Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: :0 Snow lotus, the wronged Daluo, and the crape myrtle shaoyu finally appears

The ancestor of the Feng family showed up to support the Mad Man of Chu, which surprised many people.

"It seems that the Feng Family is already standing in line with Madman Chu."

"Yes, the Feng Family can be regarded as a powerful force in Ziwei Star, and now, it is surprising that they will choose to submit to the Mad Man of Chu."

"But think about it, even the Long Family was destroyed by Madman Chu. It is not impossible for the Feng Family to choose to submit, and the future of Madman Chu is promising, and it is indeed worth following!"

Many people talked about it, paying attention to the battle situation in Xuelong Mountain.

After the appearance of the ancestor of the Feng family, Xuelongshan's face was so gloomy that it almost dripped water.

A skeleton Yin general, plus the ancestors of the Feng family, at this time Madman Chu also has two big Luos, plus the combat power of Madman Chu himself, and millions of Yin soldiers...

Xuelongshan, danger!

"Mad Chu, what do you want?!"

The Snow Dragon Mountain Master said coldly, his tone was cold, but he was already subdued.

When the madman of Chu heard the words, his eyes flashed slightly.

Do you want to go to war?

It is true that he is not afraid of Xuelong Mountain, and can even destroy the opponent.

However, he himself would definitely lose a lot.

He has an immortal body, and he is not afraid of dying here, but Skull Yin Jiang and Feng Family Patriarch are not sure, these are the two top combat powers around him.

Especially the Skull Yin General, he still needs the other party to continue to sit in the capital city for a period of time.

In addition, once the war starts, to destroy the Xuelong Mountain, I am afraid it will consume a lot of Yin Soldiers and Generals.

The Fendu Underworld was in the underworld, and it wasn't completely worry-free, and it was not possible to lose too much combat power.

Madman Chu's thoughts turned, and thoughts passed by.

"Finally, I am not an unreasonable person."

Madman Chu said indifferently: "The person who hurt me at Xuelong Mountain must pay a little for medical expenses. Hundreds of snow lotus, this matter can be exposed."

Hearing this, many ice silkworms in Xuelong Mountain almost vomited blood.

Are you kidding me?

Killed him so many ice silkworms in Xuelong Mountain, so embarrassed to say that he was reasonable? !

And, a hundred snow lotus? !

Why not grab it!

No, he is robbing it!

Snow lotus is an important resource of Xuelong Mountain. Each plant is a top-notch elixir, which can increase cultivation and is very precious.

Even if the evildoer is practicing, you can't use snow lotus at will.

Hundreds of snow lotus, almost emptied most of their Xuelongshan family base!

"Chu madman, you are too much. The ice silkworm Ruxue is a member of our Xuelong Mountain. You took her as a slave. It was your fault. We deal with her. This is our business. You rush to intervene and kill me. There are so many ice silkworms in Xuelong Mountain, but now you still want a hundred snow lotus? You're just doing anything wrong! Do you still have a kingship!!"

The elder Ice Silkworm said loudly, the more he spoke, the more he felt aggrieved, his eyes were splitting, and his body was trembling.

Ice silkworms like snow are their evildoers in Xuelongshan!

They had high hopes, but they were willing to recognize a human race as the master, which made them lose face.

What's wrong with them depriving each other of their roots and creating another evildoer?

Even if it is wrong, this is also their Xuelongshan's internal affairs.

Madman Chu, why should he intervene?

They also killed so many ice silkworms in Xuelong Mountain, and now they are still openly ripping off, asking for a hundred snow lotus? !

Is there any reason for this? !

Hearing the words of the Great Elder Ice Silkworm, the onlookers Tianjiao and the powerful people who secretly observed all sympathized with Xuelong Mountain.

"Poor, Xuelongshan unexpectedly met such a ruthless person!"

"Yes, it's really reasonable and unclear."

Unlike everyone else, after hearing the accusation from the elder Bingcan, Madman Chu looked indifferent and didn't care at all.

"Are you finished? When you are finished, hand over the snow lotus."

The big elder Bingcan had a pale face, and he did not listen to half a word of what he had just said.

"You, you really want to do it this way, you know, stay a thread in everything, so you can see each other in the future."

"I can do better!!"

Madman Chu snorted coldly, and between raising his hands, violent energy and blood swept out, turning into blood and thunder!

In front of this blood mine, a golden fairy was blasted to vomit blood and flew upside down, dying!


"Who is presumptuous!"

Before the big elder Ice Silkworm could say anything, Madman Chu burst out with a cold look, "I don’t care what the identity of Ice Silkworm Ruxue is, if she regards me as the master, then she is my person. You can’t help but say. , Ignoring my existence, and wanting to deprive her of bones and marrow, do you really think I am a soft persimmon?!"

"If it weren't for the ice silkworm, such as snow, it is also the ice silkworm clan. Today, I won't be here to spend more time with you and destroy you Xuelong Mountain. It is not impossible for me!

"Remember, you are begging me for mercy now! You are not qualified to bargain!"

The Guimenguan towered between the heaven and the earth, and the torrent of Yin Qi gushed out from it.

Through the ghost gate, everyone seemed to see an entire army.

Among them, there is no shortage of golden immortals.

Once this army appeared in Xuelong Mountain, together with the Skeleton Yin General, the ancestor of the Feng Family, for Xuelong Mountain, it was absolutely a disaster! !

But the Kuangren Chu refused to give up, making the two big Luos of Xuelong Mountain pale with anger, but they were helpless.

"A hundred snow lotus, for you!"

In the end, the Snow Dragon Mountain Master had no choice but to let go and let people come and fetch a hundred snow lotus.

For a while, his straight spine seemed to bend down, and his whole person was much older.

A grand Luo Jinxian, who was forced to such a point by a younger generation, it was a shame to spread it out!

And in his life, I am afraid that this shame will not be able to be washed away.

"Huh, it should have been so!"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

In a short while, he got a hundred snow lotus, these snow lotus are very valuable, if they can be fully refined, his cultivation level will definitely be able to go further!

Even break through the golden fairy in one fell swoop!

After getting the snow lotus, Madman Chu wanted to leave.

But at this time.

Purple clouds suddenly appeared on the horizon.

In that cloud, bursts of Taoist sounds were heard, accompanied by mysterious visions such as the rising of the four elephants, the unicorn stepping on the sea and so on.

A powerful coercion spread out, covering the world.

Even Jinxian felt a burst of pressure.

"Mad Chu, we finally met!"

In the purple clouds, there are countless patterns flowing around, automatically paved into a ladder.

And a figure walked down from the ladder.

The purple robe, his eyes are like stars, and his body is full of nobleness, like a supreme emperor. UU reading

Here comes Shaoyu Ziwei!

His arrival also surprised many people.

"It is Shao Yu Ziwei, one of the six royals of Kunlun Fairy Court, he actually appeared."

"I heard that he disappeared after he came to Ziwei Star. I didn't expect to appear at this time, and he would face Madman Chu directly!"

"What does he want to do?"

All Tianjiao looked at each other.

The madman Chu's combat power is obvious to all.

Even if it is Ziwei Shaoyu, they don't think that the other party will be his opponent.

But now, the other party showed up on the initiative.

This makes everyone wonder, isn't he afraid that Madman Chu will kill him?

"Oh, I finally came here, I thought you would keep huddling."

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