Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : Zhan Yaoying Tianjiao, do you have only such power when you wait to join forces...

In the starry sky arena, the madman of Chu is alone against all the arrogances and evildoers!

The clothes are flying, showing the worldless style!


Descendants of Yama took the lead in opening the battle!

I saw him step forward and blast out with a palm, and a huge Yin Qi vortex was formed out of thin air, shrouded towards Madman Chu!

The meaning of death bursts all over the world!

It is the palm of Jifu's unique reincarnation!

This palm is so powerful that it seems to swallow all the starry sky. This is the palm of the most enchanting evildoer. It is very terrifying to show the cultivation base of the ninth-grade true immortal of the descendant of Yama!

"The power of the reincarnation of the underworld, you are not strong enough!"

Madman Chu stood still, with traces of gray tribulation light circulating on his body.

That is, the reincarnation of the reincarnation celestial body!

A tribulation light struck out, which contained a large number of Dao patterns and the power of reincarnation. Only a sudden explosion was heard. The tribulation light hit the whirlpool-like reincarnation palm print, and the energy rolled and soared!

The surrounding space exploded, and Xianhui was brilliant.

The descendant of Yan Luo was easily lifted off by this calamity.

But after him, the descendants of King Biancheng, the descendants of the sword demon, the common sceneries, the Buddhism evil spirits and others followed suit.

"Reincarnation means!"

As soon as the descendant of King Biancheng pointed out, the reincarnation pointed out that the force of reincarnation lay in the void!

"The Great Brahma Seal!"

Xujing's hand squeezed the mysterious method, and the endless light of the Buddha rose into the sky, interweaving and manifesting in the void, turning into a huge **** and typing out, full of sacred meaning.

The dark magic sword in Chang Zhijing's hand bloomed with a purple light, and it was cut out with a single sword. The devilish energy was surging, and the void was broken!

The rest of Tianjiao also exerted their abilities.

All kinds of immortal magical powers, one by one, are powerful and terrifying!

The brilliant energy rays covered the sky in an instant, covering the entire starry sky arena.

Just some escaping power can already shatter the void.

These energies are concentrated in one piece, and its power is almost ruining the world, and the crazy Chu who is attacked by these energies is facing the terrible pressure, no one knows.

But those who watched the battle knew that if it was them, there would be no life! !

"Black hole, big distortion!"

But when Madman Chu raised his hand, a black hole appeared in his palm.

This black hole is filled with a terrifying force field, distorting everything!

The black hole force field is directly bombarded with various energies.

With Madman Chu as the center, the surrounding space was completely shattered and turned into a void, forming a terrifying scene that destroys the world!

But in the void, it is not nothingness.

There are countless colorful lights flickering, countless Dao patterns entangled and collided...

That is the magical powers of many Tianjiao.

There is also a terrifying black hole force field, and then these fairy magic magical powers are gradually worn out!

But before these immortal magic powers were dissipated, a figure suddenly swept across the void and attacked towards Madman Chu!

That is, Chang Zhijing!

He was holding a pitch-black magic sword in his hand, and the sword strokes were continuous, intertwined into a dense net of swords, covering the madman Chu overwhelmingly, making him irresistible!

"Dugu Sword Art, no life!!"

The sword net envelops the world, blocking all the paths of life around!

Yes, the sword of inanimate!

Madman Chu's mouth was slightly raised, "Dugu Sword Art, one of the twenty-four methods of kendo, and the fourth-ranked kendo cultivation method, interesting!"

Facing Wusheng Jianwang, he has no retreat, but he does not need to retreat either!

Manipulate the black hole with one hand to kill all kinds of magical powers!

The sword of one hand is condensed, the sword of Zhou, the sword of innocence has been used!

Countless Dao patterns are intertwined and gathered, and a boundless domineering sword intent swept out, stirring the world!

This is the sword of innocence, the sword of tyrants!

Innocent vs. Innocent!

The moment the two supreme kendo practices collided, they saw the sword of no way swept out in an absolute crushing posture, tearing the sword net abruptly!

