Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : Yuzhi and Qingfeng, Crimson Tears, 9 days of glazed realm open

Above Luo's house, all evildoers and arrogances gathered.

In addition to the three goddesses and goddesses of the Immortal Court of the East Emperor, the ancient purple pupil family was also born.

There is also a peerless fairy sitting in the clouds and shrouded in immortal glory. This person is icy muscles and jade bones, with a peerless appearance, three thousand green silks are hanging down like a waterfall, and there is fairy brilliance flowing in it. , This person is the jade pool saint with great reputation in the starry sky arena, Yuzhi!

She also came to the nine-day glazed realm.

And her goal, very clear, was the treasure of the Queen Mother of the West guarded by the Xuannvzong in the nine-day glazed glaze realm.

"Qingfeng, do you think I can get the treasure of Queen Mother West on this trip?"

Yuzhi looked at a green-haired woman next to her and said lightly.

The face of this green-haired woman is not weaker than Yuzhi. As for her breath, although it is not that strong, she has a vague feeling.

Especially her eyes, showing the color of glaze, deep and mysterious.

If the madman of Chu was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this person was the daughter of the mountain lord of Wutong Mountain in the Qinglan fairy world, the Divine Phoenix Alien Blue Luan!

"The saint's body carries the inheritance of the Queen Mother West, and it is the destiny to obtain the treasure of the Queen Mother West."

A large number of mysterious runes flickered in Qingfeng's eyes, and said lightly.

At this time, she was very different from the past.

Divine Phoenix Alien Species Qingluan is extremely rare, and she has gradually developed the bloodline power.

During this period of time, she traveled in the starry sky arena, and once encountered a strong enemy under siege, and happened to meet Yuzhi. The other party rescued her, and she was also inherited by the Queen Mother of the West. In ancient rumors, Qingluan Often accompanied by Queen Mother Xi, the two know each other and cherish each other, and Qingfeng has become a follower of Yuzhi since then.

"Destiny? I look forward to it."

Yuzhi smiled faintly.

She has already cultivated the Jade Lake Immortal Sutra to a very high level, and it is only one step away from the advancement of the Immortal Body.

But this step can never be crossed.

She pinned her hope on the treasures of the Queen Mother of the West kept by Xuan Nvzong, and hoped that there was an opportunity to advance her fairy body among those treasures!

Suddenly, she noticed a strange gaze looking at herself.

Turning around to see, it was the **** son of Dongjun in the immortal body of the East Emperor, her brows frowned slightly, and she turned and ignored it.

"Are you interested in this woman?"

Shangui Shenzi looked at Dongjun Shenzi and said lightly.

"Oh, I heard that Zhuo Donglai, who was taught by the Eastern King, was deeply attached to her in the past, and that this person is still the descendant of Queen Mother of the West, so he took a second look."

Divine Child Dongjun smiled faintly, and then he glanced at the goddess of life next to him.

Seeing that the other party didn't care about seeing other women, he couldn't help showing disappointment in his eyes.

Shangui Shenzi met with a chuckle, "Dongjun intends, Goddess is unintentional."

The **** son of Dongjun likes the goddess of the big si Ming, in Jiuge, it is no secret.

It's just that the **** child Dongjun has not confessed positively, and the goddess Dasiming has never responded to each other, and the two are so stalemate.

"That woman, it's kind of interesting."

Shangui Shenzi looked at a woman not far away.

The woman, wearing a moon-white dress, has a rugged body, slender legs, picturesque eyebrows, and a beautiful face, especially the crimson mole between the eyebrows, which adds a bit of charm to the other party. Many people at the scene looked at the woman with fiery eyes and made no secret of it.

This woman has the appearance of Shen Yu and Luo Yan, and her name is like her name, Luo Yan.

It is the top talent of the Luo family.

Being watched by everyone, Luo Yan's eyes showed a touch of disgust, but he couldn't say much.

Because many of these people have a stronger background than her Luo family!

This made her feel a little helpless.

Among the female cultivators present, the face of the sage of Yaochi Yuzhi was not worse than hers, and she even had a kind of superiority, just like a queen.

But why did most people keep their eyes on her?

Because the Luo family is weak!

These people didn't dare to offend the sacred place of Yaochi behind Yuzhi.

But he dared to offend the Luo family.

"My Luo family is not strong enough, in other words, I am not strong enough!"

At this moment, Luo Yan had an incomparable desire for being strong.

And with her desire for strength, the crimson mole at the moment became even more coquettish.

not far away.

Upon seeing this, the **** son of the mountain ghost flashed a strange color in his eyes.

"The scarlet tears are indeed well-deserved."

"Tsk tusk, it's a pity that she failed to maximize this physique, otherwise her potential will be upgraded to a new level."

Crimson tears, this is also one of many fairy bodies.

It is the top-notch celestial body, and it is only slightly inferior to the supreme celestial body.

There are even ancient rumors that when the owner of Crimson Tears is extremely sad, there is a certain opportunity to develop Crimson Tears to a level not weaker than the Supreme Immortal Body.

However, this is just a rumor.

"A lot of enchanting Tianjiao."

Among the crowd, a young man could not help but feel some pressure when he looked at the **** son Dongjun, the purple pupil family and others.

There was a slight chill over this young man, but anyone who relied on him would feel a sense of freezing cold.

This person is a monster.

It is a monster in Xuelong Mountain, second only to ice silkworm like snow.

The name calls ice silkworm wind.

"It's a pity that the ice silkworm has not come like snow, otherwise, we will be more confident this time."

The ice silkworm wind shook his head slightly.

Speaking of ice silkworms like snow, some Xuelong Mountain ice silkworms behind him couldn't help showing longing and admiration in their eyes.

In their minds, the ice silkworm Ruxue is the goddess of Xuelong Mountain, unattainable.

"People of the Luo family, haven't the nine-day glazed glaze realm opened yet?"

At this time, a Tianjiao couldn't bear it and said loudly.

The aura of this Tianjiao is extremely overbearing, with purple awns circulating on his body, but it is a monster in Ziwei Pavilion.

"Zhuo Tiancang, why don't you worry."

At this time, within the Luo family, a young man dressed in white slowly walked out and came to Luo Yan's side.

This person is Luojia Luoyifeng.

"Luo Yifeng, the Luo family has no retreat. If you don't open the nine-day glazed glaze realm, don't blame us for being rude."

"You don't need to say more about this."

Luo Yifeng said indifferently.

As soon as his words fell, a beam of light rose to the sky in the Luo family!

This beam of light goes straight through the sky!

In the rolling clouds, it was actually divided into two!

In the boundless splendor, a spatial crack appeared in front of everyone.

Through the space rift, everyone saw all kinds of magnificent mountains and rivers, it was the nine-day glazed realm!

"Isn't this open?"

Luo Yifeng said lightly Then, he glanced at Luo Yan next to him, his figure flashed, and flew towards the Nine Heavens Glazed Glass Realm.

When the other Tianjiao saw this, they also took actions and entered one after another.

Not long after, all Tianjiao entered the nine-day colored glaze realm.

"Since it's all open, why not muddy the water a bit."

There was a touch of determination in the eyes of Patriarch Luo, and he did not block the vision of the nine-day glazed glaze realm, but allowed it to expand.

He wants to create opportunities for Luo Yifeng and the others, so that they can stand out among the crowd and obtain the greatest opportunity in the Glazed Glass Realm.

Therefore, he intends to attract more Tianjiao to come and muddy the water so that Luo Yifeng and others have a chance.

Gradually, most of the Golden Continent saw the wonder of the nine-day glazed realm.

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