Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : The **** son of the mountain ghost has fallen, and another supreme fairy body is ab

The fierce battle between Shangui Shenzi and Madman Chu continued.

The mountain ghost **** child who used the method of reincarnation, transformation and death was directly promoted to the realm of golden immortality. His combat power was tyrannical and terrifying. The power of the black hole **** and demon body was not at the same level as before.

Madman Chu also used the black hole gods and monsters to resist, and the two black hole forces collided one after another!

But Madman Chu fell into a disadvantage.

"Chu madman, today I will use the gods and demons to defeat you, the king of the gods and demons. After I see you, will you still have the face to be the king of the gods and demons!!"

Shangui Shenzi said loudly.

With the rapid passing of life, his eyes became more and more crazy.

At this moment, he had already left his life and death behind, he just wanted to kill Madman Chu and prove the king of gods and demons, but that's it!

"It's sad."

Kuangren Chu suddenly shook his head and said, "You saved everything, but up to now, you still can't hurt me a bit. It's really sad!"

His words made Shangui Shenzi's face abruptly sinking.

Indeed, his strength has indeed become stronger, even ascending to the realm of Jinxian!

However, Madman Chu was still unharmed.

what is this?

He has already spared his life, why can't he hurt Chu Madman even a bit? !

"For the sake of your dying, let you see what it is, the king of gods and demons!!"

Madman Chu's eyes were cold, and in the next moment, a crown was condensed on top of his head, and the overwhelming spirit of the gods and demons vented out, shaking the sky!

That is, the crown of gods and demons! !

The Madman Chu at this moment was like an ancient **** and demon coming from the chaos, the pressure pervading his body made all the Tianjiao present feel a suffocation.

Horror, shocking!

The whole world was trembling crazily because of Madman Chu.

Even the figure of the mountain ghost **** child couldn't help but tremble.

In his heart, there was an uncontrollable surrender.

The king of gods and demons, the king of all gods and demons!

Even the mountain ghost **** child is no exception.

"No, it's impossible!!"

"I am now in the Golden Immortal realm, and my cultivation base is far stronger than you. I can't kill you if I don't believe it!!"

The mountain ghost **** child roared, "Black hole, great annihilation!!"

The most powerful **** and demon body magical powers, burst into use!

The madman of Chu had the devil's crown on his head.

He looked indifferent and said: "Golden Immortal, it's not that I haven't killed it!"

Between raising his hands, a terrifying black vortex was formed out of thin air, and it was also the magical power of the black hole **** and demon body, and the black hole was annihilated! !

Two black holes collide, the earth moves and the mountains move, the sky and the earth change, and all mountains and rivers shake together! !

Trees, rocks, animals...

Countless beings are distorted and broken in the terrifying force field caused by the collision of this black hole!

With a radius of thousands of miles, the space has almost turned into nothingness!

Only the barrier displayed by the Nine Heavens Profound Girl is still struggling to support it.

The rest of Tianjiao also used their various means to resist this force. Fortunately, seeing the situation just now was not good, they ran a long distance, and they were lucky to survive.

If this is too close, even if some of them are Tianjiao, they will undoubtedly die.

"The power of the black hole is indeed one of the most terrifying forces in the universe. It is too scary."

"Yeah, these two monsters."

"The most monster is Madman Chu. The mountain ghost **** child has spared his life, but he still can't hurt Madman Chu. Is there any limit to the strength of this man?!"

Everyone looked at the black hole in the distance and talked with lingering fears.

boom! !

At this moment, a figure flew upside down in the void in the distance, blood spurted wildly, the fairy body broke, and the breath was extremely wilting.

"It's a mountain ghost **** child!"

"He lost!"

Someone couldn't help but exclaim.

Although everyone was surprised, they were surprisingly not too incredible.

There is only one thought left in their minds, and that is, among the young generation, is there really someone who will be an opponent of Madman Chu? !

"no no!!"

"Why, why are you so strong? Why have I been promoted to the golden fairy realm, and still not your opponent?!"

The mountain ghost **** child looked at Madman Chu and roared frantically.

But the madman Chu had the crown of the gods and demons on his head, and his expression was indifferent, "I have even killed the real golden immortal, let alone you, the golden immortal who used secret methods to forcibly promote?"

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

Shangui Shenzi kept whispering.

His mentality is completely broken!

I think he was born in a fairy garden, and his cultivation has been smooth and smooth, without any hindrance.

But there was a madman of Chu.

Shame him one after another, and even when he was dying, he couldn't even hurt the other party!

Madman Chu saw the opponent's appearance, without any pity in his eyes, and between raising his hands, a terrifying black hole force field burst out, covering the opponent completely!

boom! !

The life of the mountain ghost **** child has almost burned out, and he has fallen from the golden fairy realm.

In front of this force, there was no resistance at all, and it was directly crushed by the power of the black hole into a cloud of blood and exploded!

At this point, the mountain ghost and **** child fell!

A heart was beating in the air, that was the heart of the gods and demons specially reserved by Madman Chu.

This thing, he has another effect.

In addition, there is a large black seal.

That is the seal of the mountain ghost, the treasure of the mountain ghost line, but a tool of harmony.

Madman Chu put away the heart of the gods and demons and was about to get the seal of the mountain ghosts and gods.

But at this time, a big hand suddenly deep in the sky, directly caught the mountain ghost and god, and then took it away.

During the whole process, the electric light flint, with the cultivation base of the madman of Chu, was actually a little overwhelming.

Moreover, he felt that even if he reacted, he probably couldn't stop it.

"The great power of the Eastern Emperor Xian Ting personally made a move and took away this divine seal."

Madman Chu immediately had judgment in his heart.

"Judging from the breath, the cultivation base of the person who shoots is the top Da Luo powerhouse."

Xiao Ai's voice sounded in his mind.

"Oh, I see."

Madman Chu nodded slightly.

A Combination Tool is extremely precious even for the profound Xian Ting.

After all, the power of Hedao Realm is extremely rare in this era.

This Combination Device contains the principles of the Combination Dao Realm, which is equivalent to the great power of the Combination Dao Realm to a certain extent. Naturally, they would not sit and watch such things easily fall into the hands of Mad Chu Chu.

But Madman Chu didn't care either.

Isn’t it just a combiner?

It's not that he doesn't have any innate origin treasures that are more precious than the Combination Tools, he has them.

In time, when his portable world develops, a bunch of innate treasures inside can also be bred.

Madman Chu stopped paying attention. U U Reading www.uukahnshu.cóm

at this time.

In the palace not far away, a burst of golden celestial splendor rose into the sky, among which there was Taoist music singing, and golden lotus blossomed.

In Xianhui, a slender figure stepped out, surging Xian Yuan, shocking the world!

It is Yuzhi!

At this time, her skin was like jade, and the blood veins under the skin were faintly visible like golden veins and chalcedony, very mysterious.

Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly, "This kind of aura is... Jinyu Jade Lake Immortal Body!"

He has also practiced the Jade Lake Immortal Sutra and knows the highest immortal body recorded in this immortal sutra, but the immortal sutra he cultivated is an incomplete version, and there is no practice method for this immortal body.

But Yuzhi is different. She has the inheritance of Queen Mother of the West, and it is not surprising that she has this immortal body practice method.

Not only that, but the other party has now successfully practiced.

"Interesting, it seems that there is another kind of supreme fairy body."

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