Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Luo Yi winds back against water, the Luo family blew themselves up

"Luoshui Sword Jue!"

Just when Luo Yifeng was enveloped by a black hole and his life was hanging by a thread, Luo Yan shot.

With a wave of her long sword, the biting sword aura swept out, like a continuous stream of water, constantly impacting the black hole.

Finally, tear the black hole apart!

"Oh, it can break my magical powers, there is a bit of strength."

Shangui Shenzi looked at Luo Yan, his mouth slightly tilted.

Behind Luo Yan, Luo Yifeng was supported by a group of Luo family children. He looked at the mountain ghost **** child with an unbelievable color in his eyes.

The same is true immortal seven products, why is there such a big gap? !

why? !

Luo Yifeng was puzzled, shocked, and terrified!

And ashamed!

The children of the Luo family were also extremely surprised. They never expected that Luo Yifeng, whom they respected so much, would be so vulnerable in front of the **** son of the mountain ghost!

"Mountain ghost **** child, this fairy medicine, I'll give it to you."

Luo Yan said lightly, and then she wanted to take people away.

However, the mountain ghost **** child stopped her, "Stop."

"What do you want?"

"It's too naive to take a shot at me and want to leave safe and sound."

"What do you want?"

"Your name is Luo Yan, right? Tsk tsk, you really look like a Shen Yuluoyan. It's not impossible to want me to spare you. I happen to be short of a maid. You just need to be a maid."

Hearing this, Luo Yan's face sank and he was extremely embarrassed.

The Luo family's son's expression changed even more.


"you are dreaming!"

The Luo family's children were agitated and glared at the **** of the mountain ghost.

In their minds, Luo Yan is a goddess-like figure in the Luo family, and he takes care of them on weekdays.

In Luo family, Luo Yan is highly respected, and his prestige is not much worse than that of the Patriarch, Luo Yifeng.

"Oh, not willing?"

"Mountain ghost **** child, please accept it as soon as you see it."

Luo Yan's eyes were cold.

"No, heh, then I will kill him first."

The mountain ghost said indifferently, his figure flashed, and he came to Luo Yifeng's face, the spirit of the gods and demons broke out, swept toward the other side!

Luo Yan still wanted to stop, but was forced to retreat by the Dongjun Godzi.

"You two are really not ashamed to bully a little girl."

Dasi ordered the goddess to step aside, and didn't want to get involved.

The mountain ghost **** child covered Luo Yifeng with a black hole, and the tyrannical black hole power was destroying the opponent's body one after another.

"How do you say yes?"

The mountain ghost **** child looked at Luo Yan and said playfully, with a fiery color in his eyes.

Luo Yan is stunning, and there is a top immortal body like Scarlet Tears, with extremely high potential. If he can subdue it, it will be of great help to him in the future.


Luo Yan looked at Luo Yifeng, who was in the black hole, whose fate was dying, and his expression changed.


At this time, Luo Yifeng struggled to speak out.

In the eyes of everyone in the Luo family, Luo Yifeng must have asked Luo Yan not to agree to the **** son of the mountain ghost.

In their opinion, Luo Yifeng has backbone.

"Yan'er, hurry up, promise the son of God!"

But Luo Yifeng's words caused the Luo family's children to fall into silence collectively.

Luo Yifeng, want Luo Yan to agree?

"How could this happen? Didn't Big Brother Yifeng like Sister Luo Yan? How could he let Sister Luo Yan agree to the **** of the mountain ghost."

"In the face of life and death, even the one you like can be betrayed so easily?"

The Luo family's children looked at each other.

When the mountain ghost **** child heard this, he couldn't help laughing, "Luo Yifeng, if you were so witty just now, maybe you won't end up like this."

Luo Yan was still hesitating.

"Luo Yan, you quickly agree, are you going to watch me die?!"

At this moment, Luo Yifeng roared loudly.

No one wants to die.

Luo Yifeng is no exception. In his opinion, as long as he can save his life, what about betraying the woman he likes?

Also, if Luo Yan likes him, he should dedicate everything to him!

Luo Yan's body was shocked.

But her heart is still struggling.

Seeing this situation, Luo Yifeng looked at the **** son of the mountain ghost and said: "My lord **** son, as long as you let me go, I am willing and willing to surrender to you, be a cow and a horse for you, do anything!"

In order to survive, at this moment he has abandoned the dignity of being a evildoer.

"Oh, is it so?"

"Yes, as long as you let me go, from now on, I will look forward to your head."

The corner of Shangui Shenzi's mouth was slightly raised, and then he released the power of the black hole, allowing Luo Yifeng to breathe.

"Thank you Godzi."

Luo Yifeng's face was overjoyed.

The faces of the Luo family's children were not very good-looking, and seeing Luo Yifeng, who was the Luo family's evildoer, bowed so humbly, they also didn't feel good.

"Luo Yifeng, give you a chance to show loyalty, go and kill all the Luo family children behind you, not one left."

Shangui Shenzi said lightly at this time.

When he heard this, Luo Yifeng's expression immediately changed.

Want him to kill his clan?

"If it doesn't work, then I can do it myself, but by then, you will also die!"

Shangui Shenzi continued.

"Mountain ghost **** child, you dream, Big Brother Yifeng is not like that..."

A child of the Luo family wanted to speak out, saying that Luo Yifeng is not the kind of person who kills his clan for self-protection.

However, before he finished speaking, a sword gas cut off his head.

The person who made the shot was the Luo Yifeng he respected.

"how come?"

All the Luo family children were shocked.

Luo Yan's beautiful eyes widened, "Luo Yifeng, are you crazy?!!!"

Luo Yifeng's eyes showed struggle, and he was replaced by a cruel look, "For me, I have to ask you to die!"

He shot again, sword after sword.

One by one, the Luo family's children were killed.

Luo Yan shot instantly, resisting Luo Yifeng, and the two fought together.

At this time, the black hole **** child made another move, blasting Luo Yan with a palm, wounding him.

"Luo Yifeng, go ahead and kill the others."

Shangui Shenzi said lightly.


Luo Yifeng nodded, carrying the sword and killing everyone in the Luo family again.

Seeing his tribe being killed by Luo Yifeng, Luo Yan's eyes were red, sad and angry, "Luo Yifeng, please stop me!!"

She wanted to stop, but was stopped by the mountain ghost **** child with a black hole.

"Sister Luo Yan, go away!"

"Sister Luo Yan, after we cut you off, you leave quickly!"

All the children of the Luo family moved towards Luo Yifeng, the mountain ghost **** child killed him, and broke the queen for Luo Yan.

However, their power hardly played any role in front of the mountain ghost **** child.

"Blast me!"

At this time, the Luo family burned the immortal yuan and used a self-detonation to stop the mountain ghost **** child.

When the others saw this, they also showed decisive expressions one by one.

A roar burst in the void, and the dazzling celestial splendor bloomed. It was the brilliance that the monk blew himself up and burned his life! !


Shangui Shenzi was constrained by this series of self-detonations, and could only use black holes to constantly defend.

Not far away, Luo Yan saw all the people die in front of her, UU reading was very sad, but she knew that the most important thing now was to leave!

As long as she survives, she will have a chance to take revenge!

She turned and left.

But at this moment, a figure stood in front of her, and it was Dongjun God Child.

"Get out of here!!"

At Luo Yan's eyes, the crimson moles of tears bloomed with scarlet light, and a sense of great compassion came out, as if it made the world and the earth feel the same sadness!

Cut out with one sword, the sword light is extremely beautiful!

The pupils of the Divine Child of Dongjun shrank slightly, and he was actually forced back by this sword dozens of feet, causing Luo Yan to turn into a sword of light and quickly leave.

"Under her sorrow, her crimson tears can exert such power. The rumors are true. The crimson tears really have the potential to compare to the supreme fairy."

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