Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : The true fairy rises up, stupid is beyond reach, the whole city is shocked

"Is there really a demeanor of the family?!"

   The voice of Chu Madman's sneer echoed in the air.

   It's just that a large number of Long Family children who have been tempted by the Dragon Blood Pill can't take care of that much, and they all rushed towards Chu Kuangren with red eyes.

   In their eyes, the Madman Chu at this time had already equated the one hundred dragon blood pills.

   "Everyone, don't be afraid!"

   "Yes, he is just rumored to be powerful, and his true strength is not much stronger than ours."

   "There are so many of us, I don't believe it is not his opponent."

   "Not bad!"

   Many children of the Long Family rushed up like a swarm of locusts.

   But Madman Chu stood still, motionless.

   I saw him gently raise his hand, a scarlet flame swaying in his palm.

   This is Phoenix Fire!

   is a phoenix fire that combines more than a dozen kinds of sacred fire!

   An incredibly hot and domineering aura permeated, making the surrounding space seem to have a feeling of being burned, very terrifying!

"go with!"

   The madman of Chu waved his hand at random, and saw the sky full of phoenix fire roaring out, covering the sky and the sun!

   All the monks who were contaminated by the phoenix fire screamed horribly, trying to disperse the phoenix fire, but found that the flame was like gangrene attached to bones, it was impossible to expel it!

   Something on their bodies is constantly being burned away, dissipating in mid-air with their breath of life.

   "It's sin karma!"

   "This phoenix fire has the effect of burning sin karma, this is the red lotus karma fire?!"

   "Damn, what kind of flame is this!"

   is not only the Red Lotus Karma Fire, but also a phoenix fire that incorporates more than a dozen divine fires, possessing the characteristics of a variety of flames, terrifying to the extreme.

   Compared with the ordinary Divine Phoenix's phoenix fire, it is much more tyrannical, not even weaker than some of the eight-time blood awakening Divine Phoenix's fire!

   In addition to the cultivation base of Madman Chu's true immortal Ninth Stage, this phoenix fire is extremely terrifying!

   Seeing some Tianjiao, they couldn't help but feel cold.

   "He still has this method."

   Not far away, Ice Silkworm Ruxue looked at the Huang Huo cast by Madman Chu, and her eyes couldn't help showing fear.

   She even suspected that Madman Chu was enough to kill her with this phoenix fire.

   Not to mention, there are other methods.

   This man is really like a bottomless pit, so you can't see the depth.

   "Damn it, use the Locking Dragon Sword!"

   "Joining forces!"

  The children of the Dragon family summoned the Locking Dragon Sword to form a powerful sword formation and swept towards the Madman Chu!

   Although this sword formation was created for dragon energy, it is also a must for attacking!

   Hundreds of golden lock dragon swords shuttled back and forth in the air, imagining countless majestic sword auras, infinitely powerful and terrifying!

   In the face of such a sword array attack, even the most enchanting evildoer will feel tricky.

   But the Madman Chu stood in place, his expression indifferent, unmoved.

   "Can you lock the dragon? But, how can you lock me?"

   His sword fingers condensed, and a cyan sword light flowed out in his eyes!

   In an instant, the endless sword energy centered on him, spread out quickly, the cyan sword energy was like countless leaves, turning into a green leaf sword sea!

   The Sea of ​​Swords and the Locking Dragon Sword collided one after another, the sky trembled, and the space was constantly being torn apart!

  In the end, hundreds of Locking Dragon Swords rolled out under the influence of Aoba Jianhai!

   One by one, the children of the Long Family died on their proud weapons, and this was not over yet, Aoba Jianhai's envelope was very large, directly covering the entire Long Family!

   Within the Dragon's Family, tall buildings are constantly being destroyed and disintegrated in this Jian Qi!

   The Long Family, known as the head of the Golden Eighth Family, is facing an unprecedented disaster at this moment!

   And the initiator of all this is just a young junior!

   This scene made many people's eyelids jump.

  Look at the Long Family children who lost their lives one after another under each other's sword aura. The people in the city are shocked!

   "The members of the Long Family are not good, but in front of him, they are not worth mentioning."

   "Yes, it's horrible, it's like cutting melons and vegetables."

   "Is this Madman Chu?!"

   "It really is, monster!"

   Even if Feng Yu, who had specially collected information on the madmen of Chu, saw this scene, it was extremely palpitating.

   At this time, she finally knows what it means to hear is not, seeing is believing.

   At this moment, she witnessed with her own eyes, and realized how terrifying the rumors of Madman Chu was. She actually wanted to use this kind of person before? !

   She must be crazy.

   She was extremely thankful that she was useful to Madman Chu, and only then survived, otherwise, the other party would not care about her as the eldest lady of the Feng family, and kill her but raise her hand.

   "Damn it, all those in the realm of true fairyland, let's go together!!!"

   Patriarch Long shouted.

   I saw a cultivator of the true immortal level rushing out, surrounding the madman of Chu.

   As the head of the Golden Eighth Family, the Long Family has no shortage of true immortals.

   These true immortals are mostly monks of the older generation.

   Since Madman Chu is now a true immortal, and is still a true immortal of the 9th rank, even if these older generation of monks make a move, they will not be backlashed by cause and effect.

   "Madman Chu, although your strength is strong, you are a true immortal after all! Look around you, there are no less than thirty true immortals, how can you win?!"

   Patriarch Long said with cold eyes.

   "You actually use the realm to judge my combat power? What a foolishness!"

   Chu Madman shook his head and said.

   In terms of the immortal element, he practiced one qi to transform the three purity. In terms of the cultivation method, he sits on a lot of harmony methods that even Da Luo does not know. In terms of the physical body, he is infinitely close to the golden immortal...

   Not to mention, there are many physiques comparable to the Supreme Immortal Body.

   That kind of mysterious magical powers, each one is extremely rare, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is not something that ordinary real immortals can have.

   Just as the madman Chu said, using realm to measure his combat power is simply stupid!


   It’s just that these true immortals don’t know how stupid they made a mistake.

   Relying on the large number of people, they didn't panic at all, they wanted to be here to completely end the madman of Chu!

   "Killing you can not only make up for my dragon family, but the dragon family may even praise us."

   "Yes, Madman Chu, your legend will end here today!"

   One by one true immortals, urging all kinds of practice methods, burst out!

   The majestic dragon aura has caused a sensation in all directions and shocked the world!

   The Madman Chu at this moment was enveloped by countless dragons, as if to be torn apart by countless real dragons.

   "All worlds, the wheel of life and death!"

   Between the madman of Chu raising his hands, the spirit of the gods and demons rose to the sky, and billions of celestial splendor suddenly bloomed!

  The light of the life of the god, the spirit of the death of the devil!

  The spirit of gods and demons, the meaning of life and death, interweaves and circulates in the air, in the endless fairy glory, a black and white light wheel appears out of thin air, and the extremely profound meaning of life and death suddenly erupts!

   Thousands of dragon spirits exploded in front of this power of life and death!

   Some true celestial beings who were relatively close, had no resistance in front of this power, and turned into blood mist on the spot.

   The blood of the true fairy is sprinkled all over the city!

   And the madman of Chu stands volley in the air, with his clothes flying, like a supreme immortal king who holds life and death!

   This scene is extremely shocking!

   The whole city monks, watching this scene, dumbfounded!

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