Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Kill the 7th-Rank Golden Immortal, Daluo appears, the ancestor of the Feng Family

"What a terrifying physical power!!"

The Fourth Elder Bingcan looked at Madman Chu, his pupils trembling slightly.

As a Seventh-Rank Golden Immortal, he would be blown away with a punch, and the physical strength of the Golden Immortal was stronger than he had imagined!

It's just that Madman Chu didn't give him a chance to be shocked, and he shot again.

Xianyuan is running, and all kinds of magical powers erupt one after another!

But these were just smoke bombs that interfered with the four elders of the ice silkworm. His real method was the indestructible body!

Using a group of immortal magical powers as cover, the madman of Chu approached step by step!

"not good!!"

But when the Fourth Elder Bingcan reacted, Madman Chu had already arrived in front of him.

The ability to fight in close quarters, break out!

Fists, elbows, fingers, palms, knees, feet...

Madman Chu's body seemed to have turned into the world's most brutal killing weapon in an instant, and all kinds of exquisite combat skills were displayed one by one!

The roar of the dragon's roar resounded!

With the fists and palms added, the fairy bodies of the four elders of the ice silkworm roared one after another, almost to be broken.


"The cold wind seals the world!"

A large amount of cold air gushing out of the four elders of the ice silkworm, freezing the world, and covering the surface of Madman Chu with a layer of ice, but the other party's body shook and shattered it instantly!

"Well, you want to fight melee, right? It's as you wish!"

There was a cruel look in the eyes of the four elders of the ice silkworm. He covered his body with a layer of immortality and fisted with Madman Chu. The battle between the two was like two giant ancient beasts. Just some aftermath of the battle was enough to shatter the space. The surrounding mountains and rivers burst open one after another, turning into powder! !

boom! !

After a fist-to-fist collision, Madman Chu and the four elders of the ice silkworm retreated hundreds of feet.

"Haha, Madman Chu, poisoned into the bone marrow, I see how you want to live!!"

Hearing this, everyone was a little unsure.

Only the ice silkworm of Xuelong Mountain knew what it meant and sneered.

"The four elders' ice silkworm poison is second to none in Xuelong Mountain. Even if Daluo Jinxian is infected with this poison, he will feel stiff in his hands and feet, let alone a madman of Chu?"

"Yes, the fourth elder secretly injected ice silkworm poison into the opponent's body while fighting him close."

"Even if it is a physical golden immortal? Under the ice silkworm poison of the four elders, he has only one dead end, at best, he will live a little longer than other golden immortals."

The ice silkworms of Xuelongshan talked about it.

When the others heard the words, they all suddenly realized.

"It turns out that these four elders have been prepared for a long time, and only then are they fighting with Madman Chu in close proximity."

"I thought he was stupid. He fought close to a physical golden immortal. Now it seems that Jiang is still hot."

The four elders of the ice silkworm looked at Madman Chu with a look of victory.

But Madman Chu gave a chuckle, "Idiot!"

The strong golden blood in his body burst out, only to hear the roar of the dragon's roar, and thousands of **** thunder exploded!

This blow was terrifying!

The four elders of the ice silkworm couldn't help being blasted upside down, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, "This, how is this possible! How can you not be affected at all?!"

"I really thought you were secretly injecting ice silkworm poison into my body, can't I find out? It's a shameful trick!"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

He has a method like the ten thousand poisonous demon body in his hands, and these various toxins are nothing but nutrients for him to strengthen his body.

This ice silkworm poison is naturally the same.


The four elders of the ice silkworm had an extremely gloomy expression. He looked at the other golden immortals in Xuelong Mountain, and wanted to greet them to take action together and suppress Madman Chu.

But at this moment, a strange wave that made his scalp numb came.

He looked at Madman Chu, but only saw a pair of purple eyes.

That is, Zitong! !

The purple pupil method is activated!

The extremely powerful soul power impacted the souls of the four elders of the ice silkworm.

That power, although not enough to destroy his soul.

But it was enough to make him stunned for a moment!

