Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Cut Cyclops, Slaying Dragon 3 Prince, Ice Silkworm Surrender

The blade light, the sword shadow, the left and right flanking, blasted towards the Madman Chu!

In Cyclops' view, Madman Chu, who was affected by his own soul attack, couldn't resist such a flanking attack at all!

This offensive, the opponent can't hide!

Once the opponent is recruited, even the most extreme evildoer will be hit hard. When the time comes, the three of them will join forces, are they afraid that they will not kill the other party?

The only surprise was that the ice silkworm Ruxue didn't make a move with them.

boom! !

The offensive was fierce, at the moment of the approaching Madman Chu.

The opponent's body shook slightly, a surging breath whistled out, and the blood-colored thunder instantly spread in all directions!

The sword light and sword shadow were shattered in an instant!

"How can it be!!"

In this scene, the pupils of the Cyclops suddenly shrank, and his face was full of shock!

Is his own hole cards invalid for Madman Chu? !

"Nice soul attack, it's a pity, it's useless to me!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

He cultivated the Nine Turns Three Element Soul Refining Art. There are three souls in his body, and the level of each soul is close to the level of the Golden Soul!

Although the Cyclops' soul attack is mysterious, it is only aimed at one of his souls. Although it can also work, the other two souls are not a display!

Take ten thousand steps back and say.

Even if Madman Chu was hit, he really couldn't move. Whether this sword of light could break his physical body was another matter, let alone an immortal body.

He is too strong.

Pushing all the way, never hurt.

Therefore, many people have ignored it. His defense and life-saving capabilities are no worse than his attacking methods, or even better!


Madman Chu stepped forward and came to the front of the Cyclops, punched out, blood burst into the sky, blood-colored thunder blooming, covering the world!

boom! !

This blow, without the slightest accident, the Cyclops was blasted into a cloud of blood and exploded on the spot!

Only one left, eyes like purple jewels floating in mid-air.

This is what he stayed on purpose.

He was quite interested in this attack on the soul.

He wanted to keep this eye for analysis, maybe there would be some unexpected gains.

"Such physical power, monster!!"

Third Prince Long looked at Madman Chu with a look of horror.

As a real dragon, he is also very good at flesh, but even a real dragon like him, the flesh is much worse than that of Madman Chu!

The opponent's physical body is powerful, and it is infinitely close to the realm of achieving a golden immortal with a physical body!


Knowing that he had nowhere to survive, Prince Long decided to go desperately.

I saw him with a long roar, his figure exploded, turning into a real dragon of ten thousand feet, with an extremely powerful aura spreading out, covering the sky of the universe!

"Go to death for me!!"

Long San Taizi grabbed it with Long Claws, and blasted towards the Madman Chu!

The sharp dragon claws, wherever they go, the space splits, and five huge cracks are abruptly torn out!

But Madman Chu looked at him, his expression unchanged, he sank his waist and immediately, clenched his five fingers, and blasted his fist. His revised Shen Lei fist was used!

boom! ! !

The space bursts, the sky collapses!

In front of the huge dragon's claw, the tiny dust-like fist burst out incomparably bright blood-colored fairy, thousands of blood thunders raged wildly, bombarding the dragon's claw!

The scales burst, and the dragon's blood splashed!

The fairy body of the Longsan Prince kept rupturing, and the huge dragon claws burst into countless pieces of meat on the spot in front of this blow!

The miserable howl echoed across the world, and countless creatures in the desert shivered when they heard the miserable howl.

Make the real dragon howl!

What a terrifying existence this must be!

These creatures were terrified in their hearts.

And the ice silkworm Ruxue who was observing this scene up close was also trembling, and his face was as pale as snow.

She did not dare to escape, because she knew that as long as she turned around, she would roar with a sword aura, killing her instantly!

She had no doubt that Madman Chu had the ability to do this.

The third Prince Long, who is better than her, was brutally abused in front of her, this is the best explanation.

Bang, bang! !

Two fists blasted out again, and the blood thunder flickered between the heaven and the earth along with the Xianhui Dao pattern, and the dragon's roar echoed.

In a short while.

The huge dragon body of the third dragon prince fell on the desert, where the dragon's blood flowed, the majestic vitality contained in it turned the arid land into an oasis.

Long three prince, fall!

"You didn't escape."

Madman Chu looked at the ice silkworm like snow.

"Can't escape."

"Why didn't you shoot with them just now?" Madman Chu asked indifferently.

What he said was naturally the moment when he was attacked by the Cyclops soul.

"If you are really hit, their attack is enough to hurt you severely. If not, adding me will not help."

Bingxue Ruxue said honestly, that's why she didn't make a move.

Because in the face of the existence of Madman Chu, there is no more than her, and no more than her.

If she didn't make a move, she was betting.

If the Chu gambler didn't get a move, seeing that she didn't make a move, he could spare her life.

"Smart woman, it's a pity that you made a mistake on my people from the very beginning."

Madman Chu said lightly, his sword fingers condensed, boundless sword energy condensed.

Ice Silkworm Ruxue's face became extremely pale, and then she quickly said: "I have a message that may help you."

"Oh, let's talk about it."

"The one-eyed dragon you killed just now, do you know where he came from?"

"I don't know, but I kill someone and never need to know where he comes from."

"He comes from the oldest family of Ziweixing, the Zitong family!"

Ziwei family, one of the oldest family of Ziweixing, it is said that even Ziwei Pavilion, the most powerful force on Ziweixing, is afraid of this family.

And this family's methods are curious, and it seems that they are best at some soul-related methods.

One of the most famous is a pupil technique called Zitong!

This pupil technique can immobilize the soul of a person, and it is very terrifying. Even a person with a strong cultivation base, if the soul level is not enough, will be affected!

"Thank you for telling me, but I still don't plan to let go of your life."

Madman Chu said lightly.

This purple pupil family, he is indeed interested, but he wants to change his life with a news, the ice silkworm is like snow, it is too naive to think.

Just when Madman Chu was about to take a shot, UU read but saw that the ice silkworm Ruxue made another unexpected move.

I saw her kneeling directly in front of Madman Chu, "I would like to surrender to you and be driven by you. I only ask you to forgive me and not die!"

In order to survive, she was willing to give up her dignity as a monster.

Seeing this, Madman Chu was a little surprised.

He curbed his fingertips and sword aura, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly, "Able to bend and stretch, your mind is good, but knowing that the more you behave in this way, the more proof that your threat is greater than Long San."

"No matter how great the threat is, you can't beat the storm before you. You should be able to control me."


Madman Chu gave a chuckle, and he thought to himself, "Xiao Ai, give me a good analysis of her and see if there is any use value."


Along with Xiao Ai's analysis, all kinds of information about the ice silkworm like snow came to mind one by one.


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