Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : The coronation ceremony of gods and demons, you have to pay me

Jiuge **** son, in addition to everything else in the East Emperor **** son, the other eight **** sons have their own strengths, the mountain ghost **** son is good at the power of the mountain ghost, Dongjun is good at the power of the sun...

And the goddess of life, in charge of life, is good at life and death.

"Next, what are your plans?"

Dongjun asked.

And the **** son of the mountain ghost was serious and showed a cold look, "I will find the madman Chu to settle this account. My **** and devil body has not been fully developed. During this time, I will strengthen the practice of the **** and devil body. Sooner or later, I will go to Madman Chu for revenge!"

"I think it's suspenseful enough," the great goddess muttered.

She felt that in the previous battle, Madman Chu seemed to have not used his full strength at all.

Moreover, the mountain ghost **** child will grow, wouldn't the other party not?

Judging from the opponent's growth rate, it will only be stronger than the mountain ghost **** child. The mountain ghost **** child wants to find the opponent for revenge, and the difficulty is no less than breaking through the realm of Hedao.

"Chu Kuangren is not alone, let alone, you still have a broken arm, if you want, you can go to the Golden Continent with me." Dongjun said.

"Golden Continent? Where to go and what to do?"

"There is news that there is the inheritance of Queen Mother West. I want to see it. Queen Mother West exists as a multiplicity. One of them is the way of longevity. Her chance may be a treasure like Queen Mother Immortal Medicine. Help you grow your arms." Dongjun Shenzi said lightly.

"The Queen Mother of the West has another way, and that is the way of Xuanyin. You also want to find the things of Xuanyin and practice your Eastern King's Great Day Art. Even, you also want to use the yin and yang to harmonize like the old Eastern King's realm son Zhuo Donglai. Strength, practice to make two celestial bodies." The **** son Shangui guessed the idea of ​​the **** son Dongjun.

"Zhuo Donglai...a fool who was defeated by the madman of Chu, the Dongwang Dayi Art practiced to the extreme and mastered the power of the Sun, how could it be weaker than Liangyi?"

Dongjun Shenzi said indifferently.

Dongwangjiao is also related to Dongjun, and he also knows Zhuo Donglai.

I heard that in order to control the Immortal Body of Liangyi, the other party did not hesitate to do double cultivation with a man with a demon way. In his eyes, he simply lost Dongjun's face!

The mountain ghost **** child pondered for a while, and said indifferently: "I will act with you to go to the Golden Continent."


the other side.

In a certain mountain range, Madman Chu was analyzing the arm of the mountain ghost **** child.

There is a book of constitution, and soon he has mastered the chaos **** and demon body with the attributes of the black hole.

After he left the customs, Lan Yu, Chu Hong and others still hadn't left the customs.

Obviously, the chance they got in the Heavenly Dao Pagoda this time is not small, and it will take some time before they want to refining.

It was Quartz, who was the first to exit the customs.

And her cultivation base had already jumped from the Ninth Stage Celestial Immortal realm to a true immortal.

Of course, Madman Chu knew in his heart that this was only the cultivation base of quartz. As for the existence under the quartz skin, its true cultivation base was only high and not low!

"Chief, you are finally out."

Quartz saw Madman Chu and greeted him with a smile on his face, "Chief, I have already broken through to the realm of true immortality."

She smiled like a child to praise.

"Well, great, congratulations."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, and simply praised the other person, and then said: "Quartz, I am going to the Golden Continent in two days, you go with me."

"Huh? But Lan Yu, Fuyin and the others haven't left the customs yet."

"It's okay, I will leave a clone to take care of them. Go to the Golden Continent. Only you and me will be enough."

Madman Chu didn't worry about keeping the unstable factors like Quartz with Lan Yu and the others, he wanted to bring them with him himself.

He believed that this would also be the result that the existence would like to see under the quartz skin.

When Quartz heard the words of Madman Chu, his eyes lit up.

Only she and Madman Chu?

Two people world?

Just thinking about it, Quartz was a little excited and nodded quickly, "Okay, good, chief, it's all up to you."

Madman Chu nodded slightly.

Then, he looked not far away and felt that a large amount of gods and demons had gathered there.

These gods and demons are very mixed.

Thunder, flame, water flow, five elements...

There are all kinds of breath.

Although they are all the aura of the acquired gods and demons, but gathered together, the huge breath still makes people feel suffocating.

Madman Chu's eyes were deep, "Is it almost gathered?"


On this day, the wind was sunny and the sun was just right.

But in a mountain range, it was filled with an extremely solemn aura.

In the mountains, the acquired gods and demons were gathered together, the aura of the gods and demons filled the world, and everyone's face had a solemn meaning.

Because they know that today is their big day in the line of gods and demons.

For them, today, they have been looking forward to it for a long time!

In the mountains, a high platform stands tall.

On the high platform, standing in a black figure, the person stood tall, with a domineering force of emptiness permeating his body, full of oppressive force.

This person is absolutely no god!

At this time, he was waiting for someone.

A person who will play a decisive role in the future of the line of gods and demons!

not far away.

As a guest of the gods and demons, Ye Zhu was also in the crowd, ready to witness history.

Looking at the acquired gods and monsters around him, he couldn't help feeling a little bit, "This line of gods and monsters can be said to be like dragons. It is hard to imagine how high this group of powers will reach if they grow up. I'm afraid it's not worse than the ancient giants in the fairy world."

A single acquired **** demon body is nothing, at most it can be regarded as an ordinary Tianjiao.

However, this large group of gods and demons gathered together, which is very scary.

Just when Ye Zhu sighed.

boom! !

In the sky, black and white spirits of gods and demons were intertwined, and an extremely terrifying force of life and death intertwined to form a huge picture of life and death!

The image of life and death covers the sky, coming out of the sky!

And on the life and death chart, standing in a white-clothed extraordinary figure, between the hands and feet, make the sun and the moon pale, and the immortal posture is exquisite!

It was Madman Chu who came.

For the first time, many acquired gods and demon cultivators saw their future king.

For a time, they all cast curious eyes.

When some female gods and demons saw Madman Chu, they couldn't help but shine.

"This little brother is so good-looking, right?"

"Yeah, maybe it's not bad to let him be the king. If I look at this face every day, I think it can extend my life."

Some people looked at Madman Chu with solemn expressions. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

All kinds of rumors about the Madman Chu appeared unconsciously in their minds, weighing the other's talent as a king.

It's just that whether the Mad Chu can become the king of gods and demons is not determined by them.

The real key is that there is no god.

The life and death map slowly fell, causing many people to feel a tremendous pressure.

And Jue Wushen stood still on the high platform.


Madman Chu's toes fell on the high platform, and the entire high platform was shaken, and it fell to pieces!

Jue Wu Shen saw this scene and said lightly: "This high platform, I spent several days and spent a lot of money to build it, even if it is the king of gods and demons, you have to pay me."

Madman Chu:............

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