Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Zitong kills Zitong, the **** of the mountain ghost arrives, leaving you a last wor

"Golden Soul Realm!!"

Zi Yuhan's words caused many Tianjiao present to take a breath.

You know, the Golden Soul realm is the realm that the Golden Immortal can only possess, and it is possible!

Generally, the golden immortal who has just broken through to the golden immortal does not even have such a soul realm, but the Madman Chu, a true immortal, has the golden soul realm in advance, which is simply unthinkable.

"No wonder he was able to ignore the soul attack of the Purple Eye family. It turns out that his soul realm has reached the Golden Soul realm."

"He is a real fairy, how did he do it? It's unbelievable."

"It's a monster."

Zi Yuhan's eyes were full of blood, and the purple pupil almost broke.

Although the purple pupil is strong, it is not without weaknesses. Once the user casts on a person whose soul realm is far stronger than his own, he will easily encounter backlash.

Madman Chu is in the Golden Soul realm, and Zi Yuhan is only the pinnacle of the True God realm. It is good luck for the pair of Zitongs not to be broken on the spot.

"Rewind, his soul realm is far stronger than us, and it is not something we can handle."

Zi Yuhan said loudly, actually already having a retreat.

Originally, he thought that with the soul means of the purple pupil family, it could be said to be able to deal with the madman of Chu with his hands, but now it seems that he took it for granted.

A Golden Soul realm plus that abnormal strength, this is not an existence they can handle at all!

"You want to leave now, don't you think it's a bit late?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

Then, a purple radiance suddenly turned out in his eyes.

In the next instant, his eyes turned purple!

That is, Zitong!

At this moment, all members of the Purple Eye family were all confused.

Madman Chu could have purple pupils? !

how can that be? !

Zitong is a mystery of the Zitong family's unaccounted for!

Could it be that Madman Chu also has something to do with the restricted soul zone?

Ziyu Hanfu thinks together.

But then, a chill swept over, and between him and the Madman Chu, the opponent's purple pupil moved!

A terrifying soul impact, outrageously!

This shock directly caused the soul of Zi Yuhan who had been backlashed to almost collapse, and the whole person couldn't help screaming and wailing.

Madman Chu's purple pupils are much more terrifying than his!

"No, don't!"

"No, leave now!"

The children of the purple pupil family wanted to escape one after another, but it was too late.

The madman of Chu Zitong used it, and as far as his eyes could be, shocking soul impact fell on every member of the Zitong family one after another.

How terrifying is the purple pupil that is displayed in his golden soul realm?

The souls of the members of the purple pupil family collapsed one after another, and the flesh fell from the air like puppets. They didn't have any injuries on the outside, but inside, they were already gone!

Even the opportunity to incarnate the souls of the dead is gone.

The same is true for Zi Yuhan, even the arrogant evildoer with souls, in front of Madman Chu, can hardly escape the fate of falling.

In this scene, everyone's scalp numb.

People from the Zitong family actually died on the Zitong who they were most proud of!

"Madman Chu, how could you have a purple pupil?!"

"What exactly is going on!"

You know, Madman Chu is in the realm of golden soul, and with this purple pupil, it can be said that a monk who is not as good as his soul realm meets him, and it is almost impossible to escape!

His strength has made the young generation Tianjiao feel desperate.

Now that the Golden Soul Realm and the Purple Eye Technique are added, this is simply incomprehensible! !


"A real monster!!"

"So much physique is not enough. Now that there is such a high level of accomplishment in the soul, it will not let people live!!"

All Tianjiao only feels imprinted in their hearts.

This is an era of magnificent waves and great talents.

They should have shined in this era and wrote their own legendary stories.

But in this era, a madman of Chu appeared!

The demeanor of a single person overwhelms the world, and the beauty is peerless, almost making it difficult for the Tianjiao of the same generation to look up!

They felt that if Mad Man Chu didn't die, then the Tianjiao of this era would only be destined to live in the shadow of the opponent.

"In this era, it looks like an extraordinary character has appeared."

Nine Heavens Profound Girl murmured, "But it's okay to have such a character, plus your powerful back-hands, to resist the catastrophe, you should have a good one or two points."

"Next, it's your turn."

Madman Chu said indifferently, looking at the **** son of Dongjun, the goddess of Da Si Ming.

Xian Ting has been against him for a long time, and he will not easily let go of these two people, only to see the purple light flowing in his eyes, and the power of purple pupils will be displayed at any time!

Under the gaze of the opponent, the godson Dongjun, the goddess Dasiming only felt a chill from the soles of the feet, and headed straight into the brain, as if the Tianling cover was about to be lifted.

too frightening!

At this moment, the **** son of Dongjun and the goddess of Da Si Ming felt locked in by death.

boom! !

At this time, Tiantian suddenly felt an extremely powerful pressure!

I saw black air currents swirling in the air, turning into a huge black vortex.

There was a terrifying pressure permeating the whirlpool, as well as an extremely terrifying suction force, and everything in the world was involuntarily sucked in by the whirlpool.

That is a black hole!

Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly, "Oh, I didn't expect, you dare to show up."

The black hole is fast approaching where everyone is, wherever it goes, everything is sucked in by the black hole, and is shattered and annihilated by a distorted force field!

All Tianjiao was extremely frightened upon seeing this.

Because of this suction, they are also included.

Everyone urged the power to resist, but many people were still swallowed by the black hole and wiped out.

"A defeated player can dare to be so big on the stage. Who do you think you are in front of?"

Madman Chu snorted softly.

In the next instant, his sword fingers condensed, and a sword aura shot out from his fingertips!

The sword aura is like a rainbow, and it is extremely sharp, turning into a shocking sword shadow!

boom! !

In an instant, the space was easily torn apart!

The entire black hole was divided into two in front of this sword, and the suction force dissipated naturally.

I saw in the black hole, a proud figure walked out, a body of **** and devil's domineering boundless, swept out, breaking the world! !

This momentum is too terrifying!

The arrogance of all the heavens couldn't help but feel terrified.

"It's him, mountain ghost **** child!!"

"he came!"

"He's here to find Madman Everyone looked at Madman Chu, but saw that the other person looked at the mountain ghost **** child with three-point contempt on his face, "The defeated general, I didn't expect you to show up to me. In front of it. "

"Chu madman, today, I will be ashamed!"

The mountain ghost **** child looked at Madman Chu with a cold tone, and the spirit of the gods and demons on his body became even more violent.

Just a wisp of escape made the space collapse.

"Unexpectedly, two such top gods and demons appeared in this era."

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl sighed with emotion.

Madman Chu stood with his hand in his hand, immortally glorious on his body, "I can give you a chance to leave a last word. If you have anything you want to say, let's say it as soon as possible."

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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