Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : One battle is absolutely no god, be more confident, and get rid of 1 certainty

Madman Chu smiled faintly, "I heard that there is a slashing platform in Kunlun Fairy Garden. In the future, I will pay you that one!"

Slashing Xiantai, this is a treasure of Kunlun Xian Ting, it is said to be able to cut the world's thousands of immortals, and it is very powerful.

But the madman of Chu seemed to regard it as something in his bag.

This domineering is eye-catching.

This arrogance has caused many Xian Ting Tianjiao who secretly observe, gritted their teeth!

"Damn, what does he think of Zhanxiantai? Do you take it if you want?"

"Too presumptuous!"

"Huh, my Shao Yu from Kunlun Fairy Court hasn't really appeared yet. When Shao Yu takes action, he will definitely teach him."

For the many arrogances and powers secretly observed, Madman Chu, Absolute No God, did not care.

Jue Wu Shen heard that Madman Chu was going to use Zhanxiantai to compensate himself, and his eyes lit up, "A word is a deal!"


"Then, since you are here, let's begin this coronation ceremony."

Absolutely Wushen took out a crown without saying a word.

The crown is formed by the aura of gods and demons, engraved with countless mysterious Taoist runes, giving people an extremely profound feeling.

At the first sight of the crown, Madman Chu felt that his **** and devil body was a little throbbing.

It seems that I am very eager for this crown.

"Is this the crown of gods and demons?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

"It is the crown of gods and demons created by Master Void!"

Jue Wu Shen looked at the crown of gods and demons, and his eyes showed worship and awe.

The other acquired gods and demons are the same, full of enthusiasm!

Madman Chu looked at the crown of gods and demons, and Xiao Ai had already begun to analyze it.

"Tell me, the item named the Crown of Gods and Demons contains a lot of the aura of Gods and Demons. This aura of Gods and Demons is refined, and the surface of the crown is also engraved with amplifying runes..."

As the analysis deepened, Madman Chu discovered that this crown of gods and demons was indeed extraordinary.

This is a big piece of compass!

The top-notch big compass.

Although a large compass was nothing to Madman Chu, after all, he even had a combination tool like the Great Desolate Halberd and an innate treasure like the World Extinguishing Black Lotus.

What he really valued was the growth of this crown of gods and demons.

This thing can grow with the gods and monsters, and is the most suitable weapon for gods and monsters.

"The person who refined this crown of gods and demons must have reached an extremely deep understanding of the gods and demons. Nothingness, one of the seven gods and demons, is really curious."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

"Defeat me and get the crown of the gods and demons, you are the king of my waiting!!"

Absolutely Wushen stepped out in one step, the spirit of the gods and demons rose to the sky, raging crazily in the void, extremely domineering!

Madman Chu stood on the spot, the spirit of the gods and demons also gushing out, and the force of the emptiness crashed into one piece, and the high platform under the two people's feet burst into pieces! !

This high platform specially built for the coronation ceremony of the gods and demons could not witness the last moment of the ceremony.

A lot of rare fairy gold materials were wasted.

But Absolute Wushen didn't feel distressed either. He looked at Madman Chu at the moment, with a scorching warfare in his eyes.

Even if he knew that he was not the opponent of Madman Chu.

In this battle, he also wants to go all out!

Only by completely defeating him in front of all the acquired gods and demon cultivators, can Chu Kuang be able to convince everyone and recognize his qualifications as a king!

He wants to use himself as a stepping stone to let Madman Chu ascend to the throne!

"The void is gone!"

Absolutely Wushen's spirit of gods and demons surging crazily in the air, shattering the void, and crushing towards the Madman Chu!

Madman Chu stood still.

The meaning of life and death was circulating around him, and the power of nothingness could not erode him at all.

"The Light of Nothingness!"

Absolutely no god, once again urging the spirit of the gods and demons, a gray divine light burst out of the sky, piercing the void!

"Yin and Yang life and death chart!"

Madman Chu's whole body, a life and death chart appeared, easily blocking the divine light.

"The Tribulation of Nothingness!"

Jue Wu Shen opened a transparent barrier, in which, the power of nothingness was intertwined, destroying all things in the void!

Madman Chu remained motionless.

The picture of life and death circulates, the vast expanse of celestial glory blooms, and the power of that emptiness can even lift the corners of his clothes.

When the gods and demons around saw this scene, they couldn't help but be speechless.

And some monks who have not seen Madman Chu have their pupils trembling, and their faces are full of shock!

"No way, Madman Chu is so strong?!"

"Big Brother Wushen's attack didn't have any effect on him?!"

"This is too unconventional!"

It's also better for those people like Lin Qiu, Ming Yifeng, and Yanyun.

They had seen the battle between Madman Chu and the **** of mountain ghosts, and knew how strong the other party was.

"It's just that, no matter how many times I watch it, I still can't help but feel that this kind of power is really worthy of being hailed as a monster!"

Yanyun said with emotion.

"Wang, it is absolutely invincible!"

In the eyes of everyone, the most unruly Ming Yifeng looked at Madman Chu at this time, but his eyes were full of unprecedented enthusiasm.

Now he is undoubtedly the most loyal supporter of Madman Chu.

Jue Wushen looked at Madman Chu, and when he watched the opponent's gestures, he could easily dismantle his attack. It would be impossible if he didn't feel unwilling to be frustrated in his heart.

After all, he is also a great evildoer and arrogant!

"Mad Chu, there is this trick!"

Jue Wushen took a deep breath, and the spirit of the gods and demons moved to the extreme.

A pillar of gods and demons rose into the sky, and the escaping power turned all the surrounding things into ashes!

"There is nothing in the world!"

This is Absolute Wushen's most powerful move.

Once it is displayed, everything in the world will be vanished in an instant!

That power made many Tianjiao's expressions heavy.

They felt that from the majestic spirit of gods and demons, they only needed to draw one out and it would be enough to kill them.

But now, this spirit of gods and demons is mighty, after rising to the sky, it gushes out from the void again, moving towards Madman Chu!

This blow, unless it is the ultimate evildoer!

Otherwise, even if the evildoer comes to block it, it will be a life of nine deaths!

"The Wheel of Life and Death of All Realms!!"

Between the madman Chu raised his hands, the light of God's life, the energy of devil's death, two completely different forces converged in the void to form a wheel of life and death filled with endless fairy glory!

Cycle of life and death, destroy all realms!


The power of life and death collides with the power of nothingness that will turn the world into nothing, the earth bursts, and the world collapses! !

Smoke billows all around, covering the sky and the sun!

The endless torrent of energy, in the unbridled impact everywhere!

The faces of many gods and demons changed slightly.

At this time, endless sword energy swept across, and two sword seas appeared at the same time, blocking the shocking impact for everyone.

One of the sword seas was performed by Ye Zhu.

He looked not far away, and used another Sword Sea's Madman Chu clone. He couldn't help but shook his head with emotion, "Just this clone, I am not necessarily the confident, hold on Get rid of."

Ming Yifeng said lightly on the side.

The corner of Ye Zhu's mouth twitched, really wanting to remove Jian Hai!

The turbulent energy gradually dissipated.

The endless smoke and dust has also dissipated.

Between heaven and earth, return to peace!

But everyone looked at them, only to see one black and one white, two figures, standing like two poles.

At this time, Absolutely Wushen, with a languid breath, a little embarrassed under the impact of energy.

On the other hand, the madman of Chu, the clouds are light and gentle, the white clothes are still immaculate, extraordinary, and charming!

Which one is strong and which is weak, the judgement is made!

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