Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : The chance of Yin Honghua, the inheritance of the ancient golden dragon, the Prince

The meeting between Madman Chu and Nothingness, no one knows the power of the universe.

After this meeting, Madman Chu was more actively collecting the innate Chaos Qi in the portable world.

Not all chaotic air is innate chaotic air. Only extremely pure chaotic air can be called innate chaotic air. Although these chaotic airs are abundant in Madman Chu’s portable world, he still has to spend it. Put away some thoughts and arrange them properly, otherwise God would strike him with a sword, and then he would not cry.

"These innate chaotic auras will be a hole card for me in the future, and the key to my fight against Xianting and even the Void Egg!"

Madman Chu thought to himself.

After meeting with the void, he thoroughly refined the crown of the gods and demons.

This big Luo weapon is very powerful. It can be said that the madman of Chu is the most powerful weapon in the hands of the Chu madman besides the time and space treasures, the black lotus of the world, and the great wild halberd.

Even the Scarlet Blood Sword, the Scarlet Blood Armor is slightly inferior.

Not only that, this crown of gods and demons is the most suitable weapon for gods and demons, with strong growth potential.

Madman Chu is looking forward to this treasure.

The golden continent.

In a certain mountain range.

A fight is being staged, and on both sides of the fight are a group of monks holding various weapons, and a woman holding a dark red spear!

The dark red spear in this woman's hand is very good, with mysterious Dao patterns engraved on it, and the spear head is in the shape of a fierce dragon's head, revealing a bit of evil.

The long spear was swung, and bursts of sharp gun force shot around, extinguishing all directions.

The monks all around were swept away by the spear in the woman's hand, and they fell one after another, and the woman seemed to be more happy as she killed her, with a **** evil light in her eyes and a hideous look.

"Kill, kill!!"


The woman stabbed out with a shot, and a blood-colored dragon shadow appeared behind her and roared in the sky.

After killing all the monks who besieged her, the woman didn't seem to be very happy. She looked at the people around her with crazy and cruel eyes.

After some self-proclaimed Tianjiao were touched by this look, they couldn't help trembling.

At this moment, they actually have the feeling of being stared at by the gods of death, as if the next moment, they will be in a different place!

"No, no!"

"I can't lose control!"

The woman took a deep breath, struggling in her eyes, and it took a while to suppress the evil light in her eyes.

But the evil spirit on her body still made people around her avoid it.

"The rumors are indeed true, there really is the existence of the Shura Blood Dragon!"

Onlookers swallowed saliva.

In the ancient rumors, there is a Shura blood dragon, which is a different species of dragon race, very terrifying, and the existence of the ancient golden dragon is like an enemy.

It is said that the Shura Blood Dragon is cruel and tyrannical, causing countless **** storms.

Moreover, although this blood dragon is also a dragon clan, it holds a hatred for the dragon clan. In the records of the Dragon Palace, it is the dragon slaying dragon. It is one of the dragon clan's most feared and most wanted to get rid of.

Later, this Shura blood dragon was wiped out by the ancient gold.

But no one thought that this Shura Blood Dragon still had inheritance in Ziwei Star, and it was acquired by a human race.

"Damn it, you must find the Longjing left by the Golden Ancient Dragon as soon as possible."

The woman suppressed the tyranny and murmured.

She is not someone else, she is the follower of the Mad Man of Chu, Yin Honghua!

During this period of time, she traveled in Ziwei Star and got a great opportunity, that is, the inheritance of the Shura Blood Dragon.

However, this inheritance is too domineering.

The evil nature of the Shura Blood Dragon has also been inherited to her, making her at risk of losing her mind and becoming a blood dragon puppet anytime and anywhere.

In order to solve this hidden danger, he must find the old enemy of the Shura Blood Dragon as soon as possible, a chance left by the Golden Ancient Dragon.

"According to the blood dragon's induction, the inheritance of the golden ancient dragon is undoubtedly in this golden continent."

"I hope everything goes well."

Yin Honghua glanced at the corpses on the ground.

These people are all here to besie her. It is said that they are the head of the eight great families on the Golden Continent. The people of the Long Family seem to have something to do with the Dragon Clan.

"Forget it, the soldiers will come to block, the water will come to cover it."

Yin Honghua murmured, and then continued to search for some traces left by the ancient gold.

the other side.

One of the Golden Eighth Family, the Long Family.

At this moment, the Long Family is entertaining several guests, and even the Long Family Patriarch is very respectful and respectful to these people.

The headed person, the first-born dragon horn, a pair of golden eyes, flowed with pride.

If there is a cultivator of Tianjiao who is familiar with the starry sky arena, he will definitely be able to recognize who this person is.

This person is one of the evildoers of the Star Arena, the third prince from Dragon Palace!

"I heard that a descendant of the Shura Blood Dragon has appeared in the Golden Continent recently?"

Longsan Prince said lightly.

"Yes, please rest assured, the third prince. The subordinates have arranged manpower to hunt down this person. I believe there will be results soon."

Patriarch Long smiled and said, respectful to Prince Longsan.

Even though he was the pinnacle of the Golden Immortal, he still regarded himself as a subordinate in front of Prince Longsan.

The dragon family has the reputation of the dragon blood family.

It is said that the ancestor of the Long Family is a half-dragon and half-human hybrid species. Therefore, there is more or less dragon blood in the Long Family.

For a long time, the Long Family has always existed as a vassal of the Dragon Clan.

Not to mention, the position of Prince Longsan in the dragon clan is extraordinary and noble, even if the lord of the dragon family is the existence of the golden immortal peak, he dare not neglect and underestimate the slightest.


At this moment, he heard a cold cry from Prince Longsan, and his eyes showed coldness.

Patriarch Long's face changed slightly, "I don't know where the subordinates did something wrong?"

According to the information he knew, the Shura Blood Dragon had always been a mortal enemy of the Dragon Clan. How could he be blamed for helping the Dragon Clan deal with the opponent?

"As far as I know, the blood dragon heir has been looking for something during this time. Judging from some of her traces, what she is looking for is probably the only alien species in the history of my dragon palace, the inheritance of the golden ancient dragon! I still want to use her to find this inheritance. If you are stunned, I will definitely not forgive you!"

Patriarch Long's expression changed, "The subordinates don't know the plan of the prince, so please forgive the prince."

At the same time, he was a little puzzled in his heart.

Golden Ancient Dragon, Shura Blood Dragon, isn't this the rumored enemy?

Why is Yin Honghua, the inheritor of the blood dragon, able to find the inheritance of the golden ancient dragon?

But the third prince of Dangdang Longgong still has to rely on the other party to find this inheritance?


He guessed that this involved the secrets of the Dragon Clan, and he couldn't ask too much.

"You better pray, UU reading don't disrupt my plan."

Crown Prince Long San let out a cold snort, and the pressure filled his body, which made the Long Patriarch, who was a golden immortal, feel suppressed.

This is not the suppression of cultivation.

But the deterrence in blood!

There are also some dragon bloodlines in the main body of the dragon family, but the bloodline gap is still very huge with a true dragon like Longsan Prince, who has experienced at least seven bloodline awakenings.

"The young master of the Golden Crow, the **** son of the mountain ghost, the descendant of Xuanyuan, and the Shao Yu of the Xianting Lagerstroemia who sees the dragon without seeing the end, these people are extremely enchanting. If I want to compete with them, I must find this golden ancient dragon. Inheritance, otherwise, it will be difficult, let alone that monster-like Madman of Chu."

Third Prince Long murmured, when he mentioned Madman Chu, a deep jealousy appeared in his eyes.

He is inevitable for the inheritance of this golden ancient dragon.

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