Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : The ghost gate is closed, one sword breaks the formation, what do you want to expla

The formation traps the soul, obsessively confines the heart!

Madman Chu saw the roots of the countless souls of the Xuan Nv Sect and couldn't help shook his head.

He is the ghost emperor of the underworld, and he is very uncomfortable with this trapped soul, and there are still so many souls, not letting them go to reincarnation.

"There are so many dead souls that don't go to life. If everyone is like this, isn't the reincarnation mechanism of our underworld as a decoration?"


At this point, Madman Chu's thoughts moved, and suddenly there was a large amount of Yin Qi erupting between heaven and earth!

A towering ghost gate, condensed out of thin air!

The ghost gate was closed, countless dead souls felt coerced, and many princes in the Xuan Nv Sect also noticed this abnormality.

"That is, the ghost gate is closed!"

"Is it a descendant of the underworld?"

The **** son Dongjun, who was going deep into Xuannvzong's depths, frowned slightly.

Next to him, the goddess of the Great Commander smiled faintly, "Even the descendants of the underworld, it is difficult to summon a complete ghost gate. Only one person can do this."

"Ghost Emperor, Madman Chu!"

Shenzi Dongjun said a name with solemn eyes.

"He really came too."

Zi Yuhan looked at the ghost gate in the distance, even he could not help being shocked by the towering ghost gate.

However, he still didn't think he would lose to Madman Chu.

He is still, full of confidence.

"The soul means of my purple pupil family can't be resisted by anyone."

Even Xian Ting Shao Yu, the son of God, he has the confidence to face it, the soul method of his purple pupil family is not afraid of everything!

It's not that he has never encountered Tianjiao whose cultivation base is stronger than him, but those people have all died in his hands.

the other side.

Yaochi Yuzhi, Qingfeng, they have gone deep into Xuannvzong.

They came to a palace.

In the palace, there is a statue, that is a beautiful woman.

And just when the two women were about to step into the palace, a towering ghost gate appeared in the distance, shaking the world.

"This is, the ghost gate is closed!"

"Yes, Fellow Daoist Chu!"

Yuzhi saw Guimenguan close, and there was a touch of joy in his eyes.

Qingfeng looked at him and couldn't help being a little surprised. You must know that Yuzhi is happy, angry, and invisible to any man, and he rarely expresses joy to another person so intuitively.

And after she has been with Yuzhi for so long, she naturally knows who Daoist Chu in her mouth is referring to.

"Chu madman, a man with a nihilistic fate, we meet again, just don't know, how is Chu Hong now?"

Qingfeng murmured.

"Saint, enter the palace first."


Yuzhi said, she couldn't wait to see what treasure the Queen Mother of the West had left behind.

I can't wait to see Madman Chu goodbye.


The ghost door is closed.

A tyrannical suction spread out, and countless dead souls were sucked into it and delivered to the capital of the underworld.

Under the influence of the reincarnation mechanism, the sanity of these dead souls will gradually recover.

And Madman Chu had also notified Bai Mei, Ao Yue and others, and asked them to prepare to respond in the underworld.

Just as the dead souls were being continuously led to Fengdu, Xuan Nvzong suddenly shocked, and from below the surface, an inexplicable force spread out.

This power is resisting the ghost gate.

Many dead souls are gradually unaffected by the ghost gate.


Madman Chu stared at the ground.

He knew that this was the sleepy soul formation of Xuan Nv Sect affecting Guimen Pass.

"Hmph, just a mere formation, and want to ruin my reincarnation? Then, it's a big deal to keep you!"

He snorted coldly, and the extremely majestic fairy power centered on him, burst out in an instant, madly impacting the surface!

Under this terrifying power, most of the Xuannvzong shook for it, the ground burst, the mountains and rivers shattered, and in a vague way, the light of mysterious Dao patterns escaped from the surface.

That is the underground formation of Xuan Nv Sect.