This sword slashed directly on Chang Zhijing's body!

boom! !

The blood splashed out and turned into a blood mist shape in the void.

But Madman Chu felt that with his sword, it seemed that he had slashed into a barrier, and that barrier had cut off most of his sword power for the ordinary scene.

That is a very high-level defensive inner armor!

After Chang Zhijing, another attack came!

Buddhism evildoers pinch the mysterious tactics, the endless light of the Buddha manifests in the air, turning into a phantom of the Buddha's dharma, pressing down with five fingers, the power is boundless!

There was a lot of Yin Qi whizzing out from the descendant of King Bian Cheng, transforming into a hideous skeleton evil spirit in mid-air.

The Buddha's Dharma and evil spirits, at this moment, it is actually a combination of good and evil!

"Then, can you face Bo Xun directly?"

Madman Chu has a blood-colored Buddha light bursting out into the sky, transforming into a huge four-hands image. There are three faces on this image, corresponding to people's greed, anger, and ignorance! !

It is the lifelong enemy of the Buddha, Bo Xun!

Bo Xunfa appeared, a vast **** Buddha light swept across, brazenly agitated in all directions!

The Buddha’s face, the ferocious ghosts collided with him,

Then, each burst to pieces!

Xujing, the descendant of King Biancheng vomited blood and flew out, his face pale!

But this is not over yet.

The power of Bo Xun is still immense, and he blasted directly to the descendant of King Biancheng, "I recognize..."

When Biancheng Wang Chuanren's face changed, he wanted to admit defeat.

But a purple light flashed in the eyes of Madman Chu, and the power of purple pupils flowed.

Everyone had known that he had a soul attack method, so they had been on guard early in the morning.

But the guard is on guard, and resistance is another matter.

The descendant of King Biancheng was affected by Zitong, and he hadn't fully said the words of surrender, and the power of Bo Xun was directly blasted down! !

As a blood mist exploded, the descendant of King Biancheng didn't even have time to admit defeat and fell on the spot!

On the other side, Madman Chu's black hole had already dismantled all kinds of immortal magic and supernatural powers.

"Killing the Great Spear, breaking the sky!!"

At this time, the top enchanting Shi Tianxuan shot.

The spear light ran out, shaking the earth, and it was about to break the sky!

Compared with the last time he fought against Madman Chu, this time, his cultivation has improved significantly, and he is already very close to the realm of Golden Immortal.

After him, the descendant of Yan Luo also urged Yin Qi to the extreme.

"Samsara Ferry!!"

A palm blasted out, and the power of endless reincarnation turned into a mighty river.

Each wave rises one after another, reflecting the vision of reincarnation and disillusionment.

"Big Sun Jue, Seven Suns Divine Fire!"

There is a big sun on the body of Dongjun Shenzi, and the boundless sacred fire shines out!

Between the goddess of life and death raised her hands, the life and death fairy radiated out, "Siming Jue, the **** of life and death!!"

The power of the killer spear, the long river of reincarnation, the fire of the sun, the strength of life and death, the four powers, from all directions and four directions, blasted towards the Madman of Chu.


Madman Chu drank indifferently, and behind him was a golden red sacred tree soaring into the sky!

The branches stretched out to millions of feet billions, brilliantly dazzling!

It is the ancient hibiscus sacred tree!

Fusang's yin and yang power swept out, and the Chu Madman, black and white immortals rose to the sky, intertwined in the void to form a huge yin and yang picture!

That is the magical power of the immortal body of Liangyi, the yin and yang map of Liangyi!

The two instruments are combined with Fusang, and the two forces of Yin and Yang are superimposed, and the power is multiplied, and it spreads in all directions! !

Several strands of energy collide and turbulence!

And in this energy, the Fusang God Tree stands up and down!

Beneath the sacred tree, a white figure stood proudly, motionless, arrogant, gazing at the world!

"Is there only this kind of power for so many of you to join forces?!"

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