Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Reincarnation and death, the determination of the mountain ghost and **** child, Lu


The **** son of Dongjun, the goddess of Dasi Ming, and the goddess of Shangui wanted to leave.

But Madman Chu's eyes condensed, and the power of the gods and demons burst out instantly, turning into a huge black hole, completely covering the world.

"Black hole annihilation!!"

A terrifying force of annihilation spread out, as if to make the world and all things perish for it.

In the face of this force, the three of Dongjun Shenzi had no choice but to urge the force to resist, and there was no time to escape.


The mountain ghost **** child urges the **** and devil body to turn into a small black hole, enveloping himself, the **** son of Dongjun, and the goddess of Da Si Ming, to resist the power of the black hole.

At the same time, the mountain ghost and **** seal hovered in mid-air, guarding the madman Chu's purple pupil power at any time.

"Shoot together!"

After the three of them looked at each other, there was a touch of determination in their eyes, and they shot at the same time!

The power of the sun, the power of life and death, the power of the black hole, and the three powers present a triangular force, spiraling into a colorful light beam and lasing towards the Mad Man of Chu.

With this blow, the power was too terrifying, wherever it went, the space collapsed one after another, and the emptiness of the blockbuster was exposed.

Countless Tianjiao looked at the light beam that seemed to open up the world, with a look of horror on their faces.

They felt that this force was enough to kill thousands of them.

"It's just a needless struggle."

Madman Chu stood in the air, gently raised his hand, ten thousand celestial spirits rose into the sky, the power of the gods and demons flowed, and a black hole appeared in the palm of his hand!

boom! !

The beam of light blasted above the black hole in his palm, and he saw a sudden tremor in all directions. With Madman Chu as the center, the surrounding space was shattered one after another, forming a huge hollow.

And Madman Chu stood in the void, his body still, and he couldn't retreat!

The beam of light blasted slowly at the black hole in his palm until it turned into nothingness.

"Xianting God Child Goddess, but so."

Madman Chu said indifferently.

The surrounding Tianjiao swallowed wildly, feeling Chu Madman's combat power is simply inhuman!

"Jinxian, it's nothing more than that?!"

"This combat power is too terrifying, are they all like this?"

"I simply doubt if he is from the same age as ours."

In the black hole force field, the mountain ghost **** child looked at Madman Chu with an extremely gloomy expression, "If this continues, none of us will be able to leave!!!"

"how do you want to do it?!"

Da Si Ming Goddess said condensedly.

"The law of rebirth and death!!"

The mountain ghost **** child looked at the goddess of life, and said coldly: "Use it on me, the method of reincarnation and death!!"

Upon hearing this, the goddess's face changed, "Are you crazy?!"

"This is the only chance for us to escape. Among us, I have the strongest strength. If you add your reincarnation method to death, you might be able to fight the Madman Chu!"

There was a touch of determination in the eyes of the mountain ghost **** child.

"But in this case, you might die!"

"If you don't use it, you will die now!"

"Okay, mountain ghost **** child, this time, I respect you as a man!"

Da Si Ming Goddess no longer hesitated, her life and death celestial essence flowed, and then a ball of black and white light condensed in the void, directly into the body of the mountain ghost **** child.

In an instant, I saw the breath of the mountain ghost and **** child rising steadily!

A huge black hole spread out, faintly overwhelming Madman Chu's black hole power.

"Oh, interesting."

"Master, the life potential of the target is rapidly consuming..."

At this time, Xiao Ai's voice sounded in his mind in time, reporting the current situation of the Shan Gui Shenzi.

Madman Chu nodded slightly, "Is it similar to the secret method of burning life element?"

"This method is more efficient and quicker than the usual method of burning life."

Xiao Ai continued.

The method of burning life element is also different. Some low-level methods of burning life element will cause too much life element waste, and even unable to improve much strength.

But now the burning life of the mountain ghost **** child can be mostly converted into strength, which is extremely efficient.

"That woman did it."

Madman Chu looked at the goddess, and knew that this was the other side's trouble.

This efficient method of burning life yuan made him a little interested.

If he can master it, maybe it will be a hole card. After all, he has an immortal body, so there is no need to worry about the burning of life.

"Chu madman, today, I will kill you here!!"

The mountain ghost **** son gave a long roar, and the vast immortal yuan spread out, which was actually mixed with a faint golden fairy radiance!

That is, golden sex!

It is the golden nature of the immortal yuan, the mountain ghost and **** child at this moment has stepped into the threshold of the golden immortal through the method of reincarnation and death!

Not only that, plus his **** and demon body, even if it is an ordinary golden immortal, it is probably not his opponent.

Madman Chu smiled faintly, "Very well, you who saved your life are considered worthy."

boom! !

The mountain ghost **** child blasted out with a punch, the golden fairy shining up into the sky, and the power of the black hole exploded!

Madman Chu's black hole was actually back pressured over for a while.

Not far away, Nine Heavens Profound Girl frowned slightly, "Now, it’s a little troublesome. I didn’t expect the mountain ghost **** child to have such a big hatred for this enchanting man named Chu Madman. Kill him here."

After this battle, even if the mountain ghost **** child is immortal, his potential will be greatly reduced. If there is no other chance, there will be no hope of Da Luo in his life.

This is undoubtedly more uncomfortable than death for a Tianjiao who has a lot of hope to impact Hedao.

It can be seen that the mountain ghost **** child has already fought the Madman Chu with death.

What a grudge, what a grudge!


The **** son of Dongjun, the goddess ordered the goddess to see the mountain ghost **** son with a fight with death, and immediately turned and left.

"Spacetime Sealing Technique!!"

Madman Chu stepped out in one step, and countless silver-white Dao patterns spread out, sealing the world!

The power of this trick is even more restraining than a black hole.

The **** son of Dongjun, the goddess of Da Si Ming, was once again trapped, unable to get out.

"Damn it, I've done this, can't you escape?!"

Dongjun Shenzi's face was extremely ugly.

He never imagined that it would be extremely difficult for an incomparable evildoer like himself to even escape in front of Madman Chu.

"Luo Yifeng!!"

At this time, the mountain ghost **** child roared.

Luo Yifeng, who was watching the battle not far away, suddenly rushed towards the blockade of the time and space seal technique uncontrollably!

"how so?!"

Luo Yifeng looked terrified, and he swears that he absolutely does not want to intervene in this battle.

The combat power displayed by Madman Chu is terrifying!

However, he is out of control!

It is prohibition!

It is the restriction left by the mountain ghost **** child in his body that is at work!

Luo Yifeng rushed into the blockade of the time and space seal technique uncontrollably, UU reading www. Then, the fairy body began to swell, and there was a loud bang, and the terrifying power of the fairy yuan vented out, impacting the seal!

Luo Yifeng actually blew himself up! !

Even the Jinxian dare not neglect the power caused by the self-protection of a true immortal 7-rank monk.

This force made the seal violently turbulent, giving the **** son of Dongjun and the goddess the order to take advantage of the opportunity to impact the seal area.

"Unexpectedly, Luo Yifeng would blew himself up for Dongjun's divine son, but he was loyal."

"Think too much, you didn't see Luo Yifeng's expression, it was obviously reluctant, it was controlled, he was just a tool man."

Tianjiao commented.

When Luo Yan saw Luo Yifeng blew himself up, he was silent for a while, then hummed softly, "Deserve it!"

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