Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : The behavior of Xuelong Mountain, the sorrow of ice silkworms like snow, depriving

Madman Chu, who was familiar with the power of flesh, seemed to perceive something, and his face changed slightly.

"What a Xuelong Mountain! Someone who dared to touch me!"

His face became cold, and a little bit of hostility escaped. Luo Yan standing next to him only felt that the world seemed to have turned into a cold winter, and a cold air swept over.

Madman Chu was angry.

He stared coldly in the direction of Xuelong Mountain in the distance.

Just now, through the ban on ice silkworms like snow, he sensed that the other party's breath suddenly became sluggish.

A signal for help came to him.

"Friend Chu, has something happened?"

Yuzhi felt Chu Madman's hostility, and rushed over to ask.

"It's nothing, it's just that some people have touched the mold, Yuzhi, I'm going to Xuelong Mountain. Wait for yourself."

After speaking, Madman Chu stopped staying, his figure flashed, and instantly disappeared in place.

Space handling techniques are performed one after another.

Madman Chu suppressed his anger and quickly approached Xuelong Mountain. Wherever he went, all creatures and creatures were trembling at it.

"What a terrifying breath!"

"Who is this person?"

"It's him, Madman Chu!"

Some people also recognized Madman Chu, after all, he is now very famous in Ziwei Star, and it can be said that he is in full swing.

Everyone seemed to be full of anger when they saw him, and they couldn't help being curious.

"Which kind of eye-opener is this guy who actually provokes such a evil star?"

"That direction seems to be... Xuelong Mountain!"

"No, Xuelongshan, is Madman Chu going to trouble Xuelongshan? Tsk tsk, it's so bold!!"

Xuelong Mountain is also a famous force in Ziweixing.

Its strength cannot be underestimated, and it is stronger than the Long Family, the head of the Golden Eighth Family.

It is said that there are no less than two Da Luo Jinxians hidden in Xuelong Mountain!

However, Madman Chu is so aggressive now that he is going to trouble Xuelong Mountain, which is surprising.

"This person is really noisy. He just wiped out the Long Family some time ago, is he going to trouble Xuelong Mountain now?"

"Unfortunately, Xuelong Mountain is no better than Long Family. This time Madman Chu, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to get out of his body."

"Yes, even if Da Luo Jinxian can't take action against him, the Jinxian of Xuelong Mountain is not going to eat dry food."

"This is a good show, you have to go and see it!"

After discovering the trail of Madman Chu, many people followed and went straight to Xuelong Mountain.

As the most watched Tianjiao in Ziweixing and even the entire starry sky arena, Madman Chu's actions were naturally seen by countless people with interest.


A disciple of Ziwei Pavilion hurriedly sent a message back to Ziwei Pavilion.

The eyes of many elders in Ziwei Pavilion were bright.

"The Madman Chu has acted."

"Xuelong Mountain, what is he going to do in Xuelong Mountain?"

"Ha, no matter what he does in Xuelong Mountain, since he has already appeared, then inform Shaoyu and ask him to go to Xuelong Mountain. This time he must get rid of this guy!"


Inside Xuelong Mountain.

On Xuelong Mountain, which has been covered by heavy snow all the year round, today, a blood-colored altar stands abruptly in a piece of silvery white.

On the altar, there are two figures, a man and a woman.

These two people are the top two arrogances in Xuelong Mountain, the ice silkworm wind, and the ice silkworm like snow!

"Ice silkworms are like snow, you serve the human race as the mainstay, and you are in vain as the Xuelongshan evildoer. Today, I will strip your roots and transfer them to the ice silkworm wind. Do you have anything else to say?"

An elder of Xuelong Mountain looked at the altar, and the blood-stained ice silkworm said in a cold tone like snow.

Around, many people from Xuelong Mountain saw this scene, some couldn't bear it, and some showed resentment.

"Ice silkworms are like snow, I simply misunderstood her. I thought she was my Xuelongshan's hope. I didn't expect that she would be a slave to a human race."

"That's it, I feel sick just thinking about it."

"Oh, I am a generation of arrogance, but I am willing to fall, why is this?"

"It's a waste of talent. Hurry up and transfer her roots to Ice Silkworm Wind. Let Ice Silkworm Wind lead me to the rise of Xuelong Mountain."

"It's a pity, it's a goddess of the Xuelong Mountain generation, but she has fallen to this point."

Countless Xuelong Mountain ice silkworms talked about it.

Their words were colder than the surrounding wind and snow, deeply piercing the hearts of the ice silkworm like snow.

This time, she returned to Xuelong Mountain, thinking that the elders of Xuelong Mountain had something to do with her, but unexpectedly, what was waiting for her was a trial!

After Bing Canfeng and others came back, they stabbed out their allegiance to the madman of Chu, which made the senior officials of Xuelong Mountain angry.

The father of Ice Silkworm Feng, the Fourth Elder of Xuelong Mountain, even directly proposed to use the secret method of ice silkworm to transfer his roots to the body of Ice Silkworm Feng, once again creating an ice silkworm evildoer. In this way, you can Minimize the loss of Xuelong Mountain to the greatest extent.

Thinking of this, the ice silkworm is like snow and heart is like ashes.

Unexpectedly, the person who hurts himself the most is actually his own people.

The ice silkworm Ruxue felt sad in his heart.

"It seems that you have nothing to say. In that case, I declare that the ceremony begins!"

The fourth elder of the ice silkworm said, with a touch of excitement in his eyes.

The ice silkworm wind is his son. As long as the ice silkworm like snow is transferred to him, then the ice silkworm wind will become the most enchanting evildoer. In addition, he, the four elders, has great power in Xuelong Mountain. , Must be able to control the entire Xuelong Mountain, with great power!

"Ice silkworms are like snow, you didn't think you would have today."

Standing on the altar, Bingcanfeng looked excited.

Although he is a monster, he is inferior to the ice silkworm like snow, but after today, he will be the second ice silkworm like snow!

The ice silkworm was chained to the altar like snow, and looked indifferent.

"Ice silkworms are like snow, I really don’t understand, a human race, what is worthy of your allegiance, as long as you beg for mercy, after I successfully pass on your roots, you can beg your father for your life, how? What?" Bing Canfeng said, looking forward to the goddess who used to be so high in front of him to beg for mercy. How would it feel?

"You and your master are simply the difference between clouds and mud, begging for mercy, you are dreaming."

The ice silkworm faintly said like snow.

In the old days, she could beg for mercy from Madman Chu in order to survive, UU reading regarded the other party as the master, that was because Madman Chu had that qualification and ability.

And the ice silkworm wind, how can it be compared with the madman of Chu?


The ice silkworm wind was choked for a while, and his face was blue with anger, "Huh, I see if you will be so hard in the future!"

Next, I saw the four elders of the ice silkworm squeeze the mysterious method and penetrate into the body of the ice silkworm Ruxue. In an instant, a biting pain swept through her limbs, making her scream!

The ice silkworm has suffered numerous injuries since practicing as snow.

But no one can compare with the pain of bone deprivation!

She was trembling violently, curled up and gradually transformed into her body, a thumb-sized ice silkworm with seven golden circles on it, representing her identity as the seven ice silkworm.

And now, these seven small golden circles are gradually becoming dimmed, and the lines on the surface of the body are shattered one after another, and a series of silk-like flying flocculent substances are stripped from her body.

That is, her roots!

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