Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Your life is mine, you have no right to decide, double cage

Just when the ice silkworm was like snow, even if it was swallowed up by the souls of death.

I saw a burst of terrifying coercion, overwhelming the sky, falling from the sky.

This coercion seems to have a certain restraining effect for the dead souls, a group of dead souls are actually pressed on the ground, their souls trembling, like the end of the day!

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help taking a breath.

How coercive is this? !

No one knows what kind of existence these dead souls are facing now. For them, it is a terrifying existence that naturally overrides them!

A figure in white clothes stepped into the air, with ancient swords and scrolls hanging from his waist, his brows were handsome, his gaze was like electricity.

Amidst the thousands of immortals, there is only one immortal posture out of the dust!

"It's him!"

Luo Yan could not help exclaiming when he recognized the person.

The rest of Tianjiao was also very surprised.

"Unexpectedly, the nine-day glazed glaze realm has attracted so many big people."

"Even this person is here."

The madman of Chu came, and the whole body was overwhelmed, and it contained a ghost emperor power that was absolutely restraining for the souls of the dead.

Even the dead soul of the true fairy level had no resistance under this restraint.

"the host!"

Seeing Madman Chu arrived, Bingcan Ruxue shrank her neck with some guilty conscience.

"Why, is it the master now? Isn't it a demon?"

Madman Chu looked at the ice silkworm like snow, and said with a smile.

Bingxue Ruxue knew that her whisper just now was heard by the other party, and quickly said: "I have absolutely no disrespect, please forgive me."

"It's okay, you can continue to hold this heart of awe."

Madman Chu said indifferently.

He looked at the ice silkworm like snow, in fact, he was satisfied.

When the opponent is in a critical juncture, he still doesn't forget the safety of his tribe, abandoning himself, just to help the tribe, which shows that the other party is a person of love and righteousness.

Such a person's allegiance to him is better than those with a treacherous mind.

"It's just that you have forgotten that when you serve me as your lord, your life is no longer yours, but mine!"

"Your life can only be sacrificed for me, even you have no right to decide!"

Madman Chu said indifferently, staring at each other like electricity.

But the ice silkworm shook like Xue Jiao's body, knowing that the other party was dissatisfied with the behavior of giving up himself to his clan.

How could there be such a domineering person in this world.

Ice Silkworm Ruxue muttered inwardly.

Then, she glanced at Bingcanfeng and others in the distance, and sighed inwardly.

She gave herself up just now.

But at the moment of life and death, the people of the tribe only thought about their own survival, and no one helped her, even the ice silkworm wind that most admired her in peacetime.

Although this is her choice, inwardly, it is impossible to say that there is no disappointment.

"I understand. From now on, this life will belong to the master."

Said the ice silkworm like snow.

Well, anyway, he had already recognized the other party as the master, and now the other party has saved her, this life should have belonged to the other party.

At this moment, the ice silkworm, like snow, really returned to his heart.


Madman Chu nodded slightly.

In the distance, even though Bingcanfeng and the others were far away, they could still hear the conversation between the two madmen clearly.

At this moment, their hearts are confused.

Ice silkworm Ruxue actually recognizes Chu madman as the master?

In their minds, the lofty, indescribable goddess, would actually recognize other people as the master? !

Thinking of this, Bingxianfeng felt extremely unwilling.

He was unwilling to his inability to save the ice silkworm Ruxue just now, and he was unwilling to recognize the master of the ice silkworm Ruxue.


Ice silkworm wind gritted his teeth and gave a low voice.

The other members of the Ice Silkworm tribe were also flushed and irritated, and they felt like a goddess was disillusioned.

They would rather the ice silkworm be like snow to die in the hands of the dead, so that the other party is still the inviolable goddess in their hearts.

Not, Chu Madman's servant!

At this moment, a white figure came to the front of Madman Chu, panting and said, "Chief, there are a lot of dead souls here."


Madman Chu's eyes flashed and he looked into the distance.

I saw a large number of dead souls, overwhelming the sky, coming from all directions, they seemed to be aware of the energy fluctuations here.

"My God, there are too many dead souls."

"Moreover, most of them are earth immortals, heaven immortals, and even true immortals look quite a bit."

"According to the rumors, Xuan Nv Sect was once the holy place for female nuns on Ziwei Star, and all female nuns all yearn for it, as expected."

Many Tianjiao looked shocked at the number of dead souls.

Some cultivators who had just escaped from their lives have all condensed their auras and hid them tightly, for fear of being discovered by these dead souls.

"They are dead."

Bingxianfeng looked towards Madman Chu in the distance.

The number of dead souls of this scale, even a golden immortal, would be abruptly worn to death.

Not to mention the few people of Chu Madman.

Not only Bingxianfeng thinks so, but many people think similarly.

It's just that if these people's information was more informed, and they knew that the Chu Kuangren had destroyed the Long Family, they might not have such an idea.

With so many golden immortals in the Long family, the madman of Chu can still be killed.

What's more, these dead souls?

Thousands of dead souls whizzed out, and the yin spirit swept through, soaring to the sky and the earth.

These dead souls are all female sisters.

Before they were alive, all of them were charming fairies, but at this time, they were reduced to hideous souls, with obsessions, guarding the Xuannv Sect.

Madman Chu saw this, his eyes were indifferent.

With a wave of his sleeve, three reincarnation seals flew out.

The madman of Chu was spurred by the immortal origin of the Ninth Stage True Immortal, and a vast ghost emperor power roared out, covering the world in the blink of an eye!

For many monks, such coercion is terrifying.

For many dead souls, this coercion is not only terror, but also brings them an instinctive awe!

Three reincarnation emperor seals vacated, and Xianhui shined all over the world!

Under this celestial glory, the dead souls trembled and continued to be pressed on the ground.

Thousands of tens of thousands of dead souls all kneel or lie in front of Madman Chu. How spectacular is that kind of scene?

It shocked many cultivators who believed that Madman Chu was incapable of surviving.

"With obsession, not going to reincarnation, but imprisoned in this Xuannvzong?"

Madman Chu looked at these dead souls with a thoughtful look in his eyes. Could it be that these female sisters all have such a big obsession?

His fairy knowledge moved, covering most of the Xuannv sect.

Soon, he found something wrong.

I saw that there were countless Dao patterns buried deep under the ground of the Xuan Nv Sect. These Dao patterns were intertwined to form a big formation.

"Xiao Ai, explain this formation to me."

"Yes. UU reading"

Soon, Xiao Ai's analysis results came out.

This big formation has a certain effect of restraining the soul body. Many female cultivators of the Xuannv Sect were locked here by this big sect and turned into earth-bound spirits.

The so-called earth-bound spirit is the soul that is bound in a certain place and cannot leave.

"The great formation, coupled with the obsession of these female cultivators themselves, has resulted in the millions of female cultivators of the Xuan Nv Sect, who have completely destroyed their souls and will not go to reincarnation."

Madman Chu murmured, finally seeing the hidden face of this Xuan Nv Sect.

This big formation is a cage of heaven and earth.

Obsession is an inner cage.

Under the fetters of these two cages, how can these female sisters rebirth?

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