Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : The mountain ghost and the **** son seize the fairy medicine, Luo Yifeng's sel

The nine-day glazed glaze realm opened, and its vision was everywhere, and even the monks on the edge of the golden continent could see it.

For a time, countless monks rushed to it, wanting to enter.

In the Luo family, a group of figures followed.

"Look, that's the Tianjiao of Tianyimen."

"There are also cultivators from the Northern Fist Sect, they are here too."

As the monks arrived, Patriarch Luo did not stop, allowing them to enter the nine-day glazed glaze realm.

Anyway, it's already this step, the more muddy the water in the nine-day glazed realm, the better.

"Look, it's the Lin family and the monks of the Wang family."

At this moment, suddenly a monk from the Golden VIII family arrived.

Just when everyone was shocked.

Between the world and the earth, a tremendous pressure suddenly came!

The horror of this pressure has caused many Tianjiao who came here to change their expressions and become extremely frightened.

Some Tianjiao was directly pressed on the ground under this pressure.

"What a terrifying breath, who is this again?"

"This breath is definitely the top enchanting evildoer, no, few of the older generations of powerhouses have this kind of breath, right?!"

Many Tianjiao was terrified.

A crack suddenly opened in the void.

A transcendent figure in white clothes stepped out, with immortal splendor on his body, endless mighty force rolling out!

"It's him, Madman Chu!"

Some Tianjiao recognized Chu Madman, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

And Patriarch Luo's eyelids jumped sharply, "This guy, how come?!"

He originally wanted to confuse the water and create opportunities for Luo Yifeng and others, but he never expected that Madman Chu would come! !

This is equivalent to dropping a shark in a small pond!

This pair of other fish in the pond is absolutely devastating! !

At this moment, he felt a little regretful in his heart.

However, he didn't know that even without him, Madman Chu would still come here.

"Nine Sky Glazed Glaze Realm, huh, here I am!"

Madman Chu glanced at Patriarch Luo, but didn't talk to them.

He saw that the other Tianjiao all ran into the glazed glaze realm, and also took the quartz and the ice silkworm like snow to graze.

The nine-day glazed realm.

This is a space similar to the Kunlun Secret Realm, extremely vast.

After Madman Chu stepped into it, the majestic fairy knowledge spread out, and he wanted to see if there was any chance here.

There are a lot of opportunities, but there are not many that make him attractive.

"Let's explore it."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

He is not in a hurry.

At this time, the ice silkworm frowned like a snowy eyebrow, and said: "I feel the aura of the tribe, they seem to trouble."

The ice silkworms are sensitive to each other.

At this moment, the ice silkworm Ruxue felt that there was the breath of Xuelong Mountain ice silkworm in the distance, but this breath was very sluggish and seemed to be in trouble.

"Go and see."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Thank you, Master."

The ice silkworm nodded slightly like snow, then the figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Then Madman Chu was carrying quartz, and the two explored in the nine-day glazed glaze realm.

With the opening of the Nine Heavens Glazed Glaze Realm, the evil spirits of the Tianjiao from all sides came.

They are here to explore, grab treasures, and fights are taking place at all times.

Just like this moment.

Somewhere on a mountain peak, an ancient fairy medicine appeared.

This immortal medicine circulates in a dazzling celestial splendor, extremely dazzling.

Near the fairy medicine, all Tianjiao all felt the aura of the fairy medicine and rushed over, looking at the fairy medicine with fiery eyes.

Several powerful breaths descended.

I saw Luo Yifeng from the Luo family, and Luo Yan brought the Luo family's children.

"This fairy medicine, I'm home!"

Luo Yifeng said, the cultivation base of the Seventh-Rank True Immortal on his body broke out directly, crushed out, and shocked Bafang Tianjiao.

This breath is too powerful.

Some Tianjiao didn't even reach the true immortal, and they weren't opponents at all. They all considered themselves not opponents and left on their own initiative.

"As expected of Brother Luo, this aura is truly unmatched."

"Yes, as long as Brother Luo leads us, in these nine-day glazed glaze realm, we will definitely be able to gain a lot."

Many of the Luo family's children looked at Luo Yifeng, admired and respected them.

Luo Yifeng's face showed arrogance.

The Seventh-Rank of True Immortal, among the young generation, there are almost a handful of those who have reached this level, and he naturally has the capital to be proud.

"Everyone, wait a minute, I'm going to get this fairy medicine."

Luo Yifeng said, rushing towards the immortal medicine, his eyes fiery.

This immortal medicine is extremely good and contains extremely strong vitality. It can be said to be a treasure of healing. Although not as good as the Queen Mother's Immortal Medicine, it is definitely the top-notch medicine.

And just when he was about to succeed, a powerful energy wave suddenly burst out of the void.


Luo Yifeng's pupils shrank, just as if his scalp exploded directly.

He retreated quickly!

I saw that near the fairy medicine, a black hole was formed out of thin air, exuding an extremely terrifying distortion field!

If he continued to approach just now, this black hole would swallow and kill!

"It's not bad to be able to escape this blow."

An indifferent voice sounded.

The black hole dissipated, and three figures appeared in the void.

It is the **** son of the mountain ghost, the **** son of Dongjun, and the goddess of Dasiming.

"It's you!"

When Luo Yifeng saw these three people, there was a dignified look in his eyes.

From these three people, he felt a threat.

"Three, if you want this immortal medicine, you have to pay attention to one first come first."

Luo Yifeng stood with his hand in his hand and said indifferently.

"Oh, come first, come first?"

The **** of the mountain ghost smiled playfully, "Just rely on you, also want to pay attention to the first come and then come with me? It's so funny, this fairy medicine, I want it, what can you do with me?"

"It seems that it is necessary to have a fight with you today."

A fairy sword appeared in Luo Yifeng's hand and said indifferently.

Behind him, the eyes of the Luo family's children showed expectation.

"Compared with Brother Luo, the famous mountain ghost **** child, don't you know which one is stronger and weaker?"

"Ha, let's just say that Brother Luo must be stronger."

You Luo family's children are very confident about Luo Yifeng's strength.

But Luo Yan's eyebrows frowned, and said to Luo Yifeng: "Luo Yifeng, the strength of the **** son of the mountain ghost should not be underestimated. He is also surrounded by the goddess Dongjun and the goddess of life. These two people are at least the same level as him. Exist, invincible, give them this elixir, and we will leave first."

"Sister Yan'er don't worry, I'm not easy to provoke."

Luo Yifeng smiled confidently.


The goddess of the big si Ming glanced at Luo Yifeng, and said with disdain.

Luo Yifeng's face was not very beautiful after being ridiculed so blatantly by the other party, "Let me see the strength of the goddess Xianting today."

He shot towards the mountain ghost **** child. UU reading www.

A fight broke out!

But it didn't take long for Luo Yifeng's face to gradually change.

Shangui Shenzi's cultivation base is the same as him, he is the seventh rank of true immortal, but the opponent also has a chaos **** and demon body, and his strength is far above him!

"Black hole, big distortion!"

The mountain ghost **** child's supernatural powers erupted, a black hole enveloped Luo Yifeng, and the terrifying distortion field was madly tearing his body.

As if in the next moment, he would be twisted into a ball of twists.

"Not an opponent, the gap is too big!"

Luo Yifeng's eyes showed horror.

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