointed by the adults! It is amazing!"

"The meaning of life and death, this **** and devil body, compared to the black hole attribute of the mountain ghost and **** child, is not bad at all!"

"He does have the qualifications to become the King of Gods and Demons!"

Madman Chu didn't pay much attention to everyone's thoughts.

He looked at the mountain ghost **** child indifferently, and said indifferently: "I said, this **** and devil body is simply a waste of you."

"Huh, Madman Chu, don't get too proud of it too soon!"

Shangui Shenzi coldly snorted, "Do you really think that I am dealing with the gods and demons and didn't count you in it?"

Madman Chu is also a **** and demon, this is something everyone knows.

The **** son of the mountain ghost also knew that Madman Chu was the king of the gods and demons mentioned by the line of the acquired gods and demons. How could he have not considered the opponent this time when dealing with the line of the gods and demons.

"The person I am most looking forward to, and really want to deal with, is not Absolute Godless, but you!!"

The **** son of the mountain ghost gave a long roar, and the immortal yuan on his body burst out like a wave!

That's not the spirit of gods and demons.

It's the immortal element that the mountain ghost's line specializes in cultivation!

I saw these immortals flooding all directions, as if they collided with something, and countless mysterious runes suddenly appeared in the void.

These runes bloomed with celestial splendor, and black mountains were reflected in the void!

In a blink of an eye, Kuangren Chu and others came to the eerie mountains.

This mountain range is not an entity, but is composed of runic energy.

There are invisible barriers all around.

This is an enchantment!

"Mountain Ghost Art, One Hundred Thousand Yin Mountain Realm!!"

Shangui Shenzi said coldly,

Within the enchantment, his breath has improved a lot.

"The black hole is annihilated!"

"Ten Fang in Heishan Town!"

The mountain ghost **** child made another move, this time, it was the magical power of the same luck **** and demon body, and the fairy method of the mountain ghost line!

Two powerful forces were crushing towards Madman Chu!

Madman Chu was still standing in the air, and life and death cycled behind him, and the extremely powerful life and death force exploded, shattering the power of the black hole and the power of the mountain ghost at the same time.

But in the next moment!

Countless restrictions appeared all around, and these restrictions shrouded the Mad Man Chu, blooming with pitch black light, and even more revealing an incomparably powerful oppressive force.

Under this repressive force, Madman Chu felt that his immortal yuan was actually restricted.

"Is it some kind of restriction?"

The spirit of the gods and demons in Chu Kuangren's body surged, but the power was far less than before.

"Chu Madman, are you satisfied with the power of my enchantment?!"

The **** son of the mountain ghost laughed, and good luck!

The spirit of the black hole gods and demons, the immortal essence of the mountain ghost tactics, and the magical powers of the immortal magic, blasted towards the madman of Chu one after another.

"Is it the only way?"

A purple magic pattern appeared on Madman Chu's face, and a bit of evil charm was added to his handsome face.

He gently raised his hand, and the wheel of life and death behind him had a little more magical purple light.

boom! !

All kinds of magical powers and immortal methods, when they approached Madman Chu, they burst into pieces one after another!

"Mountain Ghost Art, Ten Thousand Heavy Ghost Mountain!!"

The mountain ghost **** child urged the immortal law, and under the blessing of the barrier, the gloomy mountains around him smashed towards Madman Chu one after another.

at the same time.

"Black hole annihilation!!"

The power of the black hole gods and demons suddenly appeared above the wheel of life and death, covering it!

The power of gods and demons limits the wheel of life and death!

Although the wheel of life and death was restricted, before Madman Chu raised his hand, there was fairy hui on his fist, smashed out with one punch, and the majestic and endless thunder broke out!

This thunder is not an ordinary thunder!

Instead, it contains the power of Chu Kuang's blood, blood thunder! !

This is the God Thunder Fist Method modified by him!

Promoted by qi and blood, a real body-building fist! !

boom! !

Under the cover of endless blood, thousands of thunder are raging!

Those gloomy mountains burst into pieces one after another!

After the bombardment!

Blood thunder, Wan Zhongshan, disappear one after another!

Under the unparalleled impact, Shangui Shenzi couldn't help backing hundreds of feet.

But Madman Chu is still motionless!

Behind him, the wheel of life and death shook, and the endless fairy radiated the power of the black hole!

"Damn it!"

"Chu madman, see the treasure of my mountain ghost line!"

The mountain ghost **** child took out a black big seal and threw it into the air. The big seal, growing in the wind, turned into a huge mountain, and smashed out!

Heaven and earth collapse, mountains and rivers crumble!

Nine days and ten places are all turbulent!

This sacred mountain seemed to last forever, but at this moment, it was wrapped in the vast and vast power, and it slammed into the Madman Chu!

"The treasure of the mountain ghost, this is a synergy!"


Madman Chu smiled faintly and put away the wheel of life and death.

Kunwu trembled slightly around his waist.

In an instant, Kunwu flew out, and the sword light surged across the sky.

In the sword light, a series of mysterious runes flowed out, and endless runes enveloped the sky in an instant!

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help taking a breath.

"This is, this is the seal of proof!!"

"A lot of seals of proof!"

"Oh my God!"

Everyone saw it clearly.

The dense runes are clearly the seal of proof one after another!

It is densely packed with thousands of pieces, covering the sky and the sun!

It is like thousands of true celestial gold celestial volleys, infinite power, numb to the scalp!

Prove that Kunwu is in this world, and the power will shake the world!

Even the mighty powers in the starry sky couldn't help but tremble with their pupils, dumbfounded!

"What kind of sword is this?!"

"How did he do it with such a large number of seals of proof in a sword?!"

"This sword is no less than a combiner!"

"Not only that, this sword has complete intelligence, coupled with the characteristics of integrating the seal of proof, its growth potential is unimaginable!!"

Can anyone see Zhengfa Kunwu's characteristics? It is a bit shocking.

This Kunwu of Madman Chu is too special.

"Kunwu, let this world see your sharpness!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

He Xianyuan urged, and his sword art was displayed, "Zhou Zhijian, Tyrant!"

Cut out with one sword!

The seal of the sky-shaking method bloomed with dazzling celestial glory, and then shrank like lightning and merged into Kunwu. The white jade-like body of the sword trembled slightly, and then, there was a earth-shaking sword shadow rising into the sky with intertwined Dao patterns. Overbearing unparalleled, like a supreme overlord descending, pushing everything! !

boom! !

Jian Ying cut to the huge mountain ghost and **** seal!

The two forces collided violently, the world was turbulent, and all directions shook together!

The 100,000 Yin Mountain shattered and collapsed one after another, and the countless rune restrictions in the void also burst into pieces one by one!

Yinshan enchantment broken! !

In the shock of the shocking energy, the mountain ghost and **** seal flew out and hit the mountain ghost **** child himself, causing him to spit out a big mouthful of blood, the fairy body shattered and almost collapsed!


The mountain ghost **** child knew that he was not the opponent of Madman Chu, holding the mountain ghost and **** seal, a huge black hole suddenly appeared behind him, and he retreated.

"Want to go?"

Madman Chu sneered, and the time and space sealing technique was used!

Time and space freeze instantly!

Madman Chu, slashed out with a sword, the sword light was dazzling, stunning the gods and Buddha.

It is one of the twenty-four methods of kendo!

"No, I'm going to die!!"

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