Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Again this formation, the shadow of Dao heart, ten thousand demons and gods form pu

In the starry sky arena, fierce fighting is in the ascendant and continues.

And outside the starry sky arena, many spectators watched this rare battle in the world attentively, very excited.

Especially the endless stream of immortal magic and magical powers and enchanting methods dazzled them even more.

"It's so exciting, the battles of these invaluable arrogances and even enchanting evildoers are too rare!"

"It's more than rare. So many enchanting Tianjiao besieged a person. This is unprecedented. Madman Chu is really abnormal."

"Throughout the ages, he is the only one who can make the enchanting Tianjiao of an era treat this way."

"indeed so……"

Everyone talked a lot and was shocked. They watched the battle attentively, for fear of missing any details.

And above the ring.

Behind Chu Kuangren, the Fusang sacred tree stood on top of the earth. He stood proudly, gazing at the world, and said indifferently: "Is this the only way you can join forces?"

All Tianjiao looked at him with extremely solemn eyes.

"Our attack couldn't hurt him, this person is indeed a pervert!"

"Don't talk about hurting him, you see, his footsteps have not moved from beginning to end, we can't even make him retreat."

Some Tianjiao couldn't help feeling a little desperate after seeing the madman Chu's combat power.

Can such monsters really be able to move them?

"Huh, don't want to be ambitious!"

At this moment, a young man with red hair came out. Behind him, there were more than a dozen Tianjiao, and each of these people had designated the best Tianjiao with a strong aura.

"It's them, the arrogances of the four parts of Xian Ting."

Tianjiao was surprised.

"Chu Madman, don't underestimate the people of the world!"

The headed red-haired young man said in a cold voice, and then, his figure flashed, and he came to the sky above Madman Chu, and shouted, "Arrangement!!"

In an instant.

I saw the Tianjiao of the four parts of Xian Ting scattered around, urging Xian Yuan, four completely different powers were actually resonating with each other.

Wind, fire, thunder, water!

The four forces entangled and changed in the void, transforming into a huge magic circle and enveloping Madman Chu.

"Sixiang Zhuxian Formation, Kai!"

The red-haired young man yelled, and the four forces reflected each other in the void, turning out four terrifying beasts!

The white tiger of wind, the red bird of fire, the blue dragon of thunder, and the basalt of water!

"Oh, this formation again."

Madman Chu chuckled lightly, "You really don't have a long lesson."

He had faced this Four Elephant Zhuxian Formation several times before. This formation was indeed mysterious, and it was the strongest combined attack formation of the Four Xian Ting Divisions.

It's just that he broke it several times.

"Chu madman, don't compare this formation with what you have encountered before. The power of this formation varies from person to person. The stronger the formation, the stronger the power!"

"Look at the four sacred beasts around you, even if they are evildoers, they can easily be killed!!"

The red-haired young man said coldly, and then urged the four sacred beasts to bite towards Madman Chu.

The green dragon roars, the white tiger roars, the vermilion bird roars, and the basalt roars!

The four sacred beasts wrapped the incomparably majestic four elephant energy and rushed towards the Madman Chu, their mighty power to the extreme, everywhere, the space shattered and exploded!

When everyone saw this, they backed away again and again, for fear of being affected.

"I don't know, where did you come from the confidence that this formation can kill me? Four elephants beasts, heh, you **** four beasts!"

Madman Chu gave a chuckle, then slowly raised his hand.


I saw that there were countless Dao patterns condensed on the madman Chu's body, and the fierce aura surging out, turned into a four-headed beast!

This is exactly the four elephants of ten thousand demons!

The four sacred beasts and the four elephants of the formation were bombarded together, and they were constantly biting, shaking the entire formation.

The red-haired young man stepped into the air and shrank slightly, "What kind of practice is this that can actually be transformed into a divine beast?!"

You know, he can achieve this step with a dozen Tianjiao combined formations, but Madman Chu did it with just a few gestures!

But this is not over yet.

"Ten fierce!"

Behind Kuangren Chu, there was a lot of fierce aura boiling, gluttonous, stubborn, and Qiong Qi...

Various fierce beasts and gods appeared one after another!


In addition to the ten evil spirits, all kinds of monsters and gods gradually filled the world, densely packed.

Each of them is lifelike, and the suffocation is compelling!

"Ten Thousand Demons!!"

In the blink of an eye, countless monsters and deities surrounded Madman Chu. At this moment, he turned this world into a wild paradise for monsters!

And he is the supreme savage master, the king of beasts!


The red-haired young man looked at the form of the ten thousand demons, and his body couldn't help but tremble, extremely frightened.

Outside of the formation, the Tianjiao also had an extremely bad premonition.

"Tear the enemy in front of you."

Madman Chu said indifferently, waving his hand gently.

Suddenly, countless monsters and beasts engulfed the monstrous fierce wind, swept out, and the roar echoed in the starry sky.

The magic circle displayed by the red-haired youths was too insignificant in front of this force.

Accompanied by screams and screams, the four elephants and four spirits of the formation were torn to pieces by the ten thousand demons, and the whole formation collapsed in an instant.

And the red-haired youth and others felt as small as dust in the face of the tens of thousands of demon gods, and they couldn't bring up the slightest sense of resistance in their hearts.

Under the bite of the beast and deity shape, the four Tianjiao couldn't form an effective resistance at all, as they were torn into pieces!

Faced with this crazy scene, the other Tianjiao turned pale in fright.

"Fight against it!!"

The descendant of Yan Luo roared.

In an instant, the monsters and gods faced hundreds of Tianjiaoes.

"Damn, damn, how could this be!"

"So strong, so strong, this is simply not an opponent we can deal with!"

One by one Tianjiao was torn into pieces.

The ring is stained with blood, like purgatory on earth!

At this moment, apart from the roar of the monsters in the entire starry sky, there was only the wailing of the Tianjiao monsters.

"I surrender!!"

You Tianjiao couldn't bear it under the monster's fangs, and shouted loudly.

He was teleported out by the ring, and luckily saved his life.

And as the first voice of confession sounded, the other Tianjiao couldn't bear the fear in their hearts, and surrendered one after another.

One by one Tianjiao was teleported out, and they looked at the monsters and beasts raging in the ring, with unspeakable horror in their eyes.

"Weird, monster!!"

"How come there are such people? There shouldn't be such talents in this era, right!"

"Yes, UU reading does not, unless he is not a human, he is a demon!!"

At this moment, the spectators were silent.

They thought of the words Madman Chu said before the war, he would become a shadow of these humanitarian hearts!

Look at these surrendered and surrendered, and luckily saved their lives, but they were trembling with horror, they knew that what Madman Chu said was true!

From this moment on, these Tianjiao enchanting evildoers are abolished.

The person is not dead, but Daoxin has been destroyed.

On the arena, the monsters and gods gradually dissipated, and the entire arena was filled with all kinds of stumps and broken arms, as well as **** air.

The purgatory scene severely stimulated the nerves of everyone present.

Purgatory on earth is nothing more than the case.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Net mobile version reading URL:

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