Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : Keep seed for the Long family, put it to death and live afterwards, the demeanor of

Over the dragon's house.

   The battle between Yin Honghua and the children of the Long family continued.

   The battle between the two sides is in full swing, and the gorgeous fairy radiance of violent energy blooms shrouded in the sky above the city, constantly flashing.

   And in this celestial celestial splendor, there is a golden dragon, a blood dragon, these two dragon shadows are flying in the sky, boundlessly powerful, raging in the sky, crushing all souls to tremble.

  The countless children of the Long Family felt that their blood was suppressed, and it was difficult for them to exert their full strength.

   "Damn, the power of this person's Double Dragon has a great suppressive effect on the children of my dragon family."

   "If you are an enemy of her, our dragon energy cannot be fully displayed."

  Dragon Qi is the most proud power of the Long Family. However, in front of Yin Honghua's dragon qi, their dragon qi is not worth mentioning.

   This is the essential difference!

   is a level rolling from the depths of the blood!

   "Use the Locking Dragon Sword!!"

   At this moment, a long patriarch said loudly.

   Then, with a wave of his sleeves, he shot out the golden sword and swept into the circle.

   Countless children of the dragon family held the golden swords one after another, and then chanted the law, urging Xian Yuan, the dragon spirit in the body whizzed out, and the golden small swords in their hands bloomed with celestial glory!

   A force specifically aimed at Dragon Qi burst out!

"go with!"

  Long family's children shouted in unison, and threw out the golden sword in their hands.

   I saw these golden little swords shuttle in the void, forming a sword formation, blocking the two dragon shadows on Yin Honghua, making it difficult for him to exert his full strength!

   "Oh, as a dragon blood family, it is ironic to develop the power of locking dragons."

   Yin Honghua sneered.

   The children of the Long Family can't deny them, and the face of the head of the Long Family is even more gloomy.

   No one wants to be a vassal of others all the time.

  Long’s family is no exception.

   Locking the Dragon Sword is the method that the Long Family has researched to deal with the Dragon Clan, and it is also a way for them.

  If one day, the dragon race abandons them, they can still use the power of the dragon lock to deal with each other in turn, but they didn't expect to use it on Yin Honghua first.

"go to hell!!"

   Patriarch Long said coldly.

   The rest of the dragon family's children urged the Locking Dragon Sword to restrict Yin Honghua's double dragon power, and then various fairy magic magical powers rushed towards the other side.

   Gorgeous energy, boundless, like a vast ocean.

   Yin Honghua held the Scarlet Blood Dragon Spear, and there was a **** evil glow in his eyes, which was actually a sign of evil spirits and improved cultivation.

   And just at this time.

  Between heaven and earth, suddenly a terrifying coercion broke out, like the fairy king Linchen, pushing for nine days!

   A huge sword shadow rose from a restaurant!

   Sword and shadow across the sky, tearing through the world!

   The boundless and domineering sword pressure destroyed the magic circle formed by the children of the Long Family in an instant, and wiped out the flood of energy abruptly!

   In a bang, the children of the Long Family fly upside down, bursting into pieces!

   This sword shadow shocks the world! Shake the world!

   Everyone couldn't help their pupils shrinking slightly, looking at the source of the sword shadow.

  Especially the mountain ghost **** child, the evil spirits hiding in the dark, such as the **** child of Dongjun, couldn't help but change their expressions after seeing the shadow of the sword and perceiving the aura in it.

   "Damn, this power is that guy!!"

   "Leave first!"

   Dongjun Shenzi left without saying a word.

   "Damn it!"

Although    Shan Gui Shenzi was a little unwilling, he could only grit his teeth and leave after touching the painful wound on his severed arm.

   He is definitely not an opponent of Madman Chu.

   stay here, once discovered by the madman of Chu, it will only be a dead end!

   "Leave first, wait until I find the Queen Mother's Immortal, and when I recover my full strength, I will settle accounts with him slowly!!"

   Shan Gui Shenzi took a deep breath and said.

   Within the Dragon’s House.

   Patriarch Long couldn't help but be very surprised when he saw the earth-shaking sword shadow.

   "Who is it that dare to oppose my Long's family?!"

   "I want to ask, a dragon family dare to oppose me?!"

   An indifferent voice sounded.

   In the restaurant, a detached figure in white slowly walked out, with ancient swords and scrolls hanging on his waist.

  He walked in the air with a strong sense of presence!

   is like the absolute center of this world!

   Everyone couldn't help being attracted by the other person.

   "Hi...It's him!!!"

   Someone recognized Madman Chu, and he couldn't help taking a breath of air, his face full of shock.

   But the madman of Chu came next to Yin Honghua, looked at the Long Family condescendingly, and said indifferently: "Hand over Jinghui, I can save the seeds for the Long Family!"

   As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!

   is not letting go of the dragon's house!

   But for the Long’s family, save seeds? !

   In other words, Madman Chu is going to destroy most of the dragon family, leaving only some seeds for the opponent!

   This is too overbearing.

   "Who is this person, whose tone is so arrogant?!"

   "What, you don't even know this person? He is the madman of Chu who has made a lot of noise in Ziwei Star recently!"

   "It's actually him?!"

   "Damn, it's really better to see it once you hear it, and you will kill the Long Family by opening your mouth. This is what the younger generation can say."

   There was a lot of discussion.

   After seeing Madman Chu, Patriarch Long's anxiety in his heart reached its extreme in an instant.

   Yin Honghua got the power of Ssangyong, there is no news from Prince Longsan for a long time, and Madman Chu appeared here with Yin Honghua...

   These are enough to remind him of something.

   "What did you do to Prince Longsan?"

   Patriarch Long said with a trembling tone.

   "I was killed by accident."

   The madman Chu said calmly.

After    Patriarch Long confirmed his inner thoughts, his face became pale after a brush, "Sure enough!!"

   He didn't doubt the other party's The other party also had no reason to lie to him at this time, and with the ability of the other party's rumors, he could kill the Longsan 100%.

   For a time, his heart was ashamed.

  The third prince of the dragon, that is the evildoer of the Dragon Palace!

   Although he said, it was Madman Chu who killed the opponent.

  It’s just that, his dragon family also had a bad time to protect the lord, if the dragon palace angered them, ten dragon families would not be enough to slap the big guys in the dragon palace!

   Thinking of this, Patriarch Long's face was a little frightened.

   "For today's plan, only by killing the Madman Chu, and the merits and demerits can be offset, can we keep the Long family!"

   Patriarch Long has made a decision in his heart.

   Besides, the madmen of Chu were not kind, and it seemed that they had decided to destroy their Long Family.

   Even if he is willing to let it go, it will not help.

   can only be put to death and reborn.

   "Chu madman, you kill the third prince of the Dragon Palace. As a vassal of the dragon clan, my dragon family is at odds with you!!"

   Patriarch Long shouted loudly.

   Then, he shouted to the many children of the Long Family in unison: "Everyone, the Long Family is alive and dead, just today, kill the Mad Man of Chu and reward a hundred dragon blood pills!!"

   Dragon Blood Pill is a rare pill of the Long Family. Only the core children of the Long Family are qualified to use it, and only one can be used at a time.

   Now, the Long Family Master took out a hundred pieces in one breath, which is a very huge temptation for the children of the Long Family.

   Everyone is about to move.

   "Oh, I am afraid of cause and effect, and dare not do it, letting the younger generation be sent to death, it is really the style of the head of the family!"

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