And this moment is deadly enough! !


After activating the purple pupil method to shock the four elders of the ice silkworm, the madman Chu stepped forward, and a bronze halberd appeared in his hand!

"The Great Wilderness Halberd, Ping Great Wilderness!!"

The Great Desolate Halberd broke out!

The terrifying immortal element contains the golden jade fairy radiance, and the physical energy and blood explode!

This blow hit directly on the chest of the four elders of the ice silkworm, only to hear a series of bone explosions, and blood mist spurted out!

The four elders of the ice silkworm were blasted out on the spot, smashing dozens of snow-capped mountains one after another.

The wind and snow are rolling, and the smoke is everywhere.

I saw the four elders of the ice silkworm lying deep in the ground, the Dao patterns on the immortal body were all broken, and the blood flow continued.

In the next instant, it was directly transformed into the body, and the breath of life gradually disappeared, stiffening in place!

The four elders of the seventh grade of the Golden Immortal fell directly! !

Everyone in Xuelong Mountain was so scared that their faces were pale when they saw it, and their pupils were shocked!

That is the four elders of Xuelong Mountain!

It is the strong man in Xuelong Mountain, second only to Da Luo Jinxian!

In this way, he was bombarded and killed by the madman Chu! !

This kind of strength is scary! !

"Next, whose turn is it?"

Madman Chu said indifferently, his eyes flashing past everyone.

Anyone who was watched by him shuddered involuntarily, terrified.

at this time.

In the depths of Xuelong Mountain, two extremely powerful auras came.

An overwhelming lot of Luo Yi spread out, covering the entire Xuelong Mountain.

"It's the mountain owner!"

"There is also the Great Elder!"

After perceiving these two great meanings, many ice silkworms seemed to have found their backbone, and their faces were happy.

I saw two white figures swiftly by, a white-haired old man and a middle-aged strong man. They looked at the messy Xuelong Mountain with ugly expressions.

"Madman Chu, you have gone too far!"

The white-haired old man said coldly, he is the great elder of Xuelong Mountain.

"Oh, do you want to shoot?"

Madman Chu said indifferently, facing Daluo, he was awe-inspiring, and with a wave of his sleeves, the ghost door closed, and the vastness of darkness swept across all directions!

Skeleton Yin will come out, and Da Luo Yi will also shake the surroundings!

"Chu madman, I know that there is Ronaldo by your side to help out, but there is only one Ronaldo by your side, and I have two in Xuelong Mountain. If you don't stop, I would rather fight for the risk of being backlashed by cause and effect, but also be here. Kill you!!" The Great Elder Ice Silkworm said coldly.

"Whoever dares to move the ghost emperor, I will turn this place into infinite!"

The Skull Yin General said coldly, and with a wave of the sickle in his hand, the majestic Yin Qi swept out.

The surrounding wind and snow added a gloomy meaning.

"You have only one person, and we have two big Luos here, one to hold you, and the other to kill the madman of Chu, it's not a problem!"

Xuelongshan Mountain Lord said indifferently.

"Ha, what if, plus me?"

At this time, UU reading www. an indifferent voice sounded.

Not far away, a big Luoyi swept over, an old man in a white robe, stepping forward with his head held high, the celestial splendor flowing around his body, shocked in all directions!

"He is... the ancestor of the Feng Family!"

"The ancestor of the Feng Family, one of the Golden Eighth Family, why did he come here to join in the fun?"

The ancestor of the Feng family came to Chu Kuangren and said indifferently: "If you want to hurt the son, you have to pass me first!"

"Boss Feng, did you submit to Madman Chu?"

The owner of Xuelong Mountain felt a little unbelievable.

Feng family ancestor, but a big Luo Jinxian, the other party is actually willing to submit to Chu Madman? !

"This is a world of great controversy, and the son is destined to be a figure standing on the top of the immortal way in the future, why not follow him?"

The ancestor of the Feng Family said lightly.

"You Feng Family, you are so brave, dare to place a bet on him!"

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