Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Crowned as a king, crazy thoughts, innate chaos

The smoke and dust rises up loudly, and two people stand tall.

One has a sluggish breath and an embarrassed figure, while the other is calm and breezy, with extraordinary white clothes.

Absolutely no gods, madman Chu, the two set a verdict against each other!

Many gods and demons saw this scene, and couldn't help being a little silent.

Absolute Wushen is the strongest cultivator of gods and demons among them, but the other party can't even harm Chu Madman!

It is enough to see how terrifying Chu Madman's strength is.

"Unexpectedly, the gap is so big."

Jue Wushen looked at Madman Chu with complicated eyes.

He had expected defeat in the hands of Madman Chu, and this was the result he was pleased to see.

The opponent stepped on his upper position and won the approval of all the gods and monks.

However, he didn't expect that the gap between himself and Madman Chu was so big that this made him feel a sense of depression to some extent.

Madman Chu seemed to perceive the other party's emotions, and stood with his hand in his hand, and said lightly: "It is shameful to lose to your king. Losing to Madman Chu is the glory of your life!"

Hearing this, many people were shocked.

What an arrogant man would dare to say such a thing!

Losing to him in a row is an honor!

Because many Tianjiao didn't even have the qualifications to fight him.

Jue Wushen took a deep breath and looked at Madman Chu with a look of expectation in his eyes.

He wanted to see how high this man would take the line of the gods and demons!

Jue Wu Shen took the crown of the gods and demons, knelt down on one knee, and offered the crown with both hands.

"My king, from now on, the line of gods and demons will look at your horse's head. Your will is the will of the gods and demons, and your enemies are the enemies of the gods and demons!"

"I will devote my mind and body to you!"

The rest of the acquired gods and demon cultivators also knelt down in front of the Madman Chu, welcoming the king!

"Farewell to my king!"

"Farewell to my king!"

On this day, the gods and demons knelt down, and the king came to the throne!

"The Madman Chu will gain this strength, and he will be even more powerful!"

"With this power, the madman of Chu in the future will raise his arms and he can build an extremely powerful force!"

"Yes, even if it is to contend with a hegemonic force like Xian Ting, it is not impossible!"

The countless monks who had spied secretly saw this, although they had known it would be such a result a long time ago, they still couldn't help showing shock in their eyes.

Madman Chu looked at the crown of gods and demons in front of him, and picked it up.

A spirit of the gods and demons automatically entered his body from the crown, and in the dark, he felt that he was more connected to the crown.

This crown already automatically recognizes him.

The coronation ceremony of the gods and demons came to an end.

Next, Madman Chu allowed the gods and demons to move freely, which was not much different from before.

A few days later.

A warship swept in the direction of the Purple Star Golden Continent.

There were only two people on the battleship.

Chu madman, and quartz.

"I hope everything goes well when I go to the Golden Continent this time. I don't know how Honghua is doing..."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

He stopped thinking about it, took out some blood and began to study.

These essences and blood belong to absolutely no gods and others.

And the reason why he would use these essence and blood was naturally to study the physique of the acquired gods and demons.

These acquired gods and demons contain various attributes, and for Madman Chu, they are excellent research materials. He even has a bold idea in his mind.

He wants to return to the day after tomorrow as innate!

Transform all these acquired gods and monsters into real chaotic gods and monsters!

I have to say that this is a bold and crazy idea. How rare is the Chaos God and Demon?

It is already extremely difficult for so many acquired gods and demons to emerge, and Madman Chu actually wants to return to acquired nature!

Transform all acquired gods and monsters into real innate gods and monsters!

Even if this is the nihility of the creators of the acquired gods and demons, I am afraid I dare not have such horrible thoughts!

Because even if it is nothingness, I think this is an impossible thing.

But for the Mad Chu who has a book of constitutions and is best at studying various physiques, this is not impossible!

"Tell me that the acquired gods and demons possess a lot of the aura of gods and demons, but the auras of these gods and demons are uneven. Among them, the absolute godless is the most outstanding, which can be compared with the innate gods and demons."

Xiao Ai's voice sounded in his mind.

"Compared with the real innate gods and demons, what do these acquired gods and demons lack?"

Madman Chu asked again.

"Tell me, a very rare kind of energy, the great energy in the universe calls it, the innate chaotic air!"

Xiao Ai connects with the consciousness of the universe, searching for the answer that Madman Chu wants.

"Innate Chaos Qi, where can I find it?"

"The innate chaotic air was born from the chaos. Now that the universe has been opened up, the innate chaotic air has dissipated for countless first years. Only in the womb of the human body can there be an extremely small chance of being produced, or, Some innate gods and demons may still survive."

Xiao Ai continued.

After hearing the words, the madman Chu fell into deep thought.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the chance of generating innate chaotic air from the mother's womb is one in a billion.

As for the innate gods and demons, after the chaos was opened up, these innate gods and demons who existed in the chaos gradually disappeared in the long river of history. Looking for them, it is no easier to go than the former.

"Wait, innate Chaos Qi, I have this thing!"

"Moreover, there are still a lot!"

Madman Chu suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he thought of something.

His portable world is now in the initial stage of opening up the world, and there is a large amount of innate chaotic energy that has not dissipated.

If these chaotic auras can be collected, it will provide him with a huge boost for his innate plan after returning to the day after tomorrow!

Madman Chu became more excited as he thought about it.

But then, he gradually calmed down.

It is a very difficult world to take out the innate chaotic air from the portable world.

The rules of the universe will not allow things from other universes to enter easily.

Especially for things like the Qi of Innate Chaos.

It is already very difficult for him to use part of the power of the small universe.

Extracting other things from the portable world, this will have to wait until his cultivation is one step closer.

But, at least there is a direction.

Madman Chu believes that one day he will definitely be able to fully return to the day after tomorrow as his grand plan!

"Now, let's figure out a way to collect some of the innate chaotic energy in the portable world."

This is not so difficult for him as the owner of the world

After entering the portable world for some operations, Madman Chu returned to himself and took out the crown of gods and demons.

On the way to the Golden Continent, he planned to refine this thing first.

And just as he was refining, a force suddenly pulled his consciousness into a void of space.

It was gray, and only the consciousness of the Madman Chu was reverberating.

at this time.

A huge, egg-like thing appeared in front of him.

This egg, suspended in mid-air, was filled with a weird aura, and the Dao patterns on it were intertwined, extremely mysterious.

Vaguely, an aura that made Madman Chu a little familiar, diffused out.

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