Madman Chu stepped out like a **** stomping on the ground. Under the turbulence of mountains and rivers, the light of the underground Dao pattern gradually dimmed, and the formation was constantly turbulent under the impact of Madman Chu's power.

In the next instant, the ground under Madman Chu's feet shook, and a mountain rose from the ground!

He stood on the top of the mountain, his eyes like electricity, staring coldly at the large formation deep in the underground of Xuannvzong.

"He, what is he going to do?"

Many Tianjiao were bewildered by Chu Madman's actions, and they had no idea what the other party wanted to do.

But judging from the rising aura of the other party, what the other party has to do is by no means simple!

"Kun Wu."

The madman of Chu whispered, Kun Wu on his waist suddenly unsheathed, and as the fairy radiance shining, countless seals of proofs on Ruyujian's body were lit up one after another, filled with endless sword pressure!

The moment he held the sword, the aura on Madman Chu's body also reached its extreme.

The three major visions of the college broke out!

Fighting secret blessing!

The power of Aoba Sword Hitomi works!

"Zhou's sword, no way!!"

With a cold drink, the majestic sword aura rose into the sky, and countless lines condensed in the air, turning into a terrifying sword shadow that seemed to push everything horizontally!

This blow was terrifying to the extreme!

The sword shadow fell, and the space was easily torn apart!

boom! !

Accompanied by a loud noise, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers were divided into two by Jian Qi!

The big formation of Xuan Nvzong broke through!

This formation has been eroded over a long period of time, and its power has long ceased to exist, and the place where the Mad Chu attacked was still analyzed by Xiao Ai, the weakest place of this formation.

The formation was broken, and the power of the ghost gate broke out again.

Countless dead souls were all sucked into it.

Soon, there will be no dead souls in this world.

Madman Chu flicked his sleeves, and the ghost gate suddenly disappeared.

In the distance, the eyes of many Tianjiao still remained shocked.

"What a terrible method."

"This sword almost split the entire Xuan Nv Sect in half, which is incredible."

"Not only that, but so many dead souls have been taken into the underworld by him. Is this the power of the ghost emperor?"

Everyone was amazed again and again.

The Madman Chu also jumped off the peak, looked into the depths of Xuan Nvzong, and said lightly: "Let's go."

He took the ice silkworm like snow, and Quartz planned to go deep into Xuannvzong.

at this time.

The ice silkworm wind brought people up and stopped the ice silkworm like snow, "Stop."

"What's the matter?"

"Ice silkworms are like snow, are you really the master of Chu madman? Are you threatened by him?"

Bingcanfeng took a deep breath and asked.

He also had the last hope, believing that the ice silkworm Ruxue was not willing to recognize the Mad Man of Chu, but was forced.

In fact.

She was indeed forced when she first started.

But it's different now.

She felt that following Madman Chu, she had a more ambitious future, and this man could lead her to a wider world!

"This is a matter between me and my master, Ice Silkworm Wind, you don't have to worry about it."

"Master? Ice silkworms are like snow, you are a master, you are shameless, you are the evildoer of Xuelong Mountain!!!"

After Bingcanfeng heard the words of Bingcanruxue, he was completely desperate.

He glared at the ice silkworm like snow, and even the ice silkworm tribe behind him turned red, and hated the ice silkworm like snow.

Some even brought hatred.

As if ice silkworms are like snow, UU Reading personally destroyed their goddess.

Seeing this, Bingxue Ruxue's heart suddenly throbbed.

I tried my best to help the tribe, but the tribe’s eyes were blinded.

She is a little tired.

"I got to go, bye."

The ice silkworm, like snow, didn't want to stay for a long time, and turned around to leave.

"No, you must give us an explanation today. The dignity of Xuelong Mountain cannot be trampled on by you!"

The ice silkworm wind still wants to stop.

But the next moment, he froze in place, because Madman Chu looked at him, "What do you want to explain?"

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