Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Luo family submits, Ziwei Shaoyu's self-confidence

"Okay, Yuzhi has already left. Let's talk about something now."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Master Chu rescued my Luo family from crisis, my Luo family, I am willing to return to the son, and be sent by the son!"

Patriarch Luo half kneeled on the ground and said respectfully.

He knows very well that the Luo family is now safe and sound, all because the Madman Chu is still here. Once he leaves, the Wang family and the Lin family will come back. At that time, the Luo family will still be unable to escape, and they want to get it right once and for all. Must find a shelter for the Luo family.

And right now, the most suitable candidate is Madman Chu.

According to his gossip, I heard that the Feng Family who had recently annexed the Long Family had also been surrendered to the Mad Man of Chu.

"You guys are wise."

Madman Chu nodded calmly, he looked at Luo Yan, "So, Miss Luo, what do you think?"

He didn't care if the Luo family returned.

He helped Luo Family only because of Luo Yan's growth potential.

"Luo Yan, willing to submit!"

Luo Yan half kneeled in front of Madman Chu, and said respectfully.

Madman Chu rescued her one after another, saving the Luo family from distress. Compared with the goddess of mountain ghosts, Madman Chu was much better.

In addition, Luo Jialu has now returned, and she has no reason to insist on the so-called self-esteem.

Self-esteem is obtained by relying on one's own strength.

Now she doesn't have that kind of strength, she wants to follow Madman Chu and get that kind of strength!


Madman Chu nodded slightly, "Wang Family and Lin Family, you don't need to worry, I will notify Feng Family people to come and deal with it."


Patriarch Luo secretly said, Feng Family really surrendered Chu Madman.

Then, Madman Chu glanced at Luo Yan, and said lightly: "I am the Lord, this is not shameful, because you are following the future Lord of the Immortal Realm, the Supreme Supreme!"


Luo Yan's body was shocked, and most of her heart had already surrendered.

Shortly after.

Jue Wushen, who had received the news from the Madman Chu, rushed to the Luo family.


Jue Wushen bowed his hands after seeing Madman Chu.

Luo Yan looked at Absolutely Wushen, and felt a threat from the opponent that was no less than Yushan Guishenzi.

She was secretly surprised in her heart. She didn't expect that such a supernatural evildoer would also follow Madman Chu. Thinking of this, she respected Madman Chu more and more.

Following such a character, soldiers are not ashamed.

On the contrary, it is an honor!

"No God, this time I call here, mainly because this thing wants to be handed over to you."

Madman Chu took out the heart of the gods and demons.

"this is……"

Jue Wu Shen's pupils shrank slightly, and his heart throbbed. He felt that this **** and devil heart was a great opportunity for him!

If he can refine this thing, he can definitely get a huge transformation!

"Wang, did you kill the mountain ghost **** child?"

"Is this surprising?"

"No, the mountain ghost **** child is just a chicken and dog in front of the king, but this **** and devil heart is not bad."

Jue Wu Shen put away the heart of the gods and demons, and couldn't wait to refine it.

"This is the Luo Family, and now it's my subsidiary force. You can refine it here."

"Yes, Wang."

"By the way, what happened to the line of gods and demons recently? On Ziweixing, are there any major moves?"

Madman Chu asked casually.

"The line of gods and demons is okay. Everyone is active in various places and has a chance. As for Ziwei Star, since the Tiandao Pagoda appeared, there has been no opportunity that has attracted worldwide attention. It is just that some time ago, there were The purple starry sky is said to be related to the Shao Yu of the crape myrtle."

Absolutely Wushen said.

"Oh, is Ziwei Shaoyu? I have learned the goddess and goddess of the East Emperor Xianting, but I don't know what kind of stuff this Kunlun Xianting Shaoyu is."

Madman Chu said with great interest.


Inside the Ziwei Pavilion.

A figure dressed in a purple robe sat volley in the air, with an indescribable extravagance.

Around this person, there is a large amount of purple starlight surrounding him, vaguely intertwined on his head to form an ancient crown.

It was a purple crown with countless mysterious Dao patterns intertwined densely, and bursts of terrifying power swept out, shocking all directions.

Not only that, under the spread of the power of this crown, countless prohibitions emerged in the void, forming a realm. This purple-robed figure is in this realm, like a supreme fairy king, dominating everything! !

"Crown of Ziwei, finally successfully refined!"

The figure in the purple robe was Shao Yu of Ziwei.

He suddenly opened his eyes, a smile appeared on his face, and not far away, streams of light flew by and turned into golden immortals.

"Congratulations, Shaoyu, successfully refined the crape myrtle crown!"

"Congratulations, Shaoyu!"

These golden immortals looked at Ziwei Shaoyu, with respect in their eyes.

"Recently, what big things have happened on Ziwei Star?"

Ziwei Shaoyu put away the crown and asked indifferently. When it was over, he added, "Especially about Madman Chu."

Obviously, he has regarded Madman Chu as his life enemy!

"Hui Shaoyu, some time ago, Tiandao Tower appeared..."

A golden immortal talked about some major events that had happened recently. After hearing this, Shaoyu Ziwei showed a different color in his eyes, "This Madman of Chu, really caused a lot of things."

"Although Madman Chu is powerful, now Shaoyu has refined the Ziwei crown. Even if Madman Chu is strong, he is not afraid to be on this purple star!"

The Jinxian said, with absolute confidence in his tone.

"Not bad."

"The madman of Chu is the emperor's fate, and has repeatedly offended the majesty of Xianting. This person must never stay! It must be resolved as soon as possible."

"While he hasn't fully grown up now, he must be killed."

These golden immortals in Ziwei Pavilion were gritted teeth to the Mad Chu.

After all, two enchanting evildoers in Ziwei Pavilion, Xiao Tianjun and Zhuo Tiancang died in the hands of each other, how can they not be angry? !

If it weren't for the restraint of cause and effect, they would have taken action long ago, slashing the madman Chu.

"Mad Chu, it is indeed time to solve this person."

Ziwei Shaoyu whispered.

Moreover, as soon as possible, he will have full confidence while the opponent is still at Ziweixing!

"As soon as there is any whereabouts of Madman Chu, inform me immediately."


The golden immortals of Ziwei Pavilion were very excited, waiting for Shaoyu Ziwei to defeat the madman of Chu and raise the power of the fairy court!

If there are other people here, they will definitely be puzzled.

You know, the madman Chu's strength is obvious to all, so many enchanting evildoers have died in the opponent's hands one after another.

What is the confidence of Ziwei Pavilion to determine that Ziwei Shaoyu can win?

And within the Luo family. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com

On this day, Madman Chu was getting acquainted with his physical strength after his breakthrough.

In his hand, holding a handful of immortal implements, right in front of Luo Yan, he broke the immortal implements into several pieces with his bare hands.

That kind of power, watching Luo Yan's heart palpitations and trembling.

My deed...

Breaking the immortal weapon with bare hands, this kind of physical power is even more terrifying than some immortal beasts who are good at physical power!

"It seems that I can completely ignore the attacks below the golden fairy realm."

Madman Chu said with satisfaction with his still white and smooth palm after watching him break the fairy sword.

Coupled with the immortal body, in addition to attacking and defensive capabilities, his life-saving capabilities have risen a lot.


Madman Chu, who was suddenly familiar with the power of his physical body, seemed to have sensed something, and his face changed slightly with a soft sound.

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