Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : Ice silkworms return to Xuelong Mountain like snow, analyzing the fairy body of Jin

"Thank you Master Chu for your help."

Patriarch Luo came in front of Madman Chu with gratitude in his eyes.

Madman Chu glanced at Luo Yan, then slightly nodded towards Patriarch Luo, and said indifferently: "Patriarch Luo should have heard what I said just now."

"Yes, I will let someone prepare a room for a few of you."

Patriarch Luo didn't dare to neglect, so he hurriedly sent someone to prepare a room for Madman Chu.

"Luo Yan, do you have anything to do with Young Master Chu?"

After everything was arranged, Patriarch Luo looked at Luo Yan and asked curiously.

He just noticed that Madman Chu glanced at Luo Yan, and that glance was very meaningful.

"When I was in the Nine Heavens Glazed Glass Realm, Lord Chu did rescue me once."

Luo Yan answered truthfully.

"Really? Is it possible that Young Master Chu likes you?"

Patriarch Luo thoughtfully, his eyes lit up.

You know, Madman Chu is not only talented, but he is a terrifying evildoer, and the background is also extremely complicated. The ghost emperor of Fengdu, the king of gods and demons, and the chief of the academy, any of these names is enough to be shocking, and more Not to mention that Madman Chu has gathered these titles in one body.

Even the Long Family, the head of the Golden Eighth Family, is said to be destroyed. If their Luo Family can get in touch with each other, it will definitely be of great benefit.

"I think it shouldn't be."

Luo Yan's face flushed, but then his eyes dimmed.

She knows herself well that a character like Madman Chu doesn't want any kind of woman, don't say anything else, just the few people who are next to each other now, everyone is no worse than her.

Not to mention, there is also such an extremely enchanting evil as the sage of Yaochi Yuzhi.

"What the other party wants is probably not such a superficial thing."

Luo Yan thought to himself that he had already decided in his heart.

And Patriarch Luo, also pondering, seemed to be making a decision.

the other side.

Madman Chu is cultivating in the room prepared by the Luo family, and he intends to refine the two Kyushu tripods he obtained in the Xuannv sect.

This is a familiar thing for him.

"Jiuzhou Ding is the treasure of human luck. It has been gathered now, and the power it exerts is no worse than that of a treasure of origin. The harvest this time is not bad."

Madman Chu whispered.

Kyushu Ding is infinitely powerful, and its attack power is even higher than that of the Great Wild Halberd.

Except for the treasure obtained from the lucky draw of Time and Space Baojian, it is second only to the black lotus of the world.

Perhaps the complete Fuxi Qin and the power of the nine reincarnation seals can be compared with it.

But now, the Madman Chu is the most powerful weapon besides the World Destroying Black Lotus. Even Kunwu is slightly inferior.

Of course, Kunwu still has a lot of room for growth.

"And this **** and devil heart..."

Madman Chu took out a pounding heart, and a powerful force of gods and demons permeated from it.

This is the **** and devil heart of the **** son of the mountain ghost. If an ordinary monk is refined, he has a certain chance to master the power of the **** and devil, but for Madman Chu, it is of little use. The reason why he put away this **** and devil heart is just Because this **** and demon's heart hides an innate chaotic air, and this power is the key to the promotion of the acquired **** and demon body to the innate **** and demon body.

"If this **** and devil heart is handed over to Jue Wu Shen, he may be able to master the true **** and devil body through this thing!"

Madman Chu whispered.

Jue Wu Shen is now his follower, and if the opponent can become stronger, this is what he would like to see.

Thinking of this, he sent a message for Jue Wushen to come to Luo's house.

at this time.

Outside the room, someone knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

The sage of Yaochi Yuzhi walked in. She had three thousand green silks draped over her shoulders, her bones and ice muscles were slim and pleasing to the eye.

At this moment, she was holding a jade bottle in her hand.

There was some golden liquid in the bottle, and a mysterious Taoist rhyme spread out from the jade bottle.

Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly.

He had already guessed what was in the jade bottle.

"Friend Chu, I came here this time to thank you for your help in the secret realm. This thing is for you."

Yuzhi handed the jade bottle in his hand to the madman Chu.

What's inside is her blood!

The blood of Jin Yuyao Chi's fairy body!

"Girl Yuzhi, your gift is a bit heavy, do you know what it means?" Madman Chu said lightly.

"Naturally." Yu Zhi smiled faintly, "Friend Chu Tao is walking the path that integrates all kinds of physiques. I heard people say that you used a drop of Ye Zhu's essence and blood to comprehend the complete Qingye Jiantong. At this time, I will give you essence and blood, and it is very likely to help you once again master a supreme immortal body, the Jinyu Jade Lake Immortal Body!"

"Since you know, why do you send me away?"

You know, blood and essence cannot be given away easily.

This thing is related to the life potential of the monk. It is very precious. The amount of blood and essence in a person is fixed. One drop is less, and it is difficult to recover.

Not only that, there are many tricky methods in the world of cultivation that use blood to kill, such as curses and the like.

Yuzhi rashly donated the essence and blood of the madman of Chu, if the madman of Shi Chu had no intentions, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Heh, I said it, in order to repay Fellow Daoist Chu for his relief."

Yuzhi smiled faintly, not caring about the gift of blood.

"Thank you."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, not hypocritical, and took the blood.

In fact, even if Yuzhi doesn't give it now, he will try to get it by himself, after all, this is a kind of supreme immortal body.

At that time, perhaps what Madman Chu wants to take is not just the essence and blood.

It was a good result that Yuzhi was able to give gifts on his own initiative. In this way, he could gain the friendship of the Madman Chu.

Now, he really regards Yuzhi as a friend.

After receiving Yuzhi's essence and blood, the Madman Chu began to retreat and analyze the Jinyu Jade Lake Immortal Body.

On the eve of the retreat, Bingxue Ruxue found him and said that he was going back to Xuelong Mountain.

"Oh, Xuelongshan? Do your elders already know that you follow me?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Yes, they called me back this time, maybe because of this."

"If they don't promise you to follow me, what shall you do?"

"The life of Ruxue is owned by the owner, no matter what, this will not change."


Madman Chu was very satisfied with Bingxue Ruxue's answer, "After returning, if they dare to embarrass you, even if they find me, I will talk to them personally."

What? !

That Xuelong Mountain, can't it be turned upside down?

Ice silkworm Ruxue secretly complained. UU reading www.

"I will be back as soon as possible after I finish the matter."

Said the ice silkworm Ruxue, and then left.

After she left, Madman Chu began to analyze the essence and blood donated by Yuzhi. He had long been familiar with analyzing physique, and it would not take long.

A few days later.

For a while, Xianhui soared into the sky at Luo's house, and the sound of the word burst into the sky, and the golden lotus blossomed.

But Yuzhi, who sensed this breath, flashed his eyes, and there was a look of wonder in his eyes.

"It turns out to be true. Fellow Daoist Chu can really analyze the Jinyu Jade Lake Immortal Body through my blood."

"This kind of ability really goes against the sky!"

Yuzhi shook his head, exclaimed.

Madman Chu's ability has almost broken the world's perception of physique.

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