Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : If you can win, I will kill myself on the spot, push it horizontally, go deep...

"Those who have left on the star monument, let's go together!!"

Madman Chu's expression was unwavering, his tone was calm, and he couldn't hear the slightest ups and downs.

In the calmest tone, speaking the most scary words!

When everyone heard what he said, they were all confused, looking at Madman Chu one by one, as if looking at a lunatic!

What is the number of people left on the star monument?


Each one is a top-notch arrogant, even a monster!

Madman Chu, a person who actually wants to challenge everything, this is not a person who can be described by the word arrogance at all.

It's crazy!

It was a crazy act made by monsters! !

The descendant of Yan Luo was also taken aback. He had originally wanted to use the wheel of war to consume the power of the Madman Chu and slowly defeat the opponent.

Unexpectedly, the other party did not give him this opportunity at all. Once he came up, he had to challenge everyone, turning a good wheel fight into a group fight!

And it's still the kind of group battle where one person singles out everyone! !

This development completely exceeded his expectations.

He suddenly discovered that his so-called wheel war strategy was used against normal people.

But Madman Chu is not normal at all! !

"Madman, this is a madman, I would use normal human thinking to try to figure out a madman?!"

"Wrong, everything is wrong!"

The descendant of Yan Luo whispered.

He looked at Madman Chu with complex colors in his eyes, with anger, admiration, and anger.

But most of the Tianjiao evildoers were extremely angry after hearing the words of Madman Chu, feeling that they had been humiliated.

"This guy, what does he think of us, and he wants to challenge everyone alone?!"

"Is he crazy?!"

"He was a lunatic!"

"I thought he was timid. I didn't expect Madman Chu to be the Madman Chu, but he was even crazier!"

Shaozu Jinwu said with solemn eyes: "Chu Madman, don't be kidding, it's impossible to challenge all the names on the Star Tablet alone! You are too arrogant!"

"If you win me, I will kill myself on the spot!!"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

Still speaking the most ruthless words in the calmest tone!

Be cruel to others, even more cruel to yourself!

Hearing this, everyone was shocked and looked at Madman Chu in disbelief.

"Hey, this guy, play too much!"

"Suicide on the spot? Really?"

"My mother, how does this guy's brain grow? Does he really think he can win?!"

The descendants of Yan Luo, Jinwu Shaozu and others heard the words, and their eyes lit up.

They didn't have much hope to kill Madman Chu, they just wanted to prevent the opponent from getting the final chance of this starry sky arena.

But he never expected that Madman Chu was crazy to such an extent!

Actually bet with his own life!

"Going together is more sure than a wheel fight! Madman Chu, he definitely can't win!"

"We won, and he committed suicide, completely forever!"

"With the pride of the madman of Chu, if he dares to say such a thing, he will never repent, if he repents, his reputation will be completely defeated!"

The thoughts of the descendant of Yan Luo and others turned, and they were already very excited.

However, there is another problem.

"In the starry sky arena, it seems that there is no such rule as group battle?"

Jinwu Shaozu said.

At this time, the starry sky arena was shocked, and a mask rose up and enveloped the audience.

On the star monument, the names of the people who kept their names began to change.

I saw Madman Chu's name occupy one side, while the remaining names were divided to the other side, forming an opposing situation.

Obviously, the starry sky arena defaulted to the challenge of Madman Chu!

This scene surprised many people.

"Kuangren Chu, let the Starry Sky Arena change the rules for him?!"

"It seems that the Starring Arena also thinks that Madman Chu is too strong, so strong that no one is his opponent on his own, so has the rules changed?!"

"Tsk tusk, it's powerful enough to change the rules. Today I saw it for the first time."

Now that the starry sky arena has changed, Shaozu Jinwu and others no longer hesitate.

They stared at Chu Kuangren, already eager to try.

Lan Yu, Chu Hong, Jue Wushen and others looked at each other, and then said in unison: "We give up."

The brilliance flashed on them, and they were teleported out of the starry sky arena.

Looking at the ring, Lan Yu was attentive, their eyes were serious, and there was a faint worry in their eyes.

"Friend Chu, can he really win?!"

Yuzhi asked worriedly.

You know, at this moment Madman Chu is not facing one or two Tianjiao evildoers, but hundreds of thousands. In the entire starry sky arena, the top Tianjiao evildoer!

"In the face of the son, these people should know what despair is!"

Lan Yu said indifferently.

Although she was a little worried in her heart, she was very confident of Madman Chu.

Having been with Madman Chu for so long, she knew the character of the other party and would never do anything unsure.

"Wang, it's invincible!"

Jue Wu Shen took a deep breath and strengthened his inner conviction.

On the starry sky arena.

Madman Chu stood with his hands in his hands, his white clothes were like snow, and in front of him was the top enchanting Tianjiao in the starry sky arena!

This battle is highly anticipated!

Even the powerful people in the fairy world cast their eyes one after another.

"King Chu, we are here today and will completely crush your pride!"

"Yes, I will let you know that the conceited will eventually fail."

The young master of the Golden Crow, the descendant of Yama, and the **** son of Dongjun looked cold.

Madman Chu looked calm, just put his hand on the hilt of the Kunwu sword, and the white jade-like sword was already trembling with excitement.

"If you are lucky enough to survive, the three words Madman Chu will be your lifelong shadow of Taoism!"

His words completely detonated the anger of everyone present!

"Chu madman, let me see how confident you are, dare to be so arrogant!!"

A supreme arrogant took a step. Holding a heavy hammer in his hand, he slammed it down at Madman Chu. This blow was enough to shatter the stars and the void!

But Madman Chu stood still, motionless!

The sword's finger condensed, and he pointed out at will.

The stunning sword light pierced the sky, and the heavy hammer burst directly under the sword light! !

But on that day, he felt a chill in his neck, and in the next instant, he lost all consciousness.

A head rolled to the ground.

A spring of blood gushed out.

A Tianjiao fell on the spot.

Madman Chu still stood on the spot, saying indifferently: "Without any temptation, use your best and strive to survive!"

After the words fell, UU reading's ruthless killing intent swept out of his slender body and enveloped the audience.

This killing intent seemed to have turned into substance, bitterly cold!

"Everyone, let's go together!! What we are facing, but Madman Chu!!"

The descendant of Yan Luo said solemnly.

The rest of Tianjiao, the evildoer also gradually urged Xianyuan to the extreme!

Even if it is more bullying than less!

However, they still dare not make any negligence!

Just because of the white dress in front of me, since this world, it has not been defeated and is unmatched!

Its horizontal posture has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

At this moment, they said they were facing an undefeated God of War, and it was nothing too much!

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