Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Jin Yuxianhui, Dragon Elephant Fruit, the flesh breaks through the Jinxian

Within the Luo family, Xianhui is brilliant, illuminating the world in all directions!

The entire Luo family's cultivators could see clearly, and their faces couldn't help showing a look of wonder.

"It's Master Chu!"

"What a powerful aura. As a true fairy, I feel that I am exceptionally small in front of this power."

In the exclamation of everyone, Xianhui gradually converged.

And the retreat of the madman of Chu.

At this moment, he was perceiving his newly acquired Supreme Immortal Body, Jinyu Jade Lake Immortal Body, and he couldn't help expressing his satisfaction.

This immortal body does not have any magical bonuses like the other immortal bodies.

But this immortal body has an extremely terrifying effect, that is, to accelerate the speed of cultivation!

Therefore, as long as the monks possessing the immortal body of the Jinyu Jade Pool, their cultivation speed is far higher than that of other evildoers!

For example, it takes a thousand years for an evildoer to reach the golden fairy realm.

Then, an evildoer with a golden jade jade pool immortal body only needs eight hundred years, which is 20% faster than the rest of the evildoer.

Not only that, but the immortal element that comes out of cultivation is very pure, far stronger than the ordinary immortal element, and is called the golden jade immortal element.

Madman Chu raised his palm, and saw that there was a fairy element circulating in his palm. This fairy element contained golden fairy radiance, which was a kind of light similar to gold.

But this is not a golden nature, but a golden jade fairy!

"After analyzing this Jinyu Jade Lake Immortal Body, I am now half-footed into the Golden Fairy Realm, and I believe it won't be long before I can step into the Golden Fairy Realm!"

Madman Chu smiled with satisfaction.

"The refining of the Jiuzhou Ding is completed, and the Jinyu Jade Lake Immortal Body has also been resolved, very good."

Madman Chu was in a good mood and opened the phantom roulette lottery.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing a god-level reward dragon elephant fruit!"

Dragon Elephant Fruit, this is a top-notch elixir. It is said to have the effect of strengthening the body. After taking it, you can gain the power of Dragon Elephant!

"My physical body is already close to the golden immortal. If this dragon elephant fruit is added and the flesh breaks through the golden immortal, it is now!"

Madman Chu extracted this dragon elephant fruit.

It was a golden fruit, with golden Dao patterns densely covered in it, and vaguely, the roar of dragons and elephants came out, very mysterious.

Madman Chu took it in a few mouthfuls.

It's crunchy and tastes good, sweet and sour.

The next moment.

A warm current burst out from the abdomen, sweeping through the body at a very fast speed, flowing to the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, tempering his physical body!

Boom, boom...

In the flesh, every bone is colliding with each other, making a burst of bone explosion, like a roar of thunder!

"What a powerful force!"

Madman Chu felt that his physical strength was rising rapidly, and he couldn't help showing a strange color in his eyes.

His blood, meridians, bones and even every granule cell are being transformed by this dragon-like power, evolving towards a higher level.

In addition to the sound of bone explosion, the roar of the dragon's elephant roars from time to time.

Within the Luo family.

Many of the Luo family's children heard the sound of the dragon elephant resounding through the world, and couldn't help trembling, feeling that their bodies were about to be shattered.

"Well, what's going on?!"

"Could it be that Master Chu still raised a real dragon as a pet?"

"It's incredible."

"No, this dragon-like voice contains the power of qi and blood, Chu Gongzi, is it tempering the body?"

"I rely on it, body quenching has such a movement, what a powerful physical body this must be!"

Originally learned that the madman of Chu had cultivated the golden jade jade pond immortal body, but after hearing the sound of the dragon elephant, Yuzhi, who came to congratulate him, groaned for a while, and then waved his sleeves, a celestial element containing the golden jade celestial glory Gushing out, shrouded the madman Chu's retreat, isolating the sound of the dragon elephant from spreading out.

"Patriarch Luo, Fellow Daoist Chu is in retreat, please don't let other people approach."


Patriarch Luo nodded, and then listed the Madman Chu's retreat as a forbidden place, prohibiting other people from approaching.

Seven more days have passed.

The power of the dragon elephant fruit in Madman Chu's body was almost digested.

At this time, his body surface has been covered with a layer of Dao patterns containing a lot of gold, and his flesh is gold, as if covering his body with a layer of gold paint.

But even the current Madman Chu, his body still hasn't completely stepped into the realm of Golden Fairy!

"It's almost the last point!"

"The power of the existing dragon elephant fruit is no longer enough for me to continue to improve."

"Huaxian Poison Source!"

A gleam of light burst out of Madman Chu's eyes, and then, the poisonous devil body was urged to the extreme by him, almost madly refining the source of Huaxian poison in his body!

This thing was obtained from Wu Tian of Tianjiao of the Demon Race in the past, and it was refined by a poisonous heart of the Demon King. It contained extremely terrifying poison and complemented his ten thousand poisonous demon body.

After this period of refining, this source of immortal poison has already consumed more than half.

Now, Madman Chu, with the help of the fleshy body strengthened by the dragon elephant fruit, urges the ten thousand poisonous demon body with all his strength, and in one rush, completely refines this last source of immortal poison! !

boom! !

The sound of the dragon and elephant shook the world and shook the sky!

The immortal enchantment under Yuzhibu almost burst under the impact of this force.

"This dragon-like power is so strong, what level does Fellow Daoist Chu's physical body have reached?!"

"Could it be that you have entered the realm of golden fairy!"

Yuzhi said in amazement.

Inside the retreat.

The physical goldenness of Chu Kuang's body surface is completely complete, covering the whole body, without any omissions, perfect and transparent.

Not only that, but his physical goldenness is constantly strengthening!

After refining the last point of the source of Huaxian Poison, his body has been completely consolidated in the Golden Immortal realm, and he even has a lot of progress.

Jinxian nine products.

The physical goldenness is also divided into nine ranks, so his current physical goldenness should be equivalent to between the second and third ranks.

For example, the first grade is much stronger.

Moreover, it is far more difficult to achieve the Golden Fairy Realm with the physical body than the cultivation base, so his physical combat power is much stronger than the ordinary second and third ranks of the Golden Fairy.

"This retreat is a great harvest!"

Madman Chu smiled faintly, slowly reducing his physical goldenness and returning to his normal appearance.

He stretched out his hand, looked at the five slender fingers, and shook it suddenly. There was a roar in the space, which was actually crushed by him abruptly!

The surging blood rushed in his body like a big river, and the power of the dragon elephant was contained in it, fierce and fierce, very overbearing!

At this moment, the physical power has become one of the most powerful means of killing the Madman Chu!

"It's time to get out."

Madman Chu whispered and then left the room, Yuzhi greeted him immediately.

She looked at Madman Chu, her eyes surprised, "Friend Chu Daoist's methods really opened Yuzhi's eyes."

"Heh, I made Miss Yuzhi laugh, and thank you so much for your blood."

In addition to the physical body, his cultivation is equivalent to stepping into the golden fairy realm with half his foot, thanks to Yuzhi's essence and blood.

"Friend Chu is polite."

While the two were chatting, Patriarch Luo and Luo Yan walked up, "Congratulations to Master Chu for further cultivation."

"Patriarch Luo is polite."

"Master Chu, can you move on and talk about it."

Patriarch Luo said.

"Yuzhi is not an outsider. If you have any words, let's talk about it here." Chu Madman said lightly.

His words made Yuzhi's heart warm, but she smiled, "I have something to do, so I won't bother a few people, and leave."

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