Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Tingfenglou, a real guest, Miss Fengjia

Golden Continent, Golden Wind City!

The Golden Wind City is the largest city in the Golden Continent. Here, there are the richest family in the Golden Continent, the Golden Family, and the Fengjia who listens to all directions and sees Liulu!

Golden Wind City is very prosperous, and it is the trading hub and economic center of the Golden Continent.

Moreover, the Jin family and the Feng family are located here, these two great families are the second of the Golden Eighth family, and almost no one dares to make trouble here.

this day.

Over the Golden Wind City, suddenly a warship arrived.

Two figures came down from the warship, a man and a woman.

The woman has a nice face and a gentle temperament, giving people a feeling of Xiaojiabiyu, and beside her, there is a man, this man is quite strange, with a mask engraved with purple magic patterns on her face, look It went up incomparably hideous, like a Shura evil spirit, and the mask had a peculiar aura that completely concealed the man's cultivation base aura and so on.

This man and woman walked together, feeling like a beauty and a beast.

These two people are naturally Madman Chu and quartz.

And what the Madman Chu wore on his face was exactly part of Chi You's inheritance, the Shura face.

This armor can hide his cultivation and aura.

The main reason why he had to do it was that he didn't want to be too exposed. After all, he was very famous now.

He came to the Golden Continent to find Yin Honghua, and it is always not good to be too ostentatious.

"The Golden Continent is not small. It is not a simple matter to find Honghua with my own strength. It may be helpful to find a place with good information first."

This is also the reason why he came to Golden Wind City.

This is the economic and trade center of the Golden Continent, gathering monks from all directions, and there is far more intelligence and news than other places.

After entering the city, Madman Chu inquired about some news.

Regarding the situation and power of the Golden Continent, he knew about it, but he still didn't find any news about Yin Honghua, but he had a plan.

"The forces on the Golden Continent are headed by the Eighth Family, and the Feng Family in the Eighth Family is known as listening to all directions, watching the six directions, and the intelligence work is the best in the Eighth Family, or they can be asked for help."

After making up his mind, Madman Chu moved with quartz.

As a family that specializes in collecting all kinds of information, the Feng Family is also doing the work of buying and selling information.

Tingfeng Tower is the place where the Feng Family's intelligence trades.

"Listen to the wind tower, do you hear the meaning of the wind and rain from all directions? It's interesting."

He entered it with quartz.

As soon as he entered the Tingfeng Building, a man in black greeted him.

"I wonder what kind of information you want to buy and sell?"

"I want to find someone."

"The son, what kind of information do you want?"

Hearing the man's words, Madman Chu was a little surprised, "Your intelligence here is actually still divided into specifications?"

"Yes, our intelligence here is divided into four levels: A, B, C, D and D. Among them, the highest level A is the most detailed. For example, the son said to find someone. If it is Grade A, we will provide the son with where the person has been recently. I've stayed in that restaurant, who had conflicts with, who had been with whom on the road, and so on."

In other words, for the four levels, the level of detail of intelligence is different.

"I want Grade A intelligence." Madman Chu said.

"My son, please show me the order of listening."

"What is this again?"

"Oh, it seems that this is the first time the son has come to Tingfeng Tower. If you want to buy and sell Grade A intelligence in Tingfeng Tower, you need to hold Tingfeng Order regardless of the value of the information."

Madman Chu understood.

The co-authored Tingfeng Building also adopts a membership system.

"I didn't listen to the wind orders, but I still want the highest level of intelligence."

"Sorry, if we didn't listen to the wind, we can only provide the son with Grade B intelligence at best."

The black man smiled faintly.

Madman Chu heard the words, pondered for a while, and then chuckled lightly, "It seems that I have come to the wrong place. Listening to the wind tower, listening to the wind and rain from all directions, it seems that there are also times when the wind leaks, which is a vain name."

After speaking, he turned and left.

And hearing his words, several cold killing intents suddenly broke out around the Tingfeng Tower, locking him down.

The black-clothed man's face also became very difficult to look, and he said coldly: "What do you mean, the son, insulting me to listen to the wind tower, but there is a price."

"I said, Listening to the Wind Tower, there are also times when the wind leaks, it's just a vain name."

Madman Chu stood with his hand in his hand, and he didn't care about the killing intent coming from all around him.

Around, many people came to watch, looking like a good show.

"This masked man really doesn't know what is good or bad, even Tingfeng Lou dare to provoke him."

"I wonder if Tingfenglou is most proud of its intelligence work? I dare to question their intelligence capabilities. It's really courageous."

"Not bad."

And just when everyone was talking about it, the cultivators lurking around were ready to take action to subdue the Mad Man of Chu.

A voice suddenly sounded.


Not far away, a woman came slowly.

This woman is beautiful and charming, wearing a red dress, and her plump body makes people linger.

"It's her, Miss Feng Family Fengyu!"

"Fengyu is here, what does she want to do?"

Feng Yu, Miss Feng Family, is said to be the person who is most likely to succeed the next generation of Feng Family Patriarch.

Its talent cultivation is absolutely top-notch in the Golden Continent.

In the eyes of many people, this is an unattainable lady.

At this time, the lady looked at Madman Chu with an unprecedented dignified expression, which surprised everyone.

"Listening to Fenglou is neglecting Young Master, I don't know if Young Master is here, what is the so-called?"

Feng Yu came to Chu Madman, with a respectful tone.

This behavior immediately caused many people to take a breath, and their pupils trembled slightly.

"Is this masked man with a big background?"

"Who is he to make Fengyu treat this way?!"

The black-clothed man who received the Madman Chu also shrank his pupils and couldn't believe it, "Miss, this person just slandered My Tingfenglou."

"Shut up, you can't even tell the real distinguished guests. It's worth noting that you have been in the Tingfenglou for all these years."

Feng Yu gave a cold snort and glared at the man in black.

"It seems that someone is sensible."

Madman Chu glanced at Feng Yu and said lightly.

"It's because I didn't manage the subordinates well and offended the son. How about asking the son to move to the Accord?"

Feng Yu said.


Madman Chu nodded slightly, and then followed Fengyu to an Accord.

In the Accord,

Feng Yu bowed slightly to the madman Chu, "Master Chu came here, listening to the wind tower, and the room is full of glory."

She recognized Madman Chu.

"It seems that Tingfenglou's intelligence work is somewhat credible."

Madman Chu said, being able to recognize him proves that Tingfeng Tower is indeed capable of helping him.

Otherwise, he really left just now.

Feng Yu breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. As the eldest lady of the Feng family, she naturally had more information than others.

Madman Chu, as the most dazzling evildoer on Ziwei Star, how could she not pay attention?

The other party had Chi You's inheritance and had a Shura face in his hands. This kind of thing was easily overlooked by others, but Feng Yu remembered it.

Only then did he recognize Madman Chu just now, and promptly stopped everyone in Tingfenglou who was about to attack Madman Chu.

She didn't dare to imagine what the situation would be like if she had come a step or two late.

"I'm afraid, the entire Feng family will suffer a catastrophe."

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