Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : The Shadow of the Cthulhu, Ksitigarbha, the backlash of Purple Eye

"It's amazing that the remaining swords have such methods."

Jiu Tian Xuannv noticed the scene in front of the palace, and a strange color appeared in her eyes.

Kunwu sword was engraved with countless seals of proofs. Even she had seen such a peculiar sword weapon for the first time.

"Senior Xuan Nv, won't you go up and help?"

Qingfeng looked at Jiutian Profound Girl and asked curiously.

"Those people in purple robes have special methods for souls. I can't easily run into them. Moreover, do you think this person needs help?"

Nine Heavens Profound Girl smiled faintly.

Not bad.

The strength that Madman Chu showed was too amazing, it could even be said to be unbelievable.

A few big evildoers were crushed and beaten by him alone, so it seemed that Dongjun Shenzi and others needed help.

"makes sense."

Qingfeng smiled faintly, she looked at Madman Chu with awe in her eyes, "I haven't seen it in a few years, this person's strength is already terrifying to such an extent."

What kind of immortal body of Liangyi, Qingye Jiantong...

These supreme immortal bodies, when she met Madman Chu before, she hadn't seen the other party's use, but now the other party came here at her fingertips.

She has heard the rumors, it is said that Madman Chu is following the path of physique.

Integrate all kinds of physique in one body.

Does this way really work?

Qingfeng had some doubts.

If it were other people, she almost dared to conclude that this path, which seemed to countless people to be a dead end, would not work.

But if this person is Madman Chu, perhaps, he really can!

The battle continues.

The collision of the power of life and death, the power of life and death, and the power of the great sun formed a large expanse of celestial splendor. The mighty power shakes the world.

In this celestial splendor, two figures suddenly flew out.

These two people were the goddess of Dasiming and the son of Dongjun.

"Damn, this kind of attack still won't help this person!"

The corner of Dongjun Shenzi's mouth was full of blood.

Next to him, the goddess was not much better, her beautiful and flowery face was a bit pale, and I saw it with pity.

She looked not far away, coming in the sky, immortal radiance, the madman of Chu like a fairy king, and the beautiful eyes bloomed with brilliance.

"What a madman of Chu! In Jiuge, I am afraid that only the Eastern Emperor God Child can compare with him."

"At this time, don't praise him."

Dongjun Shenzi said with a ugly face.

"It's just because of feelings."

The great goddess smiled faintly.

At this moment, a cold expression appeared in Zi Yuhan's eyes not far away, "Madman Chu, I didn't expect that shaking the Shenling bell would not hurt you, so what about this trick!!!"

As he raised his hand, there was Xianhui flowing, and the way of the soul was urged by him.

Numerous Dao patterns are intertwined in the void, transforming into an ancient evil **** phantom in the air.

This phantom has countless tentacles, like a huge octopus.

The octopus's mouth was muttering, and bursts of weird syllables were uttered out of nowhere, almost unlike the sounds that humans could make, with a sense of madness.

When someone saw this phantom, they felt their souls shook, their will was blurred, and they almost lost their minds.

"Soul Law, the Shadow of the Cthulhu!!"

With a cold drink, the evil **** phantom behind Zi Yuhan moved, and countless tentacles waved towards Madman Chu crazy along with the strange syllables!

These tentacles are all condensed by the power of the soul. They don't attack the body, but only attack the soul, which is very strange.

When the **** son of Dongjun and the goddess of the big sorceress saw this, their eyes showed jealousy.

"It's worthy of being related to the restricted area. These practices are really weird."


"This evil **** looks really disgusting."

The goddess of Da Si Ming curled her lips, her eyes showed disgust.

The Madman Chu, who faced these tentacles attacks, was still unavoidable, with fairy radiance on his body, his eyes calm and indifferent.

"How does the shadow of the evil **** compare to my Buddha's light?"

In the next moment, he sat cross-legged, with a look of compassion on his face.

The light of the Buddha erupted, shining all over the world!

In the light of the Buddha, a phantom of an ancient Buddha suddenly appeared, with a solemn and compassionate expression. There seemed to be countless dead souls kneeling around, listening to the Buddha's teachings, and bursts of Sanskrit sounds echoed.

"This is, Buddhism Earth Store Bodhisattva!"

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl recognized this ancient Buddha's image and was incredibly surprised, "This person is actually good at Buddhism practice?!"

The Ksitigarbha law comes out, and the sacred Sanskrit sounds conflict with the strange syllables.

Between heaven and earth, trapped in two atmospheres of innocence and madness, terrifying soul fluctuations spread out, making the scalp numb.

Some monks with insufficient cultivation level were violently killed by this terrifying soul power!


"Quickly, get out of this attack range."

"Is this a soul attack? It's really weird, it's not something we can resist."

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they backed out one after another.

And between the nine-day Profound Girl waved a large amount of fairy power spread out, forming an enchantment, covering the entire palace, so that the jade inside would not be disturbed.

High in the sky.

Ksitigarbha Buddha's hands are put together, and the bright Buddha light spreads out like the boundless sea.

Under this Buddha's light, the countless tentacles of the evil god's shadow melted one after another like snow meeting the scorching sun.

"Sure enough, this guy actually knows the law of the soul!"

Zi Yuhan said in a deep voice.

After the opponent was able to resist the attack of Akira Shenling, he had such a guess.

It's just that I didn't expect that the other party's soul method is so powerful that it can compete with his own evil god's shadow!

boom! !

Ksitigarbha Buddha's light is wrapped in both hands and pushed out horizontally!

The countless tentacles of the shadow of the evil **** waved out, entangled the Buddha's golden body, and the two souls were fiercely contending.

"The Shadow of the Cthulhu!"

"The Shadow of the Cthulhu!"

At this time, the cultivators of the Zitong family behind Zi Yuhan shot one after another.

In the void, a treacherous evil **** appeared, with the same appearance as the shadow of the evil **** displayed by Zi Yuhan.

These attacks have moved towards the Ksitigarbha law.

The damage caused by the collision of the soul law and the soul law is not strong, but that kind of treacherous soul attack makes people feel numb when looking at the scalp, and the heart is terrified!

"Mad Chu, try this trick!"

At this time, there was a purple glow in Zi Yuhan's eyes, and his eyes turned purple in an instant, and strange fluctuations spread out from those eyes.

"The purple pupil of the purple pupil family!"

Someone exclaimed.

Zitong, this is the most powerful soul attack method of the Zitong family, very terrifying.

But when Zi Yuhan launched the purple pupil to the Madman Chu and attacked his soul, what caught his eye was a dazzling golden fairy radiance!

That is the golden nature, the strong and ultimate soul golden nature!

In front of the golden soul of this soul, Zi Yuhan's purple pupil was pierced to pieces, and he couldn't help screaming, covering his eyes, and a lot of blood flowed from between his fingers.

"Golden Soul!!"

"Your soul power has actually reached the Golden Soul realm!!"

Zi Yuhan roared incredulously.

He guessed wrong.

Madman Chu was able to withstand the attack of the Shen Ling, it was not because he knew how to cultivate the soul or had some soul treasure to protect the soul.

But his soul realm has reached the golden soul! !

The Golden Soul realm that only Jinxian can reach!

And he rashly activated the purple pupil on the other party, directly causing a backlash due to the huge gap in the soul realm!

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