Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : The power of Ssangyong, Yin Honghua fights the dragon's house, a real good sho

"This, how is this possible, how can this guy have mastered the power of the Golden Ancient Dragon?!"

   "Prince Longsan, did he fail?"

   The Dragon Patriarch was originally taken away by the Shangui Shenzi and others because of the Xuannv order, and his face was originally not good-looking. Now, after seeing Yin Honghua mastering the power of the golden ancient dragon, he is even more gloomy.

   At the same time, there was a sense of unease in his heart.

   There is no news from the third prince of the dragon, is it possible...

   He guessed, but couldn't believe it.

   And Shangui Shenzi, who had just received the Xuannv order, and the others also noticed the sudden arrival of Yin Honghua, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

   "This kind of breath, this person is not easy."

"She should be the descendant of the Shura Blood Dragon who has been making a lot of noise on the Golden Continent recently, but now it seems that the other party has mastered not only the power of the blood dragon, but also the power of the golden ancient dragon in the ancient rumors of the dragon clan. The power of Ssangyong is in your body, even if it is you, it is estimated that you can't help the other party."

   The goddess of the big si Ming looked at the mountain ghost **** child next to her, and said teasingly.

   Hearing this, Shangui Shenzi's face was a little ugly.

   These enchanting evildoers have appeared one after another recently, which really made him a little stressed.

   "Huh, chaos **** and monster, fearless of everything!"

  Shan Gui Shenzi coldly snorted.

   The corners of the goddess's mouth curled slightly, and said: "The chaos **** and demons are not afraid of everything, they are afraid of Madman Chu."


   The wound was opened by the other party, and the face of the mountain ghost **** child sank.

   "Well, you two don't have trouble, let's see what this person is doing in Long's house first."

   Dong-kun Godko said lightly.

   Yin Honghua, who possesses the power of Ssangyong, is no less powerful than any super evil evildoer. They are very curious about what the other party wants to do when they come to Long's house.

  The sky above the dragon's house.

   Yin Honghua came, revealing the domineering Long Wei, and said in a cold tone: "People of the Long Family, hand over Jinghui!!"

   Patriarch Long was originally annoyed by the matter of Xuan Nv Ling.

   Now, a Yin Honghua dare to come to their Long's house to provoke him, which makes him feel uncomfortable to the extreme.

  Isn't it true that these people all become dragons?

   Boom! !

   A burst of domineering cents rose into the sky.

   Seeing a child of the Long family was also annoyed, and rushed towards Yin Honghua, "Come to my Long family to be presumptuous, you are looking for death!!!"

   This is a young man holding an immortal sword, his breath is so strong that he has reached the realm of true immortality.

   Its cultivation base talent is among the many arrogances, and it is not uncommon.

   After all, there are not many Tianjiao who can reach the realm of true immortality at present, except for those enchanting evildoers.

   A sword energy swept out, turning into a dragon shape!

   This is the practice of the Long Family, the Dragon Qi Sword Art!

   But when Yin Honghua saw this, his expression was cold, the crimson dragon spear in his hand was slightly shaken, an extremely domineering spear light swept out, and the power of Ssangyong broke out!

  The golden dragon roars, the blood dragon roars!

   The twin dragons strangled out, tearing the sword energy that swept away on the spot, and blasting the young man into a cloud of blood! !

   The Dragon's Tianjiao was killed by a single move!

   Yin Honghua's combat power shocked everyone in the city.

   "Oh my God, the power of this double dragon is so overbearing."

   "Yes, the strength of this Long Family Tianjiao is not bad, but in front of Yin Honghua, he can't even take a single move."

   and saw with his own eyes that the owner of the Long Family, whose Tianjiao was bombarded and killed, had his eyes open, "Yin Honghua, you are presumptuous!!"

   It's just that, due to the Jiezi dispute and the constraints of cause and effect, he can't make a move.

   "I'll say it again, hand over Jinghui, otherwise today, I will let the Long Family, blood flow into a river!!!"

   Yin Honghua's attitude is extremely tough.

   "Hmph, you are Yin Honghua, even if there are Sanqingdaomen behind your back, what about it? Today, if you come to my Long's house to be presumptuous, I will definitely not spare you!"

   "Don't think that there are causal constraints, you can do whatever you want!"

   Patriarch Long gave a cold snort.

  In an instant, I saw golden beams of light rising into the sky between heaven and earth.

   In this beam of light, stood one by one Long Family's children, and they joined hands to form a huge array, trapping Yin Honghua in it.

   "Even if you are blessed by the power of Ssangyong, there is only one person after all!"

   "Kill her for me!"

   Patriarch Long coldly snorted.

   Immediately, the children of the Long family attacked Yin Honghua one by one.

   Under the blessing of the magic circle, their combat power has been greatly increased, and each move has extraordinary power.

   Under the siege of this kind of power, even Yin Honghua felt the slightest pressure.

   "Very good, I will let you see today, Ssangyong Power!!"

   Yin Honghua's tone was cold, and an evil light flashed past her eyes.

   The sound of two dragons chanted from her body, and two dragon shadows, one gold and one red, hovered around her, blessing her power.

   The spear is in hand, the spear is raging!

   With every shot fired, under the blessing of Ssangyong's power, it is extremely overbearing, and the space is constantly bursting!

   The entire magic circle barrier was also trembling.

   and on the other side.

   A restaurant.

   There were two people who looked at the battle above the Long's house with a pensive expression on their faces.

   These two people are a man and a woman.

   The woman has a plump body and a beautiful face. She is a rare beauty.

   The young man next to her is handsome and a beautiful man. The female nuns around are looking at the man, and their beautiful eyes can't help but shine.

   "It's the second young master of the Feng Family."

   "And Miss Feng Family, why are they here?"

   The people in the restaurant talked a lot.

   These two people are the two best talents of the Feng Family.

   "Sister, is this a good show you said?"

The Second Young Master of the Feng Family watched the battle in the sky and smiled faintly. When he saw the heroic Yin Honghua, even he couldn't help showing a touch of stunning As the young master of the Feng Family, he I have seen countless beautiful women, but there are rare women like Yin Honghua.

   The scarf does not allow the eyebrows to be used on Yin Honghua's body, and it couldn't be more appropriate.

   "The real good show hasn't started yet."

   Fengyu smiled faintly.

   There was a deep light in her eyes, "After so many years, it's time to change the seat of the head of these eight families."

   "Sure enough, it was you who made the stalk."

   At this time, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

   I saw three figures in the restaurant.

   These three people, two women and one man.

  The man walking in the forefront, dressed in white, is aloof, his appearance is dusty, like a real fairy in the sky, and his body is dazzling and fascinating.

   The female cultivators who had been observing the Second Young Master of the Feng Family in secret when they saw this man, they were all immediately attracted.

   Compared with that, the outstanding Feng Family Second Young Master became extremely ordinary in an instant.

   This is not the same level of appearance at all.

   If the Second Young Master of the Feng Family is a beauty on earth, then the man in white in front of him is a stunning beauty in the sky!

   is not only the man in white, but the two women behind him have their own merits.

   One Xiaojiabiyu is gentle and moving.

   One is cold and refined, and there is a feeling that you can only see from a distance.

   These three people are Chu madmen, quartz, and ice silkworms like snow.

   After hearing Madman Chu's voice, Feng Yu's delicate body was shocked, and there was a touch of unnaturalness in his eyes.

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