Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : I have to ask if I can answer or not, my souls are trembling, like welcoming the do

"It's Xuannvling!!"

You Tianjiao recognized the tokens in the hands of Dongjun Shenzi and others, and his eyes couldn't help showing envy.

Xuan Nv Ling, the token of the former disciples of Xuan Nv Sect, is precisely with this thing in hand that the dead souls in Xuan Nv Sect recognized Dongjun Shenzi and others as members of Xuan Nv Sect and did not make a move.

"That enchantment seems to be able to hold a lot of people. I don't know if we can ask them to help us."

You Tianjiao's eyes lit up.

"Wait, why is Luo Yifeng of the Luo family staying with the **** son Dongjun?"

Some people also noticed the existence of Luo Yifeng.

They glanced at Luo Yan in the crowd, with a look of inquiry in their eyes, but they saw that the other's face was not very attractive, and looked at Luo Yifeng with hatred in their eyes.


When Zhuo Tiancang of Ziwei Pavilion saw this, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"The son of Dongjun, I am the Zi Yuhan of the Zitong family, can you help me wait, my Zitong family will definitely be rewarded."

At this time, Zi Yuhan asked for help.

"Purple pupil family..."

Dongjun Shenzi's eyes flashed slightly, he knew this family.

"I heard that this aristocratic family is proficient in the law of the soul, and it seems that it has a lot to do with that place. If it can connect with that place, it might be of great help to me."

Dongjun Shenzi thought to himself.

A purple pupil family, he didn't take it very seriously, but the existence behind the purple pupil family, even Xian Ting was secretive.

If you can build a good relationship with it, perhaps, it will be a good choice.

Thinking of this, Divine Child Dongjun stopped, opened the barrier, and said loudly: "Dear friends from the Purple Eye family, please come in."

"Thank you."

Zi Yuhan smiled faintly, and led a few people behind him into the enchantment.

Seeing this, Yu Tianjiao also wanted to ask for help.

However, he was directly rejected by the **** child Dongjun, "The enchantment space is limited and can't accommodate so many people."

"How come, there is clearly space left in the enchantment."

"I am willing to exchange for a treasure."

But no matter how everyone asked, Dongjun Shenzi remained unmoved.

At this time, Luo Yifeng saw Luo Yan in the crowd and said lightly: "Luo Yan, I didn't expect you to be here."


Luo Yan's eyes were cold, and his tone was even colder.

"I am a wise man who knows the current affairs! If you obediently surrender to the **** son of the mountain ghost, I can ask the **** son Dongjun for you to let him put you into the enchantment."

"Huh, dreaming!"

"Since you don't want to, then you are here, fend for yourself."

Luo Yifeng said, and immediately left with Dongjun Shenzi and others.

Luo Yan, Bingxue Ruxue and others continued to fight with the Tianjiao and the dead souls of Xuannvzong, and slid towards the depths of Xuannvzong.

Luo Yan did not want to enter the enchantment, and the ice silkworm Ruxue did not want to enter because the Madman Chu was an enemy of the Eastern Emperor Xian Ting. Except for them, Zhuo Tiancang was the Ziwei Pavilion, and Ziwei Pavilion belonged to the Kunlun Xian Ting. The relationship between Donghuang Xianting was not so friendly, so he didn't ask Dongjun **** son for help.

These people fought with dead souls all the way, while going deep into the Profound Nv Sect, and along the way, it was not without gain.

There are many treasures in the Xuannv Sect. In addition to fighting dead souls along the way, they also obtained many treasures.

Like now.

In front of everyone, this lotus-shaped fairy medicine grows by a pool.

This immortal medicine is fascinating, and the Dao patterns are intertwined, revealing an extraordinary Dao rhyme. Just a glance has already amazed many monks.

Everyone looked at the fairy medicine with a fiery color in their eyes.

"This is definitely the top elixir. If it can be obtained, it will be of great help to me."

"Yes, it's just that there are many dead souls near this immortal medicine."

Although Immortal Medicine is extraordinary, the number of dead souls near Immortal Medicine is far more than other places.

Once they go up to fight for the elixir, they will surely alarm these dead souls and cause a huge conflict with them.

"We have a large number of people, the goal is too big, and there is only one immortal medicine, even if we get it, it is not easy to distribute, there is no need to take risks."

At this time, the ice silkworm said like snow.

Hearing her words, everyone also felt reasonable.

"Ice Silkworm Ruxue is right, this immortal medicine, don't worry about it."

Luo Yan also echoed.

"Oh, since you don't want it, then this fairy medicine is my own!"

Zhuo Tiancang smiled faintly, only to see his figure flashing, flying towards the poolside.

His speed is extremely fast, like a flash of lightning.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he passed through most of the dead souls, came to the poolside, and picked off the lotus flower.

But in the next instant, when countless souls saw the lotus being picked, they roared towards him.

Among them, it even includes the existence of a few true immortals of the top three ranks.

These dead souls rushed up, clouding into the sky.

Zhuo Tiancang's cultivation base is good, but facing this amount of dead souls, he is not an opponent at all.

But he was not in a hurry. It seemed that he had already had a countermeasure. After his body shape changed, he returned to the original path and came to the ice silkworm Ruxue and others.

"not good!"

The ice silkworm Ruxue seemed to have guessed the intention of the other party, her face changed drastically, "Leave!"

It's just that everyone's movements were a step slower, and countless dead souls had already rushed forward and surrounded the crowd.

A fight is inevitable.

"Damn, this Zhuo Tiancang actually uses us as a shield!"

"This guy really has a good calculation, he took the treasure himself, and then used us as a shield to let him run away, asshole!!!"

Everyone and the dead souls are fighting together, and all kinds of immortal magical powers burst out one after another!

As for Zhuo Tiancang, when he was fighting with the dead with the help of the crowd, he left with his superb body speed.


The ice silkworm was like snow, and the cold air flowed around his body, blasting the dead souls that had attacked one by one.

With her strength, she could have left, but Bingcanfeng and others were still here, and she couldn't leave all the people behind.

As for the others, even if they wanted to leave, they didn't have the strength of Zhuo Tiancang. They were deeply trapped in the circle of dead souls, and they were powerless.

Boom, boom!

Various energy magic methods erupted one after another.

Everyone struggled to resist the attack of the dead souls, but they fell into a clear disadvantage.

"No, I can't go on like this."

"The cold wind seals the world!!"

The ice silkworm roared out like a demon in the snow, turning into a tyrannical, endless cold air swept out, and the world was frozen in an instant!

And the dead souls in this world are also frozen, restricting their movements.

After one move, the ice silkworm lost most of its energy like a snow demon, and it was still being consumed continuously!

"Hurry up!!"

The ice silkworm said loudly like snow.

Seeing this, the Xuelong Mountain ice silkworms gritted their teeth and left quickly.

Ice Silkworm Wind glanced at Ice Silkworm Ruxue, and there was a struggling expression in his eyes. Then he glanced at the dead souls who could break free at any time, gritted their teeth and turned away.

The other monks also left the battlefield immediately.

Bang, bang! !

At this moment, the few high-ranking real celestial souls headed by them broke the ice layer, biting towards the ice silkworm like snow!

In this case, she has no resistance at all.

"everything is over."

For some reason, at the end of her life, she didn't think about Xuelong Mountain.

But a figure dressed in white.

"Maybe it's okay to die like this, so you won't have to be controlled by that demon in the future."

The ice silkworm murmured like snow.

In her mind, Madman Chu was almost equated with the devil.

"Oh, if you want to get rid of control, you have to ask, I can't answer it!!"

At this time, a familiar and indifferent voice rang out from the ice silkworm.

In an instant.

The overwhelming coercion fell from the sky, and countless dead souls sensed this coercion, and their figures were trembling, and they were all pressed to the ground!

The originally dull or hideous face, at this moment, was full of horror.

Ten thousand souls tremble, like welcoming the doomsday! !

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