Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Be smart and surrender, I will ask myself

"A good man!"

   The Second Young Master of the Feng Family couldn't help showing surprise in his eyes after seeing Madman Chu.

   In front of the other party, he actually feels ashamed.

   While the ice silkworms are like snow, and the quartz girls are also stunning, it is heart-pounding. Not only that, the second master of the Feng Family also felt an unprecedented threat from the two of them.

   These three people are not easy!

   This is the first thought of the second master of the Feng Family!

   It's just that, beside him, when Feng Yu heard the voice of Madman Chu, there was a touch of unnaturalness on his face, "I don't know Young Master Chu, what does this mean?"

   Mr. Chu?

   Hearing this title, Feng Er Shao suddenly understood something, his pupils suddenly shrank, a little shocked.

It's him!

   The madman of Chu ignored the shock of the second master of the Feng Family.

   He looked at Feng Yu, his gaze was intact, and said lightly: "The Long Family commissioned the Feng Family to investigate Honghua's affairs."


   "It's just that they don't seem to know that Prince Longsan is dead, or that they don't seem to know my existence. You deliberately concealed the news."

   "When Mr. Chu came to my Listening Wind Tower, he was wearing a mask. I thought Mr. Chu didn't want to reveal his identity, so I concealed the news from the Long Family."

   "Heh, is it really just like this?"

   The madman Chu gave a chuckle, "Isn't it because you want to use me to deal with the Long Family, the head of the Golden Eighth Family, it's time to take a seat, is that what you just said?"

   He heard Feng Yu's murmur just now.

   Hearing these words, Fengyu's delicate body could not help shaking, and a fine cold sweat came out on her white forehead.

   As the Madman Chu said, in her heart, there was indeed the intention to use the other party.

  The Long Family commissioned the Feng Family to investigate the news.

   But she deliberately concealed the death of the third prince of Halong, and the existence of Madman Chu, in order to create a conflict between Madman Chu and the Long family.

   Otherwise, if the Long Family knew that Madman Chu had come, they would definitely not easily target Yin Honghua.

   In this way, the intensity of the conflict will be greatly reduced.

   "Please forgive me, son, I was smart and concealed the existence of son."

   Fengyu thumped and knelt directly in front of Madman Chu.

   She knelt on the ground, her body trembling slightly, her face pale.

  Beauty bends knees, I feel pity when I see it.

  In the restaurant, some monks who didn't know the ins and outs of things saw this scene, and suddenly felt pity.

   I don't know, I thought it was Madman Chu bullying others.

   "Boy, what do you want to do?"

   A big man stood up and said, with an awe-inspiring appearance.

   "That is, every girl kneels down for you, so why bother with you."

   "Girl, today we are in charge of you. Don't worry, he doesn't dare to treat you with us."

   Several people uttered one after another.

   These people all have some strength, otherwise they would not dare to speak out.

   They looked at Feng Yu's plump figure and beautiful face, and there was a fiery color in their eyes.

   In his mind, he has imagined a scene where a hero saves the beauty, and then the beauty throws in his arms.

   It’s just that, before they can do anything, there was a burst of chill in the restaurant. The chill was extremely biting and chilling.

The expressions of those cultivators who made a sound changed, feeling that the cold air pierced their bodies like countless tiny needles, paralyzing their nerves in an instant. The immortal essence, bones and flesh were all frozen, and their lives were frozen. The breath was passing quickly, and soon even the consciousness had disappeared.

   And the rest of the restaurant only saw these few brave monks who were eroded by the cold in an instant and turned into ice sculptures!

   Then, it shattered and turned into ice slag.

   There is no blood, only chill!

   Everyone took a breath of air-conditioning, and looked at the source of the chill in fear. The ice silkworm was like snow standing behind Chu Kuangren without saying a word.

   The madman of Chu glanced at the ice silkworm like snow.

   Ice Silkworm Ruxue quickly said: "I take the liberty to make a move, and please forgive me."

   "It's okay."

   The madman Chu said lightly, without asking for it.

Feng Yu, who was kneeling on the ground, never even glanced at the monks who were “just and brave” from beginning to end, but after hearing the conversation between Madman Chu and Bingxue Ruxue, the cold sweat on his forehead continued to blow out, and because The cold air escaping from the ice silkworm like snow condensed into ice beads one after another.

   Soon, she was covered with frost and looked very embarrassed.

   But she did not dare to brush away the frost easily.

   She knows that ice silkworms are like snow.

   This is a great evildoer, but even this extreme evildoer surrenders to the madman of Chu, calling the other party the master.

   The horror of the Madman Chu is far beyond her imagination!

   Before she actually wanted to use such a person? !

   She is absolutely crazy!

"I don’t hate smart women, but I hate smart women. You think you just concealed my existence and didn’t do other unnecessary things. It’s not a use, right? But when you want When I use me to achieve any purpose, it's just an idea, but it's enough for me to kill you."

   Chu Madman slowly said.

   Hearing what he said, Feng Yu lowered his head lower, panicking, "Feng Yu offended."

   She did not dare to refute, let alone resist.

   She knew that all of these were useless, because now her life and death depended on Madman Chu, and she didn't have any capital to do something in front of Madman Chu.

   "Get up."

  The madman of Chu found a chair at random and sat down, watching the battle between Yin Honghua and Long's family outside, his eyes calm.

   Fengyu felt a little loose in his heart, feeling like he was alive after a disaster.

   "Long family, UU reading is dealing with Honghua, I have to settle this account with them sooner or later. Your behavior is superfluous."

   "Yes, it is Fengyu that has passed."

   "The Long Family doesn't exist, I don't mind helping Feng Family, let you sit on the top of the Golden Continent Family, but what I want, Feng Family, can you give it to me?"

   Chu Madman said lightly.

   Fengyu leaned slightly, "From now on, the Feng family will look forward to the son of Chu, and the Feng family's intelligence network will be open to the son anytime and anywhere."

   "You should be thankful that you have a good brain."

   The madman of Chu glanced at Feng Yu who decisively surrendered.

   Fengjia’s intelligence network not only covers the Golden Continent, but also the entire Ziwei Star. If this intelligence network can be used by him, it would be great.

   That's why he didn't kill Fengyu.

   As for whether the other members of the Feng Family will surrender.

   This is out of his consideration.

   Because after today, the Feng family has no choice!

   If someone dissatisfied, he doesn't mind waiting for the Long Family to be destroyed before cleaning the Feng Family's senior management again.

   "My son, I have another news here, I think my son will be interested."


   "In the past two days, there have been people from the Eastern Emperor's Fairy Court in the Long Family. Among them is a young man with a broken arm. It is the mountain ghost **** child who was defeated by the son in the past!

   Hearing this, a strange color appeared in Madman Chu's eyes.

   "Oh, the people from the Eastern Emperor Xian Ting, interesting, what do they look for from the Long family?"

   "This is still under investigation."

   "No, I will ask myself later."

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