Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Dongjun Shenzi shots, golden continent, masters lifespan, life and death

"No, I'm going to die!!"

Shangui Shenzi felt that the time and space around him was restricted, and he was actually unable to move!

Shocking Shinto Sword swept over and locked him!

This sword astounds the gods and Buddhas, and is extremely beautiful, but in the eyes of the gods of the mountain ghosts, it contains a fatal threat!

At a critical juncture!

In the distance, a vast sun rises in the sky!

Da Ri burst out a few rays of brilliance, which actually interfered with the power of Time and Space Seal Art!

The mountain ghost **** child took this opportunity to urge his power to the extreme, and the power of the black hole **** and demon broke out. Under internal and external action, he was able to get rid of the power of time and space temporarily and got into the black hole.

However, he was still a step slower, unable to retreat all over, and was torn one arm by the sword light.

In the blood splashing, the mountain ghost **** child escaped.

When Madman Chu saw this, he looked at the big day not far away.

A white figure appeared vaguely in Da Nizhong, but disappeared without a trace in the next instant.

Madman Chu touched his chin, showing a little playfulness.

"This power is the top evildoer's shot, the power of the sun..."

Madman Chu couldn't help thinking of Dongwangjiao.

That is an ancient great religion who is good at driving the power of the sun.

But Zhuo Donglai, the strongest realm of the Eastern Kings Church, had already died in his own hands.

Can they come up with another evildoer?

Or the top evildoer?

"One of the nine songs, the son of Dongjun!"

Madman Chu thought of a person, the Dongjun in the myth of Jiuge!

According to rumors, the Eastern Prince, whom the Eastern King’s Church believes in, is one of the nine songs of the Eastern Emperor’s Immortal Court!

"The son of Dongjun is also from Xianting."

Madman Chu secretly remembered it in his heart, then raised his hand and grabbed it, and took the mountain ghost **** child's arm not far away.

"It's just that this battle is not without gain, the chaos **** and demon body with the black hole attribute, huh, it's okay."

This arm will be the material for him to analyze the physique of the mountain ghosts and gods.

It won't be long before he will have one more chaotic **** and demon body that controls the attributes of black holes.

"This battle is over."

"Unexpectedly, the mountain ghost **** child who mastered the chaos **** and demon body with the black hole attribute would still be abused by blood in front of Madman Chu."

"This monster, the younger generation, is afraid that no one can compete with it."

Many Tianjiao left one by one.

And Ye Zhu walked towards Madman Chu with the people from the Sanqing Dao Sect.

He and Madman Chu are friends, goodbye at this time, and it's normal to come over and say hello.

"Brother Ye, don't come here unharmed."

Madman Chu smiled.

"I haven't seen him for a while, Brother Chu still has the same style."


Madman Chu smiled.

At this time, Jue Wushen came with a monk from the line of acquired gods and demons.

"Thank you."

Jue Wu Shen didn't say much, and solemnly thanked him.

"The same line of gods and demons, no need to polite, no matter how you say, I am also your king!"

Madman Chu said lightly, his gaze was like electricity, and he looked straight at Absolutely Godless.

And Jue Wu Shen understood the other's eyes and chuckled, "I will gather all the monks of the acquired gods and demons as soon as possible for a coronation ceremony."

He knew that Madman Chu was already inevitable for the King of Gods and Demons.

And after seeing Madman Chu's combat power, he knew that the winning rate was not great. This coronation ceremony was probably just a cutscene.

"Heh, the coronation ceremony of the gods and demons, I am a little bit looking forward to it, Brother Chu, don't you mind if I stay here to witness the birth of the king of the gods and demons?"

Ye Zhu smiled.


Madman Chu nodded slightly.

Not only Ye Zhu, there are probably many Tianjiao who are looking forward to this coronation ceremony.

"By the way, Brother Ye, do you have Honghua's contact information?"

Madman Chu asked suddenly.

Yin Honghua was from the Sanqing Dao Sect, and he thought that Ye Zhu might be able to contact the other party.

"During this time, I have not been able to contact Honghua, but there is news that she once appeared in the golden continent in the south."

The Golden Continent, one of the largest continents of Ziwei Star, is extremely vast, and there are many forces living there.

It is said that there have been different species of dragons there, and ancient golden dragons have appeared.

"According to the information we have received, Honghua has acquired an ancient dragon family power inheritance. This time, she appeared in the Golden Continent, and she may also be looking for clues to the golden ancient dragon."

Ye Zhu said.

Madman Chu nodded slightly, "I see."

He planned to go to the Golden Continent after completing the coronation ceremony of the gods and demons.

During this time, on a whim, he felt that something might happen to Yin Honghua.

This is a mysterious and mysterious premonition.

He had to pay attention.


Another place.

A black vortex appeared in the void, and an embarrassed figure walked out of it.

It is the mountain ghost **** child.

At this time, he broke an arm, blood was flowing, and his face was pale.

"Damn, damn!!"

"Damn Madman Chu, I won't just leave this account!"

Shangui Shenzi said in a gloomy tone.

Although Madman Chu's strength is powerful and fearful, the **** son of the mountain ghost is the kind of person who will pay for it.

This time, after suffering such a big loss, his heart was extremely angry.

Especially when he thinks of Madman Chu's gaze that seems to be looking at an ant, it makes him hate his flesh and drink his blood!

"Oh, what a mess."

At this time, a coquettish voice sounded slightly ridiculous.

Two figures appeared in front of the **** son of the mountain ghost. The two men, a man and a woman, were the **** son of the East Emperor and the goddess of the Great Siming.

"It's you."

Shangui Shenzi saw the two, his face eased, and put his guard away.

"Shangui Shenzi, you said that if I save your present scene with a photo-taking stone, and then show it to Hebo Shenzi, how would he laugh at you?"

Dai Shiming said jokingly.

"Huh, the goddess, don't do unnecessary things."

Shangui Shenzi's face became cold.

Among the gods of Jiuge, the gods of the mountain ghosts and the gods of He Bo have never been right.

When Shangui Shenzi thought that if the other party knew that he had suffered such a big loss, the other party would have to laugh at him for at least a few hundred years.

"The black hole attribute of the gods and demons is indeed extraordinary, but you are too impatient to deal with the gods and demons and the madman of Chu soon after you have just awakened your physique."

Dongjun Shenzi said lightly.

"The line of gods and demons should not be underestimated. If we can conquer it as soon as possible, it will be of great use to my fairy garden."

"Obviously, I want to subdue the line of gods and demons, increase my rights, and also say it is for Xian Ting, Madman Chu, why didn't you get rid of your face?"

The goddess was still sneered and sneered on the sidelines.

"The Goddess, are you declaring war on me?"

Shangui Shenzi's face The spirit of the gods and demons on his body gradually dissipated, and the surrounding space seemed to be distorted.

The Goddess of the Great Commander shrugged, "Okay, let's just leave it alone."

She knew that jokes could not be overkill.

"Okay, Da Si Ming, heal the mountain ghost **** child."

Dongjun Shenzi said.

Da Si Ming Goddess gently raised her hand, only to see the meaning of life and death flowing in her palm, and then injected into the body of the mountain ghost **** child.

I saw that the pale face of the other party gradually improved.

The effect was actually somewhat similar to Madman Chu's life-and-death map that could reincarnate.

The gloomy face of the **** son Shangui gradually calmed down, "Da Si Ming, mastering the power of life, life and death, is indeed a well-deserved reputation."

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