Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Reversely push the purple pupil practice method, Yin Honghua exits


   As Xiao Ai continued to analyze the information of Bingxue Ruxue, Madman Chu suddenly saw what he was interested in, and he said softly.

   "You can poison?"

   Ice Silkworm Ruxue was a little surprised, I don't know how Madman Chu knew about it.

   You know, she hasn't shown it since just now.

  Poison is one of her hole cards.

"Yes it is."

   "Show me your ice silkworm poison."

   Chu Madman said lightly.


  Ice Silkworm Ruxue was a little surprised. I didn't expect Madman Chu to have such a request.

   "Don't do it yet?" Chu Kuangren frowned slightly.


   The ice silkworm gritted his teeth like snow, and no longer thought about it. The toxins in the body were energized to the extreme, and the ice silkworm poison was exerted. A white gas gushed out from her palm and rolled towards Madman Chu.

   The madman of Chu didn't retreat, standing still, he was directly suffering the erosion of ice silkworm poison in his flesh.

  Ice silkworms are like snow, and there is a hint of hope in their eyes.

   If Madman Chu was poisoned to death by her, wouldn't she be able to save her life?

   You need to know that this ice silkworm poison can be used as a trump card by her. Its poison is so fierce and terrifying that even the enchanting can't resist it.

   The next moment.

  The celestial element of the Chu Madman is running, the ten thousand poisonous demon body is activated, and the ice silkworm poison in the body is refined and turned into a nutrient to nourish and strengthen the flesh.

   "Not bad."

   "Although there is still a certain gap compared to Huaxianpo, your current cultivation base is only true. It is not impossible to surpass Huaxianpo in the future."

   The madman of Chu looked at the ice silkworm like snow, "You, it's kind of useful."

   Ice silkworm poison has a strong growth potential, and it may even surpass Huaxian poison in the future. This is a steady stream of energy for the madman Chu’s poisonous body.

   In other words, the madman of Chu wants ice silkworms like snow to help him practice.

   Ice Silkworm Ruxue looked at the Madman Chu who had no effect after being hit by his ice silkworm poison, his beautiful eyes widened and his face was inconceivable.

   "Next, I will plant a restriction in your body, open up your mind, and don't make any resistance."

   Chu Madman said lightly.

   These words made Bingxue Ruxue's face a little pale, but she gritted her teeth without saying anything, letting go of her spirit.

   She knew clearly that if she didn't want to die, she could only do it.

   Chu Madman's sword fingers condensed, and the sword energy gushed out and fell on the ice silkworm's forehead, planting a restraint in the opponent's spiritual sea.

  He reads many books and is proficient in various practices.

   He also has a lot of methods similar to this kind of planting restriction and manipulating the life and death of others.

   From now on, the life and death of the ice silkworm Ruxue is between his thoughts.

   As long as Madman Chu is willing, he can kill the opponent at any time.

   "See the master!"

   Bingcan Ruxue knew his current situation, knelt in front of the Madman Chu, and said respectfully.

at this time.

   Not far away, Quartz came up.

   She looked at the ice silkworms kneeling on the ground like snow, a little curious, "Chief, who is she?"

   "Just a follower, don't care."


   Quartz didn't ask much, she looked at Yin Honghua in Longjing. "Is this the person the chief is looking for?"

   She looked at the golden Buddha lotus that enveloped the entire Longjing, with a vague sense of familiarity in her heart, and she involuntarily walked over.

   After she approached Buddha Lotus, Buddha Lotus did not respond.

   When the madman of Chu saw this, there was a strange color in his eyes.

   He used his little love to analyze the Buddha lotus.

   This Buddha lotus guards Longjing, but anyone close to this Buddha lotus within a certain range will be resisted by the huge Buddha light.

   However, quartz is not affected.

   "Heh, is it the Buddha's light power in her body?"

   The madman Chu gave a chuckle.

   He knew very well that under the appearance of quartz, there was an existence that did not know the origin and deliberately approached him.

   Apparently, he seems to be a Buddhist.

   "Who set this Buddha lotus?"

   The madman of Chu looked at the ice silkworm like a snowy road next to him.

   "I don't know, this Buddha lotus was here when we came. Perhaps Longsan knew that he came earlier than all of us."

   It's a pity that Prince Longsan is dead now and can't be dying.

   The madman of Chu glanced at Buddha Lotus, and didn't pay any attention to it.

   This Buddha lotus obviously exists to protect Yin Honghua, and he doesn't need to destroy it. What needs attention now is Yin Honghua's condition.

   "Xiao Ai, how is Honghua now?"

   "In Yin Honghua, there are two forces of mutual restraint in fierce conflict..."

   Yin Honghua's message came to mind.

   The situation of the opponent, Madman Chu quickly understood.

   "The mutual restraint force with the golden ancient dragon blood is, the Shura blood dragon..."

   The madman of Chu learned from the information of the Tingfeng Tower that Yin Honghua had the inheritance of the Shura Blood Dragon, and he also knew that the other party seemed to be under the influence of evil, and he was unable to return to the evil for several times.

   It seems that the other party is now using the blood of the golden ancient dragon to expel evil spirits.

   But, can this really succeed?

   "Little Ai, how likely is the evil in Honghua's body to be eliminated?"

   "According to the analysis, the evil qi in Yin Honghua's body has penetrated into his bone marrow. If he wants to completely eliminate it, the probability is less than 10% based on the energy of this golden ancient dragon blood."

   is only 10%?

   The madman of Chu frowned slightly.

   It seems that he has to find another way to solve the evil nature in the opponent's body.

   Chu madman thought.

   Then, while Yin Honghua was still in retreat, he took out the purple pupil that was like a purple gemstone from the Cyclops.

   The purple pupil is covered with mysterious Dao patterns.

   This is shaped by the cultivation method of the purple pupil family, the madman of Chu analyzed it, and wanted to use this purple pupil to reversely perform the purple pupil cultivation method.

   For other monks, this is almost impossible.

   After all, this purple pupil was created by the purple pupil practice, not the practice itself.

   This is equivalent to inferring the course of events from a result.

   But for a madman of Chu who has a little love and a cultivation method that is comparable to the origin of the practice method, this is not an impossible thing.

   a few days later.

   The madman Chu played with the purple pupil in his hand, and a ray of purple light flashed past his eyes.

   The purple light made the ice silkworms beside him feel like a heart palpitating like snow.

   At this time, she called the monster in her heart!

   It is incredible to reproduce the practice of the purple pupil from a purple pupil!

   Only monsters like Madman Chu can do it.

   She suddenly felt something.

   That is, to be a follower of this existence, perhaps, is not a bad thing.

   "The purple pupil cultivation method is a good soul attack method."

   Chu Madman whispered.

   The purple pupil family, maybe there is a chance to go for a walk, I don’t know what spiritual practice is still hidden by the other party.

   Then, he looked at Longjing not far away.

   The dragon blood in the Dragon Well was almost absorbed by Yin Honghua.

   At this moment, her body surface is shining like jade, and there are golden fairy lights circulating. That is, golden nature!

   is physical gold!

   Yin Honghua, who is not a cultivator of body refinement, gained physical goldenness after absorbing dragon blood, and obtained a powerful physical body.

   And this is only part of the role of the blood of the golden dragon.

   More importantly, the current Yin Honghua's body tempering with the blood of the ancient dragon, talents, cultivation base, etc. will all increase significantly.


   Suddenly, Yin Honghua opened his eyes, and a golden light flashed by, and there was a domineering dragon, centering on the opponent, spreading out!

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