Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : Luo Yan tells her, with revenge in his heart, potential help

As the Luo family's children were slaughtered one by one, the mountain ghost **** child grabbed the immortal medicine on the mountain peak.

He looked at the immortal medicine in his hand, with a strange color in his eyes, "With this immortal medicine, my arm will definitely grow back."

As the cultivation level gets higher and higher, once the immortal body is destroyed, its recovery difficulty will increase accordingly. The mountain ghost **** child’s arm has not grown back for a long time because he has not found a suitable immortal medicine, but Now, he has the confidence to return to his heyday in a short period of time.

"During this time, my mastery of the chaos **** and demon body has become more and more profound. Once I recover, my combat power will definitely be far better than before."

The mountain ghost **** child said excitedly.

Then, he glanced at the direction Luo Yan was leaving and sneered, "What I want to get, I have never failed to get, Luo Yan, you can't escape from my palm."

Luo Yifeng stood by without saying a word, his arms trembling slightly.

After all, he just killed a lot of the Luo family's children, and those people are all the people he gets along with day and night.

Even if he was cruel, he couldn't say that he was completely unaffected.

"Luo Yifeng, let go of your spirit sea, mine planted a ban on you."

Shangui Shenzi said indifferently.


Luo Yifeng did not dare to defy anything.

Soon, he was planted and restrained by the mountain ghost **** child. From now on, life and death will only be between the other's thoughts.

"Your Luo family should have been very familiar with this nine-day glazed glaze realm, right? Do you have any clues about the rumored Xuannvzong?"

Shangui Shenzi asked lightly.

This is also one of the reasons why he left Luoyifeng.

"There are a few doubts."


The **** son Shangui glanced at the fairy medicine in his hand, and said to the **** son Dongjun: "I want to retreat to refine the fairy medicine, you bring Luo Yifeng, go and find the Xuannvzong."

"It's okay to split up."

"Master, what about Luo Yan?"

"Don't worry, as long as she is still in the Nine Heavens Glazed Glass Realm, she can't escape my control."

Shangui Shenzi said indifferently.

He didn't pay attention to a Luo family, let alone Luo Yan.



A stream of light quickly passed over the mountains and forests.

It was Luo Yan who had just escaped from birth, and at this moment, she was extremely embarrassed.


She slammed into a mountain range, vomited blood, and her face was pale.

In order to escape, the last sword she sent to the Dongjun Divine Child almost squeezed her own Xian Yuan.

Thinking of the scene of the Luo family's children dying in front of him one after another, Luo Yan's beautiful eyes burst into unstoppable anger.

"The **** son of the mountain ghost, the **** son of Dongjun, and... Luo Yifeng!!"

"I, Luo Yan, swear to the sky, even if I save everything, I will avenge you at all costs!"

She took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.

She knew very well that with her own strength, she was not at all an opponent of the Mountain Ghost God Child, and the Luo Family was not even regarded by Xian Ting.

Thinking of this, a deep unwillingness flowed in my heart.

"By the way, Xuan Nvzong!"

"It is rumored that Xuan Nv Sect has treasures left by Queen Mother Xi. Perhaps there is something there that can help me get revenge. The most urgent thing is to find Xuan Nv Sect!"

Luo Yan thought to himself.

After that, she adjusted her breath and set off to several places marked by the Luo family where Xuannvzong might appear.

Suddenly, she saw two figures on the road.

Among them, a figure in white clothes is like snow, with extraordinary temperament, and looks like a real fairy in the sky.

More importantly, this person's strength is too strong!

She saw that a fierce beast that was extremely powerful and comparable in strength to the fifth rank of true immortals launched an attack on this person, but the other party raised his hand to obliterate it!

That majestic immortal yuan gushes out, as if to push the world and destroy everything!

"He is... Madman Chu!!"

Luo Yan's pupils shrank, "I didn't expect such a person to also come to the Nine Heavens Glazed Glass Realm."

Immediately afterwards, she seemed to have thought of something, her figure flashed, and she swept in the direction of Madman Chu.

And this time.

Madman Chu was taking out the demon pill from the fierce beast.

This fierce beast is very good, and its demon pill contains extremely pure energy, which can be absorbed and refined by monks.

Although Madman Chu is not interested, there is always nothing wrong with the collection.

Suddenly he felt someone approaching him quickly.

"Oh, do you feel the breath of the demon pill and want to fight for it?"

Madman Chu whispered.

I saw a woman in white appearing in front of her. This woman was slim and slender, especially the crimson mole under her eyes, which added a bit of charm to the other party.

"Crimson Tears."

Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly, he had heard of this kind of immortal body.

But it was the first time I saw it.

The person here is Luo Yan.

"I have seen Friends of Dao Chu," Luo Yan said with his hands folded.

"What's the matter?"

"It's just that there is something to tell. The **** son of the mountain ghost is also in this nine-day glazed glaze realm, and he has obtained an immortal medicine. It will not be long before he will return to his heyday, and there is a **** son of Dongjun beside him. Da Si Ming, goddess, and Luo Yifeng, a traitor from the Luo family, please be careful, fellow Daoist Chu."

Luo Yan said.

She remembered that Shangui Shenzi had a hostile relationship with Madman Chu.

As the so-called enemy's enemy is a friend, she approached Madman Chu in order to inform the **** of the mountain ghost. If she could communicate with each other, it would be even better.

"I know."

Madman Chu said calmly, and then left with the quartz.

Luo Yan was stunned for a moment.

That's it?

Madman Chu's reaction was beyond her expectation. It was too calm.

"Friend Chu, don't you worry?"

"Oh, what should I worry about?"

"Once the mountain ghost **** child returns to its heyday, plus Dongjun **** child and others, are you afraid that they will seek you revenge?"

"If they come, then I will send them to life, why worry?"

Madman Chu's tone was still calm.

Luo Yan suddenly didn't know what to say.

Is this the confidence of the most enchanting evildoer?

If she also has the confidence of the other party, then why can't she avenge her tribe? !

Thinking of this, Luo Yan clenched his fists.

Madman Chu has such confidence because he has absolute strength!

Strength, I need strength!

"Since Fellow Daoist Chu is sure, then I will leave first!"

Luo Yan said, staying soon, turned and left, she wants to speed up and find the Xuannv Palace!

She wants revenge!

"Chief, this person is kind of weird."

Quartz was puzzled, and suddenly came to the door to tell the ghost of the mountain, and then left like this?

"Oh, people with revenge in their hearts, this is not surprising."

Madman Chu noticed the monstrous hatred in the opponent's eyes, and then thought of the Luo family traitor in the opponent's Even if he hadn't experienced Luo Yan's matter, he could still guess a general idea.

"What about Crimson Tears... According to the rumors, the crimson tears may evolve to the point of being on par with the Supreme Immortal Body under the most sorrowful circumstances, and the other party has the fire of revenge for the mountain ghost **** child and the fairy court, perhaps , This would be a good target."

Madman Chu has a plan in his heart.

His future confrontation with the two immortal courts is almost a certainty.

As a power of the overlord level of the immortal world, with extraordinary background, would it be easy to fight against them?

Even if Madman Chu has full confidence in himself, he still has to find some candidates for himself. These people can be said to be the help of him in the future against Xianting, and even the egg of the void, or other threats, such as the gods and demons. , Aoba Sword Hitomi Yezhu and so on.

This Luo Yan also has the potential to be one of his helpers.